VNC采用RFB通信协议。RFB("remote 帧缓存")是一个远程图形用户的简单协议,因为它工作在帧缓存级别上。VNC(Virtual Network Computing)基本上是属于一种显示系统,也就是说它能将完整的窗口界面通过网络,传输到另一台计算机的屏幕上.
最后就是正常握手始于服务器向客户发送协议版本的消息,告知客户服务器所能支持RFB 协议的最高版本号。此时客户端会发送相似的消息告诉服务器将要使用的协议版本。客户端不应该请求高于服务器的协议版本。如此一来就给客户和服务器端提供了一种向后兼容机制。
UltraVNC:加入了TightVNC的部份程式及加強效能的图形映射驱动程式,并結合Active Directory及NTLM的账号密码认证,但仅仅有Windows版本。UltraVNC每更新一个版本都会随之附加最新版源码。
RFB协议可以通过字节流或数据报发送。换言之,TCP UDP都是可以的,不过,我们大多喜欢可靠的连接TCP。
协议的基本数据类型有:U8, U16, U32, S8, S16, S32,U代表UNSIGNED,S代表SIGNED
package android.androidVNC; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.Socket; import android.util.Log; /** * 通过Socket访问RFB协议 * <p> * 该类定义了RFB协议中帧缓存(framebuffer)更新和输入事件。 * */ class RfbProto { final static String TAG = "RfbProto"; // RFB协议的版本号 final static String versionMsg_3_3 = "RFB 003.003\n", versionMsg_3_7 = "RFB 003.007\n", versionMsg_3_8 = "RFB 003.008\n"; // 供应商签名: standard VNC/RealVNC, TridiaVNC, and TightVNC final static String StandardVendor = "STDV", TridiaVncVendor = "TRDV", TightVncVendor = "TGHT"; // 安全类型(Security types) final static int SecTypeInvalid = 0, SecTypeNone = 1, SecTypeVncAuth = 2, SecTypeTight = 16, SecTypeUltra34 = 0xfffffffa; // 支持的通道类型(Supported tunneling types) final static int NoTunneling = 0; final static String SigNoTunneling = "NOTUNNEL"; // 支持的验证类型(Supported authentication types) final static int AuthNone = 1, AuthVNC = 2, AuthUnixLogin = 129, AuthUltra = 17; final static String SigAuthNone = "NOAUTH__", SigAuthVNC = "VNCAUTH_", SigAuthUnixLogin = "ULGNAUTH"; // VNC认证结果( VNC authentication results) final static int VncAuthOK = 0, VncAuthFailed = 1, VncAuthTooMany = 2; // Server-to-client messages final static int FramebufferUpdate = 0, SetColourMapEntries = 1, Bell = 2, ServerCutText = 3, TextChat = 11; // Client-to-server messages final static int SetPixelFormat = 0, FixColourMapEntries = 1, SetEncodings = 2, FramebufferUpdateRequest = 3, KeyboardEvent = 4, PointerEvent = 5, ClientCutText = 6; // 支持的编码和伪编码(Supported encodings and pseudo-encodings) final static int EncodingRaw = 0, EncodingCopyRect = 1, EncodingRRE = 2, EncodingCoRRE = 4, EncodingHextile = 5, EncodingZlib = 6, EncodingTight = 7, EncodingZRLE = 16, EncodingCompressLevel0 = 0xFFFFFF00, EncodingQualityLevel0 = 0xFFFFFFE0, EncodingXCursor = 0xFFFFFF10, EncodingRichCursor = 0xFFFFFF11, EncodingPointerPos = 0xFFFFFF18, EncodingLastRect = 0xFFFFFF20, EncodingNewFBSize = 0xFFFFFF21; final static String SigEncodingRaw = "RAW_____", SigEncodingCopyRect = "COPYRECT", SigEncodingRRE = "RRE_____", SigEncodingCoRRE = "CORRE___", SigEncodingHextile = "HEXTILE_", SigEncodingZlib = "ZLIB____", SigEncodingTight = "TIGHT___", SigEncodingZRLE = "ZRLE____", SigEncodingCompressLevel0 = "COMPRLVL", SigEncodingQualityLevel0 = "JPEGQLVL", SigEncodingXCursor = "X11CURSR", SigEncodingRichCursor = "RCHCURSR", SigEncodingPointerPos = "POINTPOS", SigEncodingLastRect = "LASTRECT", SigEncodingNewFBSize = "NEWFBSIZ"; final static int MaxNormalEncoding = 255; // 在Hextile解码器中用到的常量(Contstants used in the Hextile decoder) final static int HextileRaw = 1, HextileBackgroundSpecified = 2, HextileForegroundSpecified = 4, HextileAnySubrects = 8, HextileSubrectsColoured = 16; // 在Tight解码器中用到的常量(Contstants used in the Tight decoder) final static int TightMinToCompress = 12; final static int TightExplicitFilter = 0x04, TightFill = 0x08, TightJpeg = 0x09, TightMaxSubencoding = 0x09, TightFilterCopy = 0x00, TightFilterPalette = 0x01, TightFilterGradient = 0x02; // 用与UltraVNC“交流”扩展的常量(Constants used for UltraVNC chat extension) final static int CHAT_OPEN = -1, CHAT_CLOSE = -2, CHAT_FINISHED = -3; String host; // 服务端IP int port; // 服务端密码 Socket sock; // 与服务端通信的Socket DataInputStream is; // 数据输入流 OutputStream os; // 数据输出流 DH dh; long dh_resp; // - SessionRecorder rec; boolean inNormalProtocol = false; // - VncViewer viewer; // Java on UNIX does not call keyPressed() on some keys, for example // swedish keys To prevent our workaround to produce duplicate // keypresses on JVMs that actually works, keep track of if // keyPressed() for a "broken" key was called or not. boolean brokenKeyPressed = false; // 在第一次包含Zlib-, ZRLE-或者Tight编码的数据的framebuffer更新时被设置为true // This will be set to true on the first framebuffer update // containing Zlib-, ZRLE- or Tight-encoded data. boolean wereZlibUpdates = false; // This will be set to false if the startSession() was called after // we have received at least one Zlib-, ZRLE- or Tight-encoded // framebuffer update. boolean recordFromBeginning = true; // This fields are needed to show warnings about inefficiently saved // sessions only once per each saved session file. boolean zlibWarningShown; boolean tightWarningShown; // Before starting to record each saved session, we set this field // to 0, and increment on each framebuffer update. We don't flush // the SessionRecorder data into the file before the second update. // This allows us to write initial framebuffer update with zero // timestamp, to let the player show initial desktop before // playback. int numUpdatesInSession; // 测量网络的吞吐量(Measuring network throughput) boolean timing; long timeWaitedIn100us; long timedKbits; // 协议版本和TightVNC特殊的协议选项(Protocol version and TightVNC-specific protocol // options.) int serverMajor, serverMinor; int clientMajor, clientMinor; boolean protocolTightVNC; CapsContainer tunnelCaps, authCaps; CapsContainer serverMsgCaps, clientMsgCaps; CapsContainer encodingCaps; // RFB Socket关闭(If true, informs that the RFB socket was closed.) private boolean closed; // Constructor. Make TCP connection to RFB server. // 构造函数————用TCP连接到RFB服务器 // -RfbProto(String h, int p, VncViewer v) throws IOException { RfbProto(String h, int p) throws IOException { // - viewer = v; host = h; port = p; sock = new Socket(host, port); is = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(), 16384)); os = sock.getOutputStream(); timing = false; timeWaitedIn100us = 5; timedKbits = 0; } // 关闭 synchronized void close() { try { sock.close(); closed = true; Log.v(TAG, "RFB socket closed"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } synchronized boolean closed() { return closed; } // Read server's protocol version message // 读取服务器的协议版本 void readVersionMsg() throws Exception { byte[] b = new byte[12]; readFully(b); if ((b[0] != 'R') || (b[1] != 'F') || (b[2] != 'B') || (b[3] != ' ') || (b[4] < '0') || (b[4] > '9') || (b[5] < '0') || (b[5] > '9') || (b[6] < '0') || (b[6] > '9') || (b[7] != '.') || (b[8] < '0') || (b[8] > '9') || (b[9] < '0') || (b[9] > '9') || (b[10] < '0') || (b[10] > '9') || (b[11] != '\n')) { Log.i(TAG, new String(b)); throw new Exception("Host " + host + " port " + port + " is not an RFB server"); } serverMajor = (b[4] - '0') * 100 + (b[5] - '0') * 10 + (b[6] - '0'); serverMinor = (b[8] - '0') * 100 + (b[9] - '0') * 10 + (b[10] - '0'); if (serverMajor < 3) { throw new Exception( "RFB server does not support protocol version 3"); } } // Write our protocol version message // 写入我们客户端的协议版本 synchronized void writeVersionMsg() throws IOException { clientMajor = 3; if (serverMajor > 3 || serverMinor >= 8) { clientMinor = 8; os.write(versionMsg_3_8.getBytes()); } else if (serverMinor >= 7) { clientMinor = 7; os.write(versionMsg_3_7.getBytes()); } else { clientMinor = 3; os.write(versionMsg_3_3.getBytes()); } protocolTightVNC = false; } // Negotiate the authentication scheme. // 协商认证方案 int negotiateSecurity(int bitPref) throws Exception { return (clientMinor >= 7) ? selectSecurityType(bitPref) : readSecurityType(bitPref); } // // Read security type from the server (protocol version 3.3). // 读取服务器的安全类型 int readSecurityType(int bitPref) throws Exception { int secType = is.readInt(); switch (secType) { case SecTypeInvalid: readConnFailedReason(); return SecTypeInvalid; // should never be executed case SecTypeNone: case SecTypeVncAuth: return secType; case SecTypeUltra34: if ((bitPref & 1) == 1) return secType; throw new Exception("Username required."); default: throw new Exception("Unknown security type from RFB server: " + secType); } } // // Select security type from the server's list (protocol versions 3.7/3.8). // 从服务器的列表中读取安全类型 int selectSecurityType(int bitPref) throws Exception { int secType = SecTypeInvalid; // Read the list of security types. int nSecTypes = is.readUnsignedByte(); if (nSecTypes == 0) { readConnFailedReason(); return SecTypeInvalid; // should never be executed } byte[] secTypes = new byte[nSecTypes]; readFully(secTypes); // Find out if the server supports TightVNC protocol extensions // 查明服务器是否支持TightVNC协议的扩展 for (int i = 0; i < nSecTypes; i++) { if (secTypes[i] == SecTypeTight) { protocolTightVNC = true; os.write(SecTypeTight); return SecTypeTight; } } // Find first supported security type. // 找到第一个支持的安全类型 for (int i = 0; i < nSecTypes; i++) { if (secTypes[i] == SecTypeNone || secTypes[i] == SecTypeVncAuth) { secType = secTypes[i]; break; } } if (secType == SecTypeInvalid) { throw new Exception("Server did not offer supported security type"); } else { os.write(secType); } return secType; } // // Perform "no authentication". // 执行“无认证” void authenticateNone() throws Exception { if (clientMinor >= 8) readSecurityResult("No authentication"); } // // Perform standard VNC Authentication. // 执行标准VNC认证 void authenticateVNC(String pw) throws Exception { byte[] challenge = new byte[16]; readFully(challenge); if (pw.length() > 8) pw = pw.substring(0, 8); // Truncate to 8 chars // Truncate password on the first zero byte. int firstZero = pw.indexOf(0); if (firstZero != -1) pw = pw.substring(0, firstZero); byte[] key = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; System.arraycopy(pw.getBytes(), 0, key, 0, pw.length()); DesCipher des = new DesCipher(key); des.encrypt(challenge, 0, challenge, 0); des.encrypt(challenge, 8, challenge, 8); os.write(challenge); readSecurityResult("VNC authentication"); } // // Read security result. // Throws an exception on authentication failure. // 读取安全结果,如果认证失败抛出异常。 void readSecurityResult(String authType) throws Exception { int securityResult = is.readInt(); switch (securityResult) { case VncAuthOK: System.out.println(authType + ": success"); break; case VncAuthFailed: if (clientMinor >= 8) readConnFailedReason(); throw new Exception(authType + ": failed"); case VncAuthTooMany: throw new Exception(authType + ": failed, too many tries"); default: throw new Exception(authType + ": unknown result " + securityResult); } } // // Read the string describing the reason for a connection failure, // and throw an exception. // 读取描述连接失败的原因 void readConnFailedReason() throws Exception { int reasonLen = is.readInt(); byte[] reason = new byte[reasonLen]; readFully(reason); String reasonString = new String(reason); Log.v(TAG, reasonString); throw new Exception(reasonString); } // 在各方之间交换秘钥时会用到DH类(即使第三方偷听者获取到了传输的值,也不能得到秘钥) void prepareDH() throws Exception { long gen = is.readLong(); long mod = is.readLong(); dh_resp = is.readLong(); dh = new DH(gen, mod); long pub = dh.createInterKey(); os.write(DH.longToBytes(pub)); } void authenticateDH(String us, String pw) throws Exception { long key = dh.createEncryptionKey(dh_resp); DesCipher des = new DesCipher(DH.longToBytes(key)); byte user[] = new byte[256]; byte passwd[] = new byte[64]; int i; System.arraycopy(us.getBytes(), 0, user, 0, us.length()); if (us.length() < 256) { for (i = us.length(); i < 256; i++) { user[i] = 0; } } System.arraycopy(pw.getBytes(), 0, passwd, 0, pw.length()); if (pw.length() < 