需要安装三个lua 库: xavante wsapi cgilua
luarocks install xavante
Xavante is a Lua HTTP 1.1 Web server that uses a modular architecture based on URI mapped handlers. Xavante currently offers a file handler, a redirect handler and a WSAPI handler. Those are used for general files, URI remapping and WSAPI applications respectively.
luarocks install wsapi-xavante
WSAPI is an API that abstracts the web server from Lua web applications. By coding against WSAPI your application can run on any of the supported servers and interfaces (currently CGI, FastCGI and Xavante, on Windows and UNIX-based systems).
luarocks install cgilua
CGILua is a tool for creating dynamic Web pages and manipulating input data from Web forms. CGILua allows the separation of logic and data handling from the generation of pages, making it easy to develop web applications with Lua.
root@fqs:/home/share/cgilua-master/cgilua-master/examples# lua xavante_cgilua.lua
[2016-06-22 22:16:50] Xavante started on port(s) 8080
xavante = require "xavante"
xavante.filehandler = require "xavante.filehandler"
xavante.cgiluahandler = require "xavante.cgiluahandler"
xavante.redirecthandler = require "xavante.redirecthandler"-- Define here where Xavante HTTP documents scripts are located
local webDir = "."local simplerules = {
{ -- URI remapping example
match = "^[^%./]*/$",
with = xavante.redirecthandler,
params = {"index.lp"}
},{ -- cgiluahandler example
match = {"%.lp$", "%.lp/.*$", "%.lua$", "%.lua/.*$" },
with = xavante.cgiluahandler.makeHandler (webDir)
{ -- filehandler example
match = ".",
with = xavante.filehandler,
params = {baseDir = webDir}
server = {host = "*", port = 8080},
defaultHost = {
rules = simplerules
-- Displays a message in the console with the used ports
xavante.start_message(function (ports)
local date = os.date("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]")
print(string.format("%s Xavante started on port(s) %s",
date, table.concat(ports, ", ")))
1、 xavante 负责服务器的启动, 并制定 cgilua 请求处理的handler注册
{ -- cgiluahandler example
match = {"%.lp$", "%.lp/.*$", "%.lua$", "%.lua/.*$" },
with = xavante.cgiluahandler.makeHandler (webDir)
2、xavante.cgiluahandler.makeHandler (webDir) , handler的构造
-- Returns the CGILua handler
function _M.makeHandler (diskpath, params)
params = setmetatable(params or {}, { __index = { modname = "wsapi.sapi",
bootstrap = bootstrap } })
local sapi_loader = common.make_isolated_launcher(params)
return xavante.makeHandler(sapi_loader, nil, diskpath)
其中,handler构造依赖了 xavante的wsapi, with的值可以是 function(req, res)
local xavante = require "wsapi.xavante" --- 专门针对 xavante写的wsapi的适配
-- Makes a WSAPI handler for a single WSAPI application
function _M.makeHandler (app_func, app_prefix, docroot, app_path, extra_vars)
return function (req, res)
return wsapihandler(req, res, app_func, app_prefix, docroot, app_path, extra_vars)
wsapi.xavante中存在 构造 cgivars 表。
make_handler 入参 wsapi_loader需要 wsapi.sapi文件支持
params = setmetatable(params or {}, { __index = { modname = "wsapi.sapi",
bootstrap = bootstrap } })
local sapi_loader = common.make_isolated_launcher(params)
此loader即加载 wsapi.sapi文件, 文件被rings包裹运行, 即 wsapi.sapi –> cgilua 都是在独立环境下运行
前面 “wsapi.xavante中存在 构造 cgivars 表” 也会传入 独立的运行环境。
wsapi.sapi 直接 调用 cgilua
local cgilua = require "cgilua"
return res:finish()