create database xuexiao go use xuexiao go --表一:学生表 student --学号:code int (主键)从1开始 --姓名:name varchar(50) --性别:sex char(10) --班级:banji char(10) --语文教师编号:yujiao int --数学教师编号:yujiao int --英语教师编号:yujiao int create table student ( scode int primary key identity(10001,1)not null,--主键 name varchar(50), sex char(10), banji char(10), yujiao int ,--外键 shujiao int,--外键 yingjiao int,--外键 ) --插入学生表数据 --一班数据 insert into student values(‘王红‘,‘女‘,‘一班‘,1001,1004,1007) insert into student values(‘周瑜‘,‘男‘,‘一班‘,1001,1004,1007) insert into student values(‘张飞‘,‘男‘,‘一班‘,1001,1004,1007) insert into student values(‘乔雨‘,‘女‘,‘一班‘,1001,1004,1007) insert into student values(‘王发‘,‘女‘,‘一班‘,1001,1004,1007) --二班数据 insert into student values(‘杜鹃‘,‘女‘,‘二班‘,1002,1005,1008) insert into student values(‘白小飞‘,‘男‘,‘二班‘,1002,1005,1008) insert into student values(‘刘小峰‘,‘男‘,‘二班‘,1002,1005,1008) insert into student values(‘张强‘,‘男‘,‘二班‘,1002,1005,1008) insert into student values(‘周莹莹‘,‘女‘,‘二班‘,1002,1005,1008) --三班数据 insert into student values(‘赵晓红‘,‘女‘,‘三班‘,1003,1006,1009) insert into student values(‘王国章‘,‘男‘,‘三班‘,1003,1006,1009) insert into student values(‘张三更‘,‘男‘,‘三班‘,1003,1006,1009) insert into student values(‘潘晓丽‘,‘女‘,‘三班‘,1003,1006,1009) insert into student values(‘楚红红‘,‘女‘,‘三班‘,1003,1006,1009) --表二:教师表 teacher --教师编号:code int (主键) 从1001开始 --负责课程:lesson char(10)(语文、数学、英语) --年龄:age int --生日:birth datetime create table teacher ( tcode int primary key identity(1001,1)not null,--主键 tname varchar(20), lesson char(10), age int, birth datetime, ) insert into teacher values(‘张斌‘,‘语文‘,30,1986-3-30) insert into teacher values(‘齐红‘,‘语文‘,40,1976-9-20) insert into teacher values(‘王雪丽‘,‘语文‘,25,1991-2-3) insert into teacher values(‘崔刚‘,‘数学‘,36,1980-2-10) insert into teacher values(‘余兵‘,‘数学‘,30,1986-6-30) insert into teacher values(‘刘备‘,‘数学‘,50,1966-7-20) insert into teacher values(‘张灿灿‘,‘英语‘,30,1986-5-5) insert into teacher values(‘王丽丽‘,‘英语‘,26,1990-7-7) insert into teacher values(‘张婷婷‘,‘英语‘,35,1981-6-3) --表三:分数表 score --学号:code int (学生学号的外键) --语文分数:yufen decimal(18,2) --数学分数:shufen decimal(18,2) --英语分数:yingfen decimal(18,2) create table score ( fcode int ,--外键 yufen decimal(18,2), shufen decimal(18,2), yingfen decimal(18,2), ) --插入分数数据 --一班数据 insert into score values(10001,80,90,70) insert into score values(10002,50,80,60) insert into score values(10003,60,55,80) insert into score values(10004,70,90,55) insert into score values(10005,50,70,80) --二班数据 insert into score values(10006,90,60,80) insert into score values(10007,60,50,66) insert into score values(10008,70,82,59) insert into score values(10009,63,87,85) insert into score values(10010,45,55,64) --三班分数 insert into score values(10011,90,90,70) insert into score values(10012,60,80,70) insert into score values(10013,55,70,56) insert into score values(10014,70,80,70) insert into score values(10015,85,55,70) --学生表数据:插入三个班的学生数据,每个班的相同科目的教师都是相同的 --至少每个班5个人 --教师表数据:语文教师,数学教师,英语教师分别三个,每一个对应一个班级 --分数表数据:学号对应的语文、数学、英语成绩 select * from student select * from teacher select * from score --查询此次语文成绩最高的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen desc) --查询此次数学成绩最高的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc) --查询此次英语成绩最高的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen desc) --查询此次语文成绩最低的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen ) --查询此次数学成绩最低的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen ) --查询此次英语成绩最低的学生的信息 select * from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen) --查询此次语文成绩最低的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select yujiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen )) --查询此次数学成绩最低的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select shujiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen )) --查询此次英语成绩最低的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select yingjiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen )) --查询此次语文成绩最高的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select yujiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yufen desc )) --查询此次数学成绩最高的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select shujiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by shufen desc )) --查询此次英语成绩最高的学生所任课教师的信息 