64) { for (i = pw.length(); i < 64; i++) { passwd[i] = 0; } } des.encryptText(user, user, DH.longToBytes(key)); des.encryptText(passwd, passwd, DH.longToBytes(key)); os.write(user); os.write(passwd); readSecurityResult("VNC authentication"); } // // Initialize capability lists (TightVNC protocol extensions). // 初始化容量列表(TightVNC协议的扩展) void initCapabilities() { tunnelCaps = new CapsContainer(); authCaps = new CapsContainer(); serverMsgCaps = new CapsContainer(); clientMsgCaps = new CapsContainer(); encodingCaps = new CapsContainer(); // Supported authentication methods // 支持的认证类型 authCaps.add(AuthNone, StandardVendor, SigAuthNone, "No authentication"); authCaps.add(AuthVNC, StandardVendor, SigAuthVNC, "Standard VNC password authentication"); // Supported encoding types // 支持的编码类型 encodingCaps.add(EncodingCopyRect, StandardVendor, SigEncodingCopyRect, "Standard CopyRect encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingRRE, StandardVendor, SigEncodingRRE, "Standard RRE encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingCoRRE, StandardVendor, SigEncodingCoRRE, "Standard CoRRE encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingHextile, StandardVendor, SigEncodingHextile, "Standard Hextile encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingZRLE, StandardVendor, SigEncodingZRLE, "Standard ZRLE encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingZlib, TridiaVncVendor, SigEncodingZlib, "Zlib encoding"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingTight, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingTight, "Tight encoding"); // Supported pseudo-encoding types // 支持的伪编码类型 encodingCaps.add(EncodingCompressLevel0, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingCompressLevel0, "Compression level"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingQualityLevel0, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingQualityLevel0, "JPEG quality level"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingXCursor, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingXCursor, "X-style cursor shape update"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingRichCursor, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingRichCursor, "Rich-color cursor shape update"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingPointerPos, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingPointerPos, "Pointer position update"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingLastRect, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingLastRect, "LastRect protocol extension"); encodingCaps.add(EncodingNewFBSize, TightVncVendor, SigEncodingNewFBSize, "Framebuffer size change"); } // // Setup tunneling (TightVNC protocol extensions) // 设置通道(TightVNC协议的扩展) void setupTunneling() throws IOException { int nTunnelTypes = is.readInt(); if (nTunnelTypes != 0) { readCapabilityList(tunnelCaps, nTunnelTypes); // We don't support tunneling yet. writeInt(NoTunneling); } } // // Negotiate authentication scheme (TightVNC protocol extensions) // 协商认证方案(TightVNC协议的扩展) int negotiateAuthenticationTight() throws Exception { int nAuthTypes = is.readInt(); if (nAuthTypes == 0) return AuthNone; readCapabilityList(authCaps, nAuthTypes); for (int i = 0; i < authCaps.numEnabled(); i++) { int authType = authCaps.getByOrder(i); if (authType == AuthNone || authType == AuthVNC) { writeInt(authType); return authType; } } throw new Exception("No suitable authentication scheme found"); } // // Read a capability list (TightVNC protocol extensions) // 读容量列表(TightVNC协议的扩展) void readCapabilityList(CapsContainer caps, int count) throws IOException { int code; byte[] vendor = new byte[4]; byte[] name = new byte[8]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { code = is.readInt(); readFully(vendor); readFully(name); caps.enable(new