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PPAS Migration Toolkit document

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Migration Toolkit
Migration Toolkit is a command line utility that imports data or schema object
definitions immediately, or generates scripts that can be used at a later time
to duplicate data and database objects.

Migration Toolkit facilitates migration to an Advanced Server or PostgreSQL database

* Oracle
* Sybase
* SQL Server

Migration Toolkit also simplifies migration from PostgreSQL into Advanced Server, or
from an Advanced Server database into PostgreSQL.

For detailed information about migration support offered by Migration Toolkit, please
refer to the Postgres Plus Migration Guide, available from the EnterpriseDB website at:


Installing Source-Specific Drivers
Before using Migration Toolkit, you must install a source-specific driver. Source-specific
drivers are freely available through their respective vendors; for links to the vendors,
visit the Third Party Drivers page at the EnterpriseDB website:



After downloading the source-specific driver, move the driver file into the
JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory.

Editing the toolkit.properties file
Migration Toolkit reads configuration information from the toolkit.properties file
during the migration process to identify and connect to the source and target
databases. Before executing Migration Toolkit, modify the toolkit.properties file
(located in ‘etc‘ sub-directory, under the Postgres Plus installation directory) with
the editor of your choice. Update the file to include the following information:

* SRC_DB_URL is a JDBC URL that specifies how Migration Toolkit should connect
to the source database.

* SRC_DB_USER specifies a user name with sufficient privileges in the source

* SRC_DB_PASSWORD is the password of the source database user.

* TARGET_DB_URL is the JDBC URL of the target database.

* TARGET_DB_USER specifies a user name with sufficient privileges in the target

* TARGET_DB_PASSWORD is the password of the target database user.

For example, the toolkit.properties file to migrate from an Oracle database (mgmt)
with a user (hr) and password (hr) into an Advanced Server database (edb) with a
user (enterprisedb) and password (edb) contains the entries:



After editing the toolkit.properties file to identify the source and target
database information, use the appropriate command and options (described below)
to migrate.

For information about migrating from a non-Oracle database, see the Postgres
Plus Migration Guide, available at:


Invoking Migration Toolkit
The Migration Toolkit executable is located in the ‘bin‘ directory. The
executable is named runMTK.sh on Linux/Unix systems and runMTK.bat on Windows
Migrating from an instance of Oracle
Use the following commands to migrate from an Oracle database.

To migrate a complete schema:
(On Linux)
$ ./runMTK.sh schema_name
(On Windows)
> .\runMTK.bat schema_name

To migrate multiple schemas, include the schema names in a comma-delimited list:
(On Linux)
$ ./runMTK.sh schema_1,schema_2,schema_3
(On Windows)
> .\runMTK.bat schema_1,schema_2,schema_3

Append the appropriate options to further control the details of the migration. For
example, to migrate all schemas from an Oracle database:

(On Linux)
$ ./runMTK.sh -allSchemas
(On Windows)
> .\runMTK.bat -allSchemas

Specifying a Source Type and a Target Type
By default, Migration Toolkit expects the source database to be Oracle; if the
source database is not Oracle, you must include the -sourcedbtype option when you invoke
Migration Toolkit.

-sourcedbtype source_type
source_type specifies the source database type; by default, source_type is oracle.
source_type may be one of the following values: oracle, mysql, sqlserver, sybase,
postgres, postgresql or enterprisedb. source_type is case-insensitive.

To migrate a complete schema from a MySQL database to an Advanced Server database:
(On Linux)
$ ./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype mysql schema_name
(On Windows)
> .\runMTK.bat -sourcedbtype mysql schema_name

By default, Migration Toolkit expects the target database to be Advanced Server; if the
target database is not Advanced Server, you must include the -targetdbtype option when you
invoke Migration Toolkit.

-targetdbtype target_type target_type specifies the server type of the target database;
by default, target_type is enterprisedb. target_type may be one of the following values:
enterprisedb, postgres or postgresql. target_type is case-insensitive.

To migrate a complete schema from a MySQL database to a postgresql database:
(On Linux)
$ ./runMTK.sh -sourcedbtype mysql -targetdbtype postgresql schema_name
(On Windows)
> .\runMTK.bat -sourcedbtype mysql -targetdbtype postgresql schema_name

Migration Toolkit Command Options

Import Mode
By default, Migration Toolkit imports both the data and the object definition
(DDL) when migrating a schema; you can optionally choose to import either the data
or the DDL.

-sourcedbtype source_type
The -sourcedbtype option specifies the source database type. source_type may be one
of the following values: mysql, oracle, sqlserver, sybase, enterprisedb, postgres,
or postgresql. source_type is case-insensitive. By default, source_type is oracle.

-targetdbtype target_type
The -targetdbtype option specifies the target database type. target_type may be
one of the following values: enterprisedb, postgres, postgresql, oracle or
sqlserver. target_type is case-insensitive. By default, target_type is enterprisedb.

This option imports the schema definition and creates all selected schema
objects in the target database. This option cannot be used in conjunction with
‘-dataOnly‘ option.

This option copies the table data only. When used with the ‘-tables‘ option,
Migration Toolkit will only import data for the selected tables (see usage
details below). This option cannot be used with ‘-schemaOnly‘ option.

Schema Creation
By default, Migration Toolkit imports the source schema objects and/or data into
the existing (target) schema. If the schema does not exist, Migration Toolkit
creates a new schema that is named after the source schema or, alternatively,
uses the custom name specified via the ‘-targetSchema schema_name‘ option. You can
choose to drop the (target) existing schema and create a new schema using the
following option:

-dropSchema [true|false]
When set to true, Migration Toolkit drops the existing schema (if any) and
creates a new schema. By default, -dropSchema is false.

-targetSchema schema_name
Specify the name of the target schema in place of schema_name. If you are
migrating multiple schemas, specify a name for each schema in a comma-separated
list. If the call to Migration Toolkit does not include the -targetSchema
option, the name of the new schema will be the same as the name of the source

Please note that you cannot specify ‘information-schema‘, ‘dbo‘, ‘sys‘ or
‘pg_catalog‘ as target schema names. These schema names are reserved for
meta-data storage.

Schema Object Selection
Use the following options to select specific schema objects to migrate:

Import all tables from the source schema.

-tables table_list
Import the selected tables from the source schema. table_list is a
comma-separated list of table names (e.g. -tables emp,dept,acctg).

-importPartitionAsTable table_list
Include the -importPartitionAsTable parameter to import the contents of a
partitioned table into a single non-partitioned table. table_list is a
comma-separated list of table names (e.g. -importPartitionAsTable emp,dept,acctg).

Import the table constraints. This option is valid when importing an entire
schema or when the ‘-allTables‘ or ‘-tables table_list‘ options are specified.

By default, Migration Toolkit does not implement migration of check constraints
and default clauses from a Sybase database. Include the ignoreCheckConstFilter
parameter when specifying the -constraints parameter to migrate constraints and
default clauses from a Sybase database.

Omit the migration of check constraints. This option is useful when migrating
check constraints that are based on built-in functions (in the source database)
that are not supported in the target database. This option is valid only
when importing an entire schema, or when the -allTables or -tables table_list
option *and* the -constraints option are specified.

Omit the migration of foreign key constraints. This option is valid only when
importing an entire schema, or when the -allTables or -tables table_list option
*and* the -constraints option are specified.

Omit the migration of the column DEFAULT clause.

Import the table indexes. This option is valid when importing an entire
schema or when ‘-allTables‘ or ‘-tables table_list‘ option is specified.

Import the table triggers. This option is valid when importing an entire
schema or when ‘-allTables‘ or ‘-tables table_list‘ option is specified.

Import all views (materialized and dynamic) from the source schema.

-views view_list
Import the specified materialized or dynamic views from the source schema. view_list
is a comma-separated list of view names (e.g. -views all_emp,mgmt_list,acct_list).

Import all sequences from the source schema.

-sequences sequence_list
Import the selected sequences from the source schema. sequence_list is a
comma-separated list of sequence names.

Import all stored procedures from the source schema.

-procs procedures_list
Import the selected stored procedures from the source schema. procedures_list
is a comma-separated list of procedure names.

Import all functions from the source schema.

-funcs function_list
Import the selected functions from the source schema. function_list is a
comma-separated list of function names.

-checkFunctionBodies [true/false]
When false, disables validation of the function body during function creation (to
avoid errors if the function contains forward references). The default value is true.

Import all packages from the source schema.

-packages package_list
Import the selected packages from the source schema. package_list is a
comma-separated list of package names.

Import all rules from the source database; this option is only valid when both the
source and target are stored on a PostgreSQL or PPAS host.

