Table of Contents
1 git初始化
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/aidongsheng/project/openvpn/.git/
2 git config (配置)
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git config "aidongsheng" aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git config "" aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git remote add origin aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git config -l core.excludesfile=~/.gitignore core.legacyheaders=false core.quotepath=false core.pager=less -r mergetool.keepbackup=true push.default=simple color.ui=auto color.interactive=auto repack.usedeltabaseoffset=true alias.s=status alias.a=!git add . && git status!git add -u . && git status alias.aa=!git add . && git add -u . && git status alias.c=commit -m --amend!git add . && git commit alias.acm=!git add . && git commit -m alias.l=log --graph --all --pretty=format:‘%C(yellow)%h%C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %an, %ar%Creset‘ alias.ll=log --stat --abbrev-commit alias.lg=log --color --graph --pretty=format:‘%C(bold white)%h%Creset -%C(bold green)%d%Creset %s %C(bold green)(%cr)%Creset %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset‘ --abbrev-commit --date=relative alias.llg=log --color --graph --pretty=format:‘%C(bold white)%H %d%Creset%n%s%n%+b%C(bold blue)%an <%ae>%Creset %C(bold green)%cr (%ci)‘ --abbrev-commit alias.d=diff alias.master=checkout master alias.spull=svn rebase alias.spush=svn dcommit alias.alias=!git config --list | grep ‘alias\.‘ | sed ‘s/alias\.\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/\1\ => \2/‘ | sort include.path=~/.gitcinclude include.path=.githubconfig include.path=.gitcredential diff.exif.textconv=exif credential.helper=osxkeychain push.default=matching core.editor=/usr/bin/emacs core.excludesfile=/Users/aidongsheng/.gitignore_global core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=false core.logallrefupdates=true core.ignorecase=true core.precomposeunicode=true remote.origin.url= remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
3 git clone (克隆)
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git clone
Cloning into ‘openvpn‘...
remote: Counting objects: 13972, done.
remote: Total 13972 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 13972
Receiving objects: 100% (13972/13972), 10.66 MiB | 154.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10145/10145), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
4 获取远程分支 (branch) 以及标签 (tag)
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git fetch /* 获取远程分支以及标签信息 */ remote: Counting objects: 13575, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done. remote: Total 13575 (delta 2), reused 25 (delta 2), pack-reused 13550 Receiving objects: 100% (13575/13575), 10.58 MiB | 303.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (9830/9830), done. From * [new branch] beta/2.3 -> origin/beta/2.3 * [new branch] coverity_scan -> origin/coverity_scan * [new branch] master -> origin/master * [new branch] release/2.1 -> origin/release/2.1 * [new branch] release/2.2 -> origin/release/2.2 * [new branch] release/2.3 -> origin/release/2.3 * [new tag] v2.2.3 -> v2.2.3 * [new tag] v2.3.0 -> v2.3.0 * [new tag] v2.1.0 -> v2.1.0 * [new tag] v2.1.1 -> v2.1.1 * [new tag] v2.1.2 -> v2.1.2 * [new tag] v2.1.3 -> v2.1.3 * [new tag] v2.1.4 -> v2.1.4 * [new tag] v2.1_rc1 -> v2.1_rc1 * [new tag] v2.1_rc10 -> v2.1_rc10 * [new tag] v2.1_rc11 -> v2.1_rc11 * [new tag] v2.1_rc12 -> v2.1_rc12 * [new tag] v2.1_rc13 -> v2.1_rc13 * [new tag] v2.1_rc14 -> v2.1_rc14 * [new tag] v2.1_rc15 -> v2.1_rc15 * [new tag] v2.1_rc16 -> v2.1_rc16 * [new tag] v2.1_rc17 -> v2.1_rc17 * [new tag] v2.1_rc18 -> v2.1_rc18 * [new tag] v2.1_rc19 -> v2.1_rc19 * [new tag] v2.1_rc2 -> v2.1_rc2 * [new tag] v2.1_rc20 -> v2.1_rc20 * [new tag] v2.1_rc21 -> v2.1_rc21 * [new tag] v2.1_rc22 -> v2.1_rc22 * [new tag] v2.1_rc3 -> v2.1_rc3 * [new tag] v2.1_rc4 -> v2.1_rc4 * [new tag] v2.1_rc5 -> v2.1_rc5 * [new tag] v2.1_rc6 -> v2.1_rc6 * [new tag] v2.1_rc7 -> v2.1_rc7 * [new tag] v2.1_rc8 -> v2.1_rc8 * [new tag] v2.1_rc9 -> v2.1_rc9 * [new tag] v2.2-RC -> v2.2-RC * [new tag] v2.2-RC2 -> v2.2-RC2 * [new tag] v2.2-beta4 -> v2.2-beta4 * [new tag] v2.2-beta5 -> v2.2-beta5 * [new tag] v2.2.0 -> v2.2.0 * [new tag] v2.2.1 -> v2.2.1 * [new tag] v2.2.2 -> v2.2.2 * [new tag] v2.3-alpha1 -> v2.3-alpha1 * [new tag] v2.3.1 -> v2.3.1 * [new tag] v2.3.10 -> v2.3.10 * [new tag] v2.3.11 -> v2.3.11 * [new tag] v2.3.2 -> v2.3.2 * [new tag] v2.3.3 -> v2.3.3 * [new tag] v2.3.4 -> v2.3.4 * [new tag] v2.3.5 -> v2.3.5 * [new tag] v2.3.6 -> v2.3.6 * [new tag] v2.3.7 -> v2.3.7 * [new tag] v2.3.8 -> v2.3.8 * [new tag] v2.3.9 -> v2.3.9 * [new tag] v2.3_alpha2 -> v2.3_alpha2 * [new tag] v2.3_alpha3 -> v2.3_alpha3 * [new tag] v2.3_beta1 -> v2.3_beta1 * [new tag] v2.3_rc1 -> v2.3_rc1 * [new tag] v2.3_rc2 -> v2.3_rc2
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git branch -r origin/beta/2.3 origin/coverity_scan origin/master origin/release/2.1 origin/release/2.2 origin/release/2.3
5 建立远程分支与本地分支之间的映射
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git branch --set-upstream master origin/master The --set-upstream flag is deprecated and will be removed. Consider using --track or --set-upstream-to /*--set-upstream已经重写为--set-upstream-to*/ Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin. /* 本地分支master被设置为追踪remote origin的master分支(主分支) */ aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git branch /* 查看当前仓库本地分支 */
6 master
aidongshengdeMacBook-Pro:openvpn aidongsheng$ git branch -r /* 查看当前仓库的远程分支 */ origin/beta/2.3 origin/coverity_scan origin/master origin/release/2.1 origin/release/2.2 origin/release/2.3