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Anaconda, such an intricate tool when cooperating with Theano

时间:2016-06-29 13:19:26      阅读:141      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Anaconda is noted for its widely integrated libs and packages in python, some of which are troublesome to make done when installing individually. However, theano is not an inborn lib. Thus, some intricate affairs occured when cooperating them two.

1. To use theano with Anaconda, you had better download the 32-bit version for either 32-bit or 64-bit CPU, or you will suffer a lot when compiling.

2. Do not forget you should install ‘libpython‘ in Anaconda though you may have installed MinGW( gcc ), simple as input "conda install libpython" in cmd prompt console.

3. If you want to use libsvm in your Anaconda, you are ought to install via pip (pip install  ‘libsvm.whl‘ ) instead of just unzipping a zipped package.


Anaconda, such an intricate tool when cooperating with Theano



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