Keywords: Office Word
You can adjust the indents in a list to change how the list items line up.
NOTE: For information about adjusting line spacing, see Adjust the spaces between lines or paragraphs.
Adjust the spacing for an entire list
Click one of the bullets or numbers to select the entire list.
Right-click one of the highlighted bullets or numbers, and then choose Adjust List Indents. The Adjust List Indents dialog box opens.
Change the values in the boxes to adjust the alignment.
Bullet or number position Enter the position where you want the selected number or bullet.
Text indent Enter the position where you want the text to line up.
Follow number with Enter the amount of space between the selected numbers or bullets and text: Tab characterwith specified distance between selected numbers or bullets and text, Space for a single space between the selected numbers or bullets and text, or Nothing for no space between the selected numbers or bullets and text.
Adjust the spacing for a single list item
Select the text in the list item that you would like to adjust.
Right-click the selected text, and then click Adjust List Indents. The Adjust List Indents dialog box displays.
To adjust the alignment, change the values in the boxes to adjust the alignment:
Bullet or number position Enter the position where you want the selected number or bullet.
Text indent Enter the position where you want the text to line up.
Follow number with Enter the amount of space between the selected numbers or bullets and text: Tab characterwith specified distance between selected numbers or bullets and text, Space for a single space between the selected numbers or bullets and text, or Nothing for no space between the selected numbers or bullets and text.
NOTE: It is not recommended that you use the ruler to adjust list indents.
Reference: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Change-the-indent-between-a-list-bullet-or-number-and-text-A2B7B2E4-9C74-4CA7-8FC4-52908F8EFB22
Change the indent between a list bullet or number and text