select * from teacher where tcode= (select yingjiao from student where scode= (select top 1 fcode from score order by yingfen desc )) --查询学生信息,将所有语文任课教师编号改为该科目的任课教师名字显示 select scode,name, sex, banji, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao),shujiao,yingjiao from student --查询学生信息,将所有任课教师编号改为该科目的任课教师名字显示 select scode,name, sex, banji, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao)as 语文老师, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.shujiao)as 数学老师, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yingjiao) as 英语老师 from student select scode, name,sex ,banji,yujiao,shujiao,yingjiao from student join teacher on student.yujiao=teacher.tname or student.yujiao=teacher.tname or student.yujiao=teacher.tname --查询各个学生的学号,姓名,语文分数,数学分数,英语分数,以及三门课里面每一门课的任课教师姓名 select scode,name, (select yufen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 语文成绩, (select shufen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 数学成绩, (select yingfen from score where score.fcode=student.scode ) as 英语成绩, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yujiao) as 语文老师, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.shujiao) as 数学老师, (select tname from teacher where teacher.tcode=student.yingjiao) as 英语老师 from student --查询每个班级里的语文最高分 --一班 select top 1 yufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) order by yufen desc --二班 select top 1 yufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) order by yufen desc --三班 select top 1 yufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) order by yufen desc --查询每个班级里的数学最高分 select top 1 shufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) order by shufen desc --二班 select top 1 shufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) order by shufen desc --三班 select top 1 shufen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) order by shufen desc --查询每个班级里的英语最高分 select top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) order by yingfen desc --二班 select top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) order by yingfen desc --三班 select top 1 yingfen from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) order by yingfen desc --查看每个班的语文平均分 select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) select AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) --查询语文课程平均分最高的班级的语文教师的信息 declare @a decimal(18,2) select @a=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) declare @b decimal(18,2) select @b=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) declare @c decimal(18,2) select @c=AVG(yufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) declare @jie varchar(20) if @a>@b and @a>@c set @jie =‘一班‘ else if @b>@a and @b>@c set @jie =‘二班‘ else if @c>@a and @c>@b set @jie =‘三班‘ select * from teacher where tcode in (select yujiao from student where banji=@jie) --查询数学课程平均分最高的班级的数学教师的信息 declare @a decimal(18,2) select @a=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) declare @b decimal(18,2) select @b=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) declare @c decimal(18,2) select @c=AVG(shufen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) declare @jie varchar(20) if @a>@b and @a>@c set @jie =‘一班‘ else if @b>@a and @b>@c set @jie =‘二班‘ else if @c>@a and @c>@b set @jie =‘三班‘ select * from teacher where tcode in (select shujiao from student where banji=@jie) --查询英语课程平均分最高的班级的英语教师的信息 declare @a decimal(18,2) select @a=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘一班‘) declare @b decimal(18,2) select @b=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘二班‘) declare @c decimal(18,2) select @c=AVG(yingfen) from score where fcode in (select scode from student where banji=‘三班‘) declare @jie varchar(20) if @a>@b and @a>@c set @jie =‘一班‘ else if @b>@a and @b>@c set @jie =‘二班‘ else if @c>@a and @c>@b set @jie =‘三班‘ select * from teacher where tcode in (select yingjiao from student where banji=@jie) --求某一个教师教学水平是否达标,学生成绩大于等于80人数超过3个为达标 --刘备 declare @laoshi decimal(18,2) select @laoshi=tcode from teacher where tname=‘刘备‘ declare @renshu int select @renshu=COUNT(*) from score where fcode in(select scode from student where shujiao=@laoshi) and shufen>=80 if @renshu>=3 print ‘教学水平达标‘ else print ‘教学水平不达标‘