A binary heap is a heap data structure created using a binary tree.
binary tree has two rules -
Heap Majorly has 3 operations -
Insert Operation:
Bubble-up Operation:
Extract-Min OR Extract-Max Operation:
Sink-Down Operation:
Delete Operation:
Time and Space Complexity:
Space | O(n) |
Search | O(n) |
Insert | O(log n) |
Delete | O(log n) |
package data_structure_testing; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; public class MinHeap { public ArrayList<Integer> minheap = null; public MinHeap() { this.minheap = new ArrayList<Integer> (); this.minheap.add(Integer.MIN_VALUE); /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Integer.MIN_VALUE | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } public void swap(int i, int j) { if(i == j) return; int tmp = minheap.get(i); minheap.set(i, minheap.get(j)); minheap.set(j, tmp); } public int getSize() { return minheap.size(); } public int parent(int i) { return i/2; } public int leftChild(int i) { return i*2; } public int rightChild(int i) { return i*2 + 1; } public void offer(int x) { minheap.add(x); int position = minheap.size() - 1; bubbleUp(position); } public void bubbleUp(int position) { int pa = parent(position); if(pa != 0 && minheap.get(position) < minheap.get(pa)) { swap(position, pa); bubbleUp(pa); } } public int peek() { if(getSize() == 1) { System.out.println("the min heap is empty!"); return minheap.get(0); } else{ return minheap.get(1); } } public void pushDown(int i) { int min_position = i, min_value = minheap.get(i); int lc = leftChild(i), rc = lc + 1; if(lc >= getSize()) { return; } if(lc < getSize()) { if(minheap.get(lc) < min_value) { min_position = lc; min_value = minheap.get(lc); } if(rc < getSize() && minheap.get(rc) < min_value) { min_position = rc; } } swap(min_position, i); if(min_position != i) { pushDown(min_position); } } public int poll() { if(getSize() == 1) { System.out.println("since the min heap is empty, so we cannot poll any element from it!"); return minheap.get(0); } int top = minheap.get(1); swap(1, getSize()-1); minheap.remove(getSize()-1); if(getSize() > 1) { pushDown(1); } return top; } public static void main(String[] args) { MinHeap minheap = new MinHeap(); minheap.offer(5); minheap.offer(4); minheap.offer(2); minheap.offer(4); minheap.offer(3); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); System.out.println(minheap.poll()); } }
dataStructure@ Implementation of minimal heap