Miscellaneous Options
Display the application command-line usage information.

Display the Migration Toolkit version.

-verbose [on|off]
Display application log messages on standard output (By default, verbose is

-logDir log_path
Include this option to specify where the log files will be written; log_path
represents the directory where log files are saved. By default,
on Linux, the logfiles are saved to:


By default, on Windows, the logfiles are saved to:


-logFileCount file_count Include this option to specify the number of files used in
log file rotation. Specify a value of 0 to disable log file rotation and create a single
log file (it will be truncated when it reaches the value specified using the logFileSize
option). file_count must be greater than or equal to 0; the default is 20.
-logFileSize file_size Include this option to specify the maximum file size limit
(in MB) before rotating to a new log file. file_size must be greater than 0; the default
is 50 MB.

Migration Options
-loaderCount [value]
Use the -loaderCount option to specify the number of parallel threads that Migration
Toolkit should use when importing data. This option is particularly useful if the
source database contains a large volume of data, and the target host has high-end CPU
and RAM resources. While value may be any non-zero, positive number, we recommend that
value should not exceed the number of CPU cores; a dual core CPU should have an optimal
value of 2.

Please note that specifying too large of a value could cause Migration Toolkit to
terminate, generating a ‘Out of heap space‘ error.

Truncate tables before importing new data. This option can only be used in
conjunction with the -dataOnly option.

Include the -enableConstBeforeDataLoad option if a non-partitioned source table is
mapped to a partitioned table. This enables all the triggers on the target table
(including any triggers that redirect data to individual partitions) before the data
migration. -enableConstBeforeDataLoad is valid only if the -truncLoad parameter is also

-retryCount [value]
If you are performing a multiple-schema migration, objects that fail to migrate
during the first migration attempt due to cross-schema dependencies may successfully
migrate during a subsequent migration. Use the -retryCount option to specify the
number of attempts that Migration Toolkit will make to migrate an object that has
failed during an initial migration attempt. Specify a value that is greater than 0;
the default value is 2.

If you include the -safeMode option, Migration Toolkit commits each row as
migrated; if the migration fails to transfer all records, rows inserted prior
to the point of failure will remain in the target database.

Including the -fastCopy option specifies that Migration Toolkit should bypass
WAL logging to perform the COPY operation in an optimized way, default disabled.
If you choose to use the -fastCopy option, migrated data may not be recoverable
(in the target database) if the migration is interrupted.

-replaceNullChar [value]
Include the -replaceNullChar option, to instruct Migration Toolkit to replace NULL
characters within a column with the specified value. By default, Migration Toolkit
does not replace NULL characters.

Include the -analyze option to invoke the Postgres ANALYZE operation against a target
database. The optimizer consults the statistics collected by the ANALYZE operation,
utilizing the information to construct efficient query plans.

Include the -vacuumAnalyze option to invoke both the VACUUM and ANALYZE operations
against a target database. The optimizer consults the statistics collected by the
ANALYZE operation, utilizing the information to construct efficient query plans.
The VACUUM operation reclaims any storage space occupied by dead tuples in the target

Specify a single character to be used as a delimiter in the copy command when
loading table data. The default value is ‘\t‘ (tab).

Specify the batch size of bulk inserts. Valid values are 1-1000. The default
batch size is 1000; reduce the value of batchSize if Out of Memory exceptions

Specify the Batch Size in MB, to be used in the Copy command. Any value
greater than 0 is valid; the default batch size is 8 MB.

Use the -fetchSize option to specify the number of rows fetched in a result set.
If the fetchSize is too large, you may encounter Out of Memory exceptions; use
the -fetchSize option to limit the fetchSize when migrating large tables. The
default fetch size is specific to the JDBC driver implementation, and varies by

MySQL users note: By default, the MySQL JDBC driver will fetch all of the rows
that reside in a table into the client application (Migration Toolkit) in a single
network round-trip. This behavior can easily exceed available memory for large
tables. If you encounter an ‘out of heap space‘ error, specify -fetchSize 1 as a
command line argument to force Migration Toolkit to load the table data one row at
a time.

-filterProp file_name
file_name specifies the name of a file that contains constraints in key=value
pairs. Each record read from the database is evaluated against the
constraints; those that satisfy the constraints are migrated. The left side
of the pair specifies a table name; please note that the table name should not
be schema-qualified. The right side specifies a condition that must be true for
each row migrated. For example including the following constraints in the property


Migrates only those countries with a country_id value that is not equal
to ‘AR‘; this constraint applies to the countries table.

-customColTypeMapping list
Use custom type mapping to change the data type of migrated columns. The left
side of each pair specifies the columns with a regular expression; the right
side of each pair names the data type that column should assume. You can
include multiple pairs in a semi-colon separated column_list. For example, to
map any column whose name ends in ‘ID‘ to type INTEGER, use the following custom
mapping entry:


Custom mapping is applied to all table columns that match the criteria unless
the column is table-qualified.

The ‘\\‘ characters act as an escape string; since "." is a reserved character
in regular expressions, use "\\." to represent the ‘.‘ character. For example,
to select rows from the "EMP_ID" column in the "EMP" table, specify the
following custom mapping entry:


-customColTypeMappingFile property_file
You can include multiple custom type mappings in a property_file; specify each
entry on a separate line, in a COL_NAME_REG_EXPR=TYPE pair.

-offlineMigration [directoryName]
The -offlineMigration option generates a set of SQL scripts that will recreate
the data and/or schema objects in the target database. The SQL command that creates
each object or data item is saved in a separate file whose name is derived from the
schema name and object type (e.g. mtk_hr_table_ddl.sql).

In addition to creating individual SQL files, Migration Toolkit creates a master
file that contains the DDL scripts for all of the migrated objects. The name of
the master file is based on the schema name (e.g. mtk_hr_ddl.sql). If you are
migrating multiple schemas, a separate master file is created for each schema.

To specify a file destination, include a directory name after the
‘-offlineMigration‘ option:

$ ./runMTK -offlineMigration /opt/mtk

If you do not specify a directory, the scripts are created in your home directory.

For more information about performing an offline migration, please see Section 7.1 of
the Postgres Plus Migration Guide, available from EnterpriseDB at:


Oracle Specific Options
The following options apply only when the source database is Oracle.

-objecttypes schema_name
Import all object types from the source schema. schema_name is the name of the
source schema.

Import all users and roles from the source database.

-users user_list
Import the selected users or roles from the source Oracle database. user_list
is a comma-separated list of user/role names (e.g. -users MTK,SAMPLE,acctg)

The dblink_ora module provides EnterpriseDB to Oracle connectivity at the SQL
level. dblink_ora is bundled and installed as part of the EnterpriseDB
database installation. dblink_ora utilizes the COPY API method to transfer
data from an Oracle database to EnterpriseDB database and is considerably
faster than the JDBC COPY method.

The following example uses the dblink_ora COPY API to migrate all tables from
the HR schema:

$ ./runMTK -copyViaDBLinkOra -allTables HR

The target EnterpriseDB database must have dblink_ora installed and
configured. For installation details, refer to the dblink_ora setup guide
‘README-dblink_ora_setup.txt‘, in the /doc subfolder under the Postgres Plus
Advanced Server installation home directory.

-allDBLinks [link_Name_1=password_1,link_Name_2=password_2,...]
Choose this option to migrate Oracle database links. The password information
for each link connection in the source database is encrypted, so unless
specified, a default password (edb) is substituted.

To migrate all database links (using "edb" as the default password) for the
connected user:

$ ./runMTK -allDBLinks HR

You can alternatively specify the password for each of the database links
through a comma-separated list of name=value pairs. Specify the link name on
the left side of the pair and the password on the right side.

To migrate all database links with the passwords specified on the

$ ./runMTK -allDBLinks LINK_NAME1=abc,LINK_NAME2=xyz HR

Migration Toolkit migrates only the database link types that are currently
supported by EnterpriseDB; this includes "Fixed User Links" of Public and
Private type.

Include the -allSynonyms option to migrate all public and private synonyms from
an Oracle database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name
already exists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with
the migrated version.

Include the -allPublicSynonyms option to migrate all public synonyms from an Oracle
database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name already
exists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with the
migrated version.
Include the -allPrivate Synonyms option to migrate all private synonyms from an Oracle
database to an Advanced Server database. If a synonym with the same name already
exists in the target database, the existing synonym will be replaced with the
migrated version.

For more information about using Migration Toolkit, see the Postgres Plus Migration
Guide, available from:


Copyright (c) 2013 - EnterpriseDB Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

PPAS Migration Toolkit document



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