这里采用的图片是matlab子带的两张MR膝盖图,“knee1.dcm” 作为参考图像,"knee2.dcm"为浮动图像!
fixed = dicomread(‘knee1.dcm‘); % 读参考图像fixed moving = dicomread(‘knee2.dcm‘); % 读浮动图像moving |
figure, imshowpair(moving, fixed, ‘method‘); title(‘Unregistered‘); |
[optmizer, metric] = imregconfig(modality); |
movingRegisteredDