proxy — Mount another website onto yours. Works with http and https.
node-errormailer — Send an email for each error in your node app
connect-livereload — connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response.
express-partial-response — Express middleware for filtering-out parts of JSON responses based on the `fields` query-string; à la Google API’s Partial Response.
connect-owin — Connect middleware for Microsoft .NET using OWIN
express-switch — express-switch is a pattern matching middleware
express-formwork — a completely asynchronous middleware for form validation and sanitization based on [validator] (
connect-multi-redis — Manages multiple Redis session stores. Fails over to the next working store if the current used disconnects. If every Redis host is down it changes to the builtin MemoryStore for sessions
connect-caminte — CrossDB session store (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite)