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时间:2014-08-04 23:58:38      阅读:563      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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use SalesDB1

-- 查看表是否已经分区
FROM sys .tables AS t
JOIN sys .indexes AS i
    ON t .[object_id] = i .[object_id]     AND i .[type] IN ( 0,1 )
JOIN sys .partition_schemes ps
    ON i .data_space_id = ps .data_space_id
WHERE t .name = table ; -- 只加表名不需要加上架构名

-- 查询库中的那些表有分区
select  tbl .name
from    sys .partition_functions pf
join    sys .partition_schemes ps on pf. function_id = ps. function_id
join    sys .indexes idx on idx. data_space_id = ps. data_space_id and idx.index_id >1
join    sys .tables tbl on idx. object_id = tbl. object_id
order by tbl. name

-- 确定已经分区的表的列:
    t.[object_id] AS ObjectID
    , t .name AS TableName
    , ic .column_id AS PartitioningColumnID
    , c .name AS PartitioningColumnName
FROM sys .tables AS t JOIN sys.indexes AS i
    ON t .[object_id] = i .[object_id]    AND i .[type] <= 1 -- clustered index or a heap
JOIN sys .partition_schemes AS ps
    ON ps .data_space_id = i .data_space_id
JOIN sys .index_columns AS ic
    ON ic .[object_id] = i .[object_id]
    AND ic .index_id = i .index_id     AND ic .partition_ordinal >= 1 -- because 0 = non-partitioning column
JOIN sys .columns AS c
    ON t .[object_id] = c .[object_id]     AND ic .column_id = c .column_id
WHERE t .name = Table ;

-- 每个分区的边界值
SELECT t .name AS TableName , i .name AS IndexName , p .partition_number, p.partition_id , i .data_space_id, f. function_id, f.type_desc , r.boundary_id , r .value AS BoundaryValue
FROM sys .tables AS t
JOIN sys .indexes AS i
    ON t .object_id = i .object_id
JOIN sys .partitions AS p
    ON i .object_id = p .object_id AND i .index_id = p .index_id
JOIN  sys .partition_schemes AS s
    ON i .data_space_id = s .data_space_id
JOIN sys .partition_functions AS f
    ON s .function_id = f .function_id
LEFT JOIN sys. partition_range_values AS r
    ON f .function_id = r .function_id and r .boundary_id = p.partition_number
WHERE t .name = Table AND i.type <= 1
ORDER BY p. partition_number;

select * from sys.filegroups    -- 查看数据库的文件组
select * from sys.sysfiles        -- 查看数据库文件
select * from sys.partition_functions        -- 查看分区函数
select * from sys.partition_range_values    -- 边界值
select * from sys.partition_schemes            --分区架构

-- 添加文件组,并指定文件组的文件
ALTER DATABASE [Data Partition DB2]ADD FILEGROUP  [Data Partition DB FG5]
ALTER DATABASE [Data Partition DB2]ADD FILE(NAME=Data Partition DB FG5,
FILENAME=D:\Database\Data Partition DB FG5.ndf) TO FILEGROUP [Data Partition DB FG5];

-- 添加分区函数,及分区架构
alter partition scheme ps_OrderDate  next used [FG4]
alter partition function  pf_OrderDate() split range (2005/01/01)

alter partition function  pf_OrderDate() merge range (2003/01/01)




标签:des   style   blog   color   io   文件   数据   art   


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