CapabilityInfo(code, vendor, name)); } } // // Write a 32-bit integer into the output stream. // 向输出流切一个32位的整数 byte[] writeIntBuffer = new byte[4]; void writeInt(int value) throws IOException { writeIntBuffer[0] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xff); writeIntBuffer[1] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xff); writeIntBuffer[2] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xff); writeIntBuffer[3] = (byte) (value & 0xff); os.write(writeIntBuffer); } // // Write the client initialisation message // 写入客户端初始化信息 void writeClientInit() throws IOException { os.write(0); } // // Read the server initialisation message // 读取服务器初始化信息 String desktopName; int framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight; int bitsPerPixel, depth; boolean bigEndian, trueColour; int redMax, greenMax, blueMax, redShift, greenShift, blueShift; void readServerInit() throws IOException { framebufferWidth = is.readUnsignedShort(); framebufferHeight = is.readUnsignedShort(); bitsPerPixel = is.readUnsignedByte(); depth = is.readUnsignedByte(); bigEndian = (is.readUnsignedByte() != 0); trueColour = (is.readUnsignedByte() != 0); redMax = is.readUnsignedShort(); greenMax = is.readUnsignedShort(); blueMax = is.readUnsignedShort(); redShift = is.readUnsignedByte(); greenShift = is.readUnsignedByte(); blueShift = is.readUnsignedByte(); byte[] pad = new byte[3]; readFully(pad); int nameLength = is.readInt(); byte[] name = new byte[nameLength]; readFully(name); desktopName = new String(name); // Read interaction capabilities (TightVNC protocol extensions) // 读取交互能力(TightVNC协议的扩展) if (protocolTightVNC) { int nServerMessageTypes = is.readUnsignedShort(); int nClientMessageTypes = is.readUnsignedShort(); int nEncodingTypes = is.readUnsignedShort(); is.readUnsignedShort(); readCapabilityList(serverMsgCaps, nServerMessageTypes); readCapabilityList(clientMsgCaps, nClientMessageTypes); readCapabilityList(encodingCaps, nEncodingTypes); } inNormalProtocol = true; } // // Set new framebuffer size // 设置新的帧缓存framebuffer的大小 void setFramebufferSize(int width, int height) { framebufferWidth = width; framebufferHeight = height; } // // Read the server message type // 读取服务器消息类型 int readServerMessageType() throws IOException { int msgType = is.readUnsignedByte(); return msgType; } // // Read a FramebufferUpdate message // 读取一个更新帧缓存的消息 int updateNRects; void readFramebufferUpdate() throws IOException { is.readByte(); updateNRects = is.readUnsignedShort(); // If the session is being recorded: /*- if (rec != null) { rec.writeByte(FramebufferUpdate); rec.writeByte(0); rec.writeShortBE(updateNRects); } */ numUpdatesInSession++; } // Read a FramebufferUpdate rectangle header // 读取一个更新帧缓存矩形的首部 int updateRectX, updateRectY, updateRectW, updateRectH, updateRectEncoding; void readFramebufferUpdateRectHdr() throws Exception { updateRectX = is.readUnsignedShort(); updateRectY = is.readUnsignedShort(); updateRectW = is.readUnsignedShort(); updateRectH = is.readUnsignedShort(); updateRectEncoding = is.readInt(); if (updateRectEncoding == EncodingZlib || updateRectEncoding == EncodingZRLE || updateRectEncoding == EncodingTight) wereZlibUpdates = true; if (updateRectEncoding != RfbProto.EncodingPointerPos && (updateRectEncoding < 0 || updateRectEncoding > MaxNormalEncoding)) return; if (updateRectX + updateRectW > framebufferWidth || updateRectY + updateRectH > framebufferHeight) { throw new Exception("Framebuffer update rectangle too large: " + updateRectW + "x" + updateRectH + " at (" + updateRectX + "," + updateRectY + ")"); } } // Read CopyRect source X and Y. // int copyRectSrcX, copyRectSrcY; void readCopyRect() throws IOException { copyRectSrcX = is.readUnsignedShort(); copyRectSrcY = is.readUnsignedShort(); } // // Read a ServerCutText message // String readServerCutText() throws IOException { byte[] pad = new byte[3]; readFully(pad); int len = is.readInt(); byte[] text = new byte[len]; readFully(text); return new String(text); } // // Read an integer in compact representation (1..3 bytes). // Such format is used as a part of the Tight encoding. // Also, this method records data if session recording is active and // the viewer's recordFromBeginning variable is set to true. // int readCompactLen() throws IOException { int[] portion = new int[3]; portion[0] = is.readUnsignedByte(); int byteCount = 1; int len = portion[0] & 0x7F; if ((portion[0] & 0x80) != 0) { portion[1] = is.readUnsignedByte(); byteCount++; len |= (portion[1] & 0x7F) << 7; if ((portion[1] & 0x80) != 0) { portion[2] = is.readUnsignedByte(); byteCount++; len |= (portion[2] & 0xFF) << 14; } } /*- if (rec != null && recordFromBeginning) for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) rec.writeByte(portion[i]); */ return len; } // // Write a FramebufferUpdateRequest message // 写入一个要求更新帧缓存的消息 byte[] framebufferUpdateRequest = new byte[10]; synchronized void writeFramebufferUpdateRequest(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean incremental) throws IOException { framebufferUpdateRequest[0] = (byte) FramebufferUpdateRequest; framebufferUpdateRequest[1] = (byte) (incremental ? 1 : 0); framebufferUpdateRequest[2] = (byte) ((x >> 8) & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[3] = (byte) (x & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[4] = (byte) ((y >> 8) & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[5] = (byte) (y & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[6] = (byte) ((w >> 8) & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[7] = (byte) (w & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[8] = (byte) ((h >> 8) & 0xff); framebufferUpdateRequest[9] = (byte) (h & 0xff); os.write(framebufferUpdateRequest); } // // Write a SetPixelFormat message // 写入一个设置像素格式的消息 synchronized void writeSetPixelFormat(int bitsPerPixel, int depth, boolean bigEndian, boolean trueColour, int redMax, int greenMax, int blueMax, int redShift, int greenShift, int blueShift, boolean fGreyScale) // sf@2005) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[20]; b[0] = (byte) SetPixelFormat; b[4] = (byte) bitsPerPixel; b[5] = (byte) depth; b[6] = (byte) (bigEndian ? 1 : 0); b[7] = (byte) (trueColour ? 1 : 0); b[8] = (byte) ((redMax >> 8) & 0xff); b[9] = (byte) (redMax & 0xff); b[10] = (byte) ((greenMax >> 8) & 0xff); b[11] = (byte) (greenMax & 0xff); b[12] = (byte) ((blueMax >> 8) & 0xff); b[13] = (byte) (blueMax & 0xff); b[14] = (byte) redShift; b[15] = (byte) greenShift; b[16] = (byte) blueShift; b[17] = (byte) (fGreyScale ? 1 : 0); // sf@2005 os.write(b); } // // Write a FixColourMapEntries message. The values in the red, green and // blue arrays are from 0 to 65535. // 颜色Map条目 synchronized void writeFixColourMapEntries(int firstColour, int nColours, int[] red, int[] green, int[] blue) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[6 + nColours * 6]; b[0] = (byte) FixColourMapEntries; b[2] = (byte) ((firstColour >> 8) & 0xff); b[3] = (byte) (firstColour & 0xff); b[4] = (byte) ((nColours >> 8) & 0xff); b[5] = (byte) (nColours & 0xff); for (int i = 0; i < nColours; i++) { b[6 + i * 6] = (byte) ((red[i] >> 8) & 0xff); b[6 + i * 6 + 1] = (byte) (red[i] & 0xff); b[6 + i * 6 + 2] = (byte) ((green[i] >> 8) & 0xff); b[6 + i * 6 + 3] = (byte) (green[i] & 0xff); b[6 + i * 6 + 4] = (byte) ((blue[i] >> 8) & 0xff); b[6 + i * 6 + 5] = (byte) (blue[i] & 0xff); } os.write(b); } // // Write a SetEncodings message // 写入设置编码消息 synchronized void writeSetEncodings(int[] encs, int len) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[4 + 4 * len]; b[0] = (byte) SetEncodings; b[2] = (byte) ((len >> 8) & 0xff); b[3] = (byte) (len & 0xff); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { b[4 + 4 * i] = (byte) ((encs[i] >> 24) & 0xff); b[5 + 4 * i] = (byte) ((encs[i] >> 16) & 0xff); b[6 + 4 * i] = (byte) ((encs[i] >> 8) & 0xff); b[7 + 4 * i] = (byte) (encs[i] & 0xff); } os.write(b); } // // Write a ClientCutText message // 写入一个客户端切割文本的消息 synchronized void writeClientCutText(String text) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[8 + text.length()]; b[0] = (byte) ClientCutText; b[4] = (byte) ((text.length() >> 24) & 0xff); b[5] = (byte) ((text.length() >> 16) & 0xff); b[6] = (byte) ((text.length() >> 8) & 0xff); b[7] = (byte) (text.length() & 0xff); System.arraycopy(text.getBytes(), 0, b, 8, text.length()); os.write(b); } // // A buffer for putting pointer and keyboard events before being sent. This // is to ensure that multiple RFB events generated from a single Java Event // will all be sent in a single network packet. The maximum possible // length is 4 modifier down events, a single key event followed by 4 // modifier up events i.e. 9 key events or 72 bytes. // byte[] eventBuf = new byte[72]; int eventBufLen; /** * Write a pointer event message. We may need to send modifier key events * around it to set the correct modifier state. * * @param x * @param y * @param modifiers * @param pointerMask * @throws IOException */ synchronized void writePointerEvent(int x, int y, int modifiers, int pointerMask) throws IOException { eventBufLen = 0; writeModifierKeyEvents(modifiers); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) PointerEvent; eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) pointerMask; eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) ((x >> 8) & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) (x & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) ((y >> 8) & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) (y & 0xff); // // Always release all modifiers after an "up" event // if (pointerMask == 0) { writeModifierKeyEvents(0); } os.write(eventBuf, 0, eventBufLen); } void writeCtrlAltDel() throws IOException { final int DELETE = 0xffff; final int CTRLALT = VncCanvas.CTRL_MASK | VncCanvas.ALT_MASK; try { // Press eventBufLen = 0; writeModifierKeyEvents(CTRLALT); writeKeyEvent(DELETE, true); os.write(eventBuf, 0, eventBufLen); // Release eventBufLen = 0; writeModifierKeyEvents(CTRLALT); writeKeyEvent(DELETE, false); // Reset VNC server modifiers state writeModifierKeyEvents(0); os.write(eventBuf, 0, eventBufLen); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // // Write a key event message. We may need to send modifier key events // around it to set the correct modifier state. Also we need to translate // from the Java key values to the X keysym values used by the RFB protocol. // synchronized void writeKeyEvent(int keySym, int metaState, boolean down) throws IOException { eventBufLen = 0; if (down) writeModifierKeyEvents(metaState); if (keySym != 0) writeKeyEvent(keySym, down); // Always release all modifiers after an "up" event if (!down) writeModifierKeyEvents(0); os.write(eventBuf, 0, eventBufLen); } // // Add a raw key event with the given X keysym to eventBuf. // private void writeKeyEvent(int keysym, boolean down) { eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) KeyboardEvent; eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) (down ? 1 : 0); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) 0; eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) 0; eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) ((keysym >> 24) & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) ((keysym >> 16) & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) ((keysym >> 8) & 0xff); eventBuf[eventBufLen++] = (byte) (keysym & 0xff); } // // Write key events to set the correct modifier state. // int oldModifiers = 0; void writeModifierKeyEvents(int newModifiers) { if ((newModifiers & VncCanvas.CTRL_MASK) != (oldModifiers & VncCanvas.CTRL_MASK)) writeKeyEvent(0xffe3, (newModifiers & VncCanvas.CTRL_MASK) != 0); if ((newModifiers & VncCanvas.SHIFT_MASK) != (oldModifiers & VncCanvas.SHIFT_MASK)) writeKeyEvent(0xffe1, (newModifiers & VncCanvas.SHIFT_MASK) != 0); if ((newModifiers & VncCanvas.META_MASK) != (oldModifiers & VncCanvas.META_MASK)) writeKeyEvent(0xffe7, (newModifiers & VncCanvas.META_MASK) != 0); if ((newModifiers & VncCanvas.ALT_MASK) != (oldModifiers & VncCanvas.ALT_MASK)) writeKeyEvent(0xffe9, (newModifiers & VncCanvas.ALT_MASK) != 0); oldModifiers = newModifiers; } // // Compress and write the data into the recorded session file. This // method assumes the recording is on (rec != null). // public void startTiming() { timing = true; // Carry over up to 1s worth of previous rate for smoothing. if (timeWaitedIn100us > 10000) { timedKbits = timedKbits * 10000 / timeWaitedIn100us; timeWaitedIn100us = 10000; } } public void stopTiming() { timing = false; if (timeWaitedIn100us < timedKbits / 2) timeWaitedIn100us = timedKbits / 2; // upper limit 20Mbit/s } public long kbitsPerSecond() { return timedKbits * 10000 / timeWaitedIn100us; } public long timeWaited() { return timeWaitedIn100us; } public void readFully(byte b[]) throws IOException { readFully(b, 0, b.length); } public void readFully(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { long before = 0; timing = false; // for test if (timing) before = System.currentTimeMillis(); is.readFully(b, off, len); if (timing) { long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); long newTimeWaited = (after - before) * 10; int newKbits = len * 8 / 1000; // limit rate to between 10kbit/s and 40Mbit/s if (newTimeWaited > newKbits * 1000) newTimeWaited = newKbits * 1000; if (newTimeWaited < newKbits / 4) newTimeWaited = newKbits / 4; timeWaitedIn100us += newTimeWaited; timedKbits += newKbits; } } synchronized void writeOpenChat() throws Exception { os.write(TextChat); // byte type os.write(0); // byte pad 1 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 writeInt(CHAT_OPEN); // int message length } synchronized void writeCloseChat() throws Exception { os.write(TextChat); // byte type os.write(0); // byte pad 1 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 writeInt(CHAT_CLOSE); // int message length } synchronized void writeFinishedChat() throws Exception { os.write(TextChat); // byte type os.write(0); // byte pad 1 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 writeInt(CHAT_FINISHED); // int message length } String readTextChatMsg() throws Exception { byte[] pad = new byte[3]; readFully(pad); int len = is.readInt(); if (len == CHAT_OPEN) { // Remote user requests chat // /viewer.openChat(); // Respond to chat request writeOpenChat(); return null; } else if (len == CHAT_CLOSE) { // Remote user ends chat // /viewer.closeChat(); return null; } else if (len == CHAT_FINISHED) { // Remote user says chat finished. // Not sure why I should care about this state. return null; } else { // Remote user sends message!! if (len > 0) { byte[] msg = new byte[len]; readFully(msg); return new String(msg); } } return null; } public synchronized void writeChatMessage(String msg) throws Exception { os.write(TextChat); // byte type os.write(0); // byte pad 1 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 os.write(0); // byte pad 2 byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes("8859_1"); byte[] outgoing = bytes; if (bytes.length > 4096) { outgoing = new byte[4096]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, outgoing, 0, 4096); } writeInt(outgoing.length); // int message length os.write(outgoing); // message } }