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tomcat 二级域名 session共享

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Tomcat下,不同的二级域名之间或根域与子域之间,Session默认是不共享的,因为Cookie名称为JSESSIONID的Cookie根域是默认是没设置 的,访问不同的二级域名,其Cookie就重新生成,而session就是根据这个Cookie来生成的,所以在不同的二级域名下生成的Session也 不一样。找到了其原因,就可根据这个原因对Tomcat在生成Session时进行相应的修改(注:本文针对Tomcat 6.0.18)。

修改tomcat源代码 包:catalina.jar 

protected void configureSessionCookie(Cookie cookie) {       
        String contextPath = null; 
        if (!connector.getEmptySessionPath() && (getContext() != null)) { 
            contextPath = getContext().getEncodedPath();       
        if ((contextPath != null) && (contextPath.length() > 0)) {       
 } else { 
            cookie.setPath("/");         } 
        String value = System.getProperty("webDomain");     
    if ((null !=value) && (value.length()>0) && (value.indexOf(".") != -1)) { 
        if (isSecure()) { 
            cookie.setSecure(true);         }   

修改配置:tomcat\conf\catalina.properties,在最后添加一行 webDomain=***.com



 - compile CrossSubdomainSessionValve & put it in a .jar file 
 - put that .jar file in $CATALINA_HOME/lib directory 
 - include a <Valve className="org.three3s.valves.CrossSubdomainSessionValve"/> in 

package org.three3s.valves;

import java.io.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import org.apache.catalina.*;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.*;
import org.apache.catalina.valves.*;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.*;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.*;

/** <p>Replaces the domain of the session cookie generated by Tomcat
with a domain that allows that
 * session cookie to be shared across subdomains.  This valve digs
down into the response headers
 * and replaces the Set-Cookie header for the session cookie, instead
of futilely trying to
 * modify an existing Cookie object like the example at
http://www.esus.be/blog/?p=3.  That
 * approach does not work (at least as of Tomcat 6.0.14) because the
 * <code>org.apache.catalina.connector.Response.addCookieInternal</code>
method renders the
 * cookie into the Set-Cookie response header immediately, making any
subsequent modifying calls
 * on the Cookie object ultimately pointless.</p>
 * <p>This results in a single, cross-subdomain session cookie on the
client that allows the
 * session to be shared across all subdomains.  However, see the
{@link getCookieDomain(Request)}
 * method for limits on the subdomains.</p>
 * <p>Note though, that this approach will fail if the response has
already been committed.  Thus,
 * this valve forces Tomcat to generate the session cookie and then
replaces it before invoking
 * the next valve in the chain.  Hopefully this is early enough in the
valve-processing chain
 * that the response will not have already been committed.  You are
advised to define this
 * valve as early as possible in server.xml to ensure that the
response has not already been
 * committed when this valve is invoked.</p>
 * <p>We recommend that you define this valve in server.xml
immediately after the Catalina Engine
 * as follows:
 * <pre>
 * <Engine name="Catalina"...>
 *     <Valve className="org.three3s.valves.CrossSubdomainSessionValve"/>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
public class CrossSubdomainSessionValve extends ValveBase
    public CrossSubdomainSessionValve()
        info = "org.three3s.valves.CrossSubdomainSessionValve/1.0";

    public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws
IOException, ServletException
        //this will cause Request.doGetSession to create the session
cookie if necessary

        //replace any Tomcat-generated session cookies with our own
        Cookie[] cookies = response.getCookies();
        if (cookies != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)
                Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
                containerLog.debug("CrossSubdomainSessionValve: Cookie
name is " + cookie.getName());
                if (Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME.equals(cookie.getName()))
                    replaceCookie(request, response, cookie);

        //process the next valve
        getNext().invoke(request, response);

    /** Replaces the value of the response header used to set the
specified cookie to a value
     * with the cookie‘s domain set to the value returned by
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param cookie cookie to be replaced.
    protected void replaceCookie(Request request, Response response,
Cookie cookie)
        //copy the existing session cookie, but use a different domain
        Cookie newCookie = new Cookie(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue());
        if (cookie.getPath() != null)
        if (cookie.getComment() != null)

        //if the response has already been committed, our replacement
strategy will have no effect
        if (response.isCommitted())
            containerLog.error("CrossSubdomainSessionValve: response
was already committed!");

        //find the Set-Cookie header for the existing cookie and
replace its value with new cookie
        MimeHeaders headers = response.getCoyoteResponse().getMimeHeaders();
        for (int i = 0, size = headers.size(); i < size; i++)
            if (headers.getName(i).equals("Set-Cookie"))
                MessageBytes value = headers.getValue(i);
                if (value.indexOf(cookie.getName()) >= 0)
                    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
newCookie.getVersion(), newCookie
                            .getName(), newCookie.getValue(),
newCookie.getPath(), newCookie
                            .getDomain(), newCookie.getComment(),
newCookie.getMaxAge(), newCookie
old Set-Cookie value: "
                            + value.toString());
new Set-Cookie value: " + buffer);

    /** Returns the last two parts of the specified request‘s server
name preceded by a dot.
     * Using this as the session cookie‘s domain allows the session to
be shared across subdomains.
     * Note that this implies the session can only be used with
domains consisting of two or
     * three parts, according to the domain-matching rules specified
in RFC 2109 and RFC 2965.
     * <p>Examples:</p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>foo.com => .foo.com</li>
     * <li>www.foo.com => .foo.com</li>
     * <li>bar.foo.com => .foo.com</li>
     * <li>abc.bar.foo.com => .foo.com - this means cookie won‘t work
on abc.bar.foo.com!</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param request provides the server name used to create cookie domain.
     * @return the last two parts of the specified request‘s server
name preceded by a dot.
    protected String getCookieDomain(Request request)
        String cookieDomain = request.getServerName();
        String[] parts = cookieDomain.split("\\.");
        if (parts.length >= 2)
            cookieDomain = parts[parts.length - 2] + "." +
parts[parts.length - 1];
        return "." + cookieDomain;

    public String toString()
        return ("CrossSubdomainSessionValve[container=" +
container.getName() + ‘]‘);





下载CrossSubdomainSessionValve包.. 把下载的包,放到$CATALINA_HOME/server/lib 里面

然后修改tomcat的配置文件: $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml


<Valve className="org.three3s.valves.CrossSubdomainSessionValve"/>  


<Engine name="Catalina"...>    
       <valve className="org.three3s.valves.CrossSubdomainSessionValve"/>   





这是简单方案。 多台服务器的话,还需要配置tomcat的session复制。
大型项目出于性能考虑,一般采用session分布式方案,如: 修改session实现+分布式缓存memcached

Memcache存储session,修改tomcat源码,实现全站二级域名session共享 http://blog.csdn.net/jimmy1980/article/details/4975476
使用memcache实现session共享 http://blog.csdn.net/jimmy1980/article/details/4981410

tomcat 二级域名 session共享,布布扣,bubuko.com

tomcat 二级域名 session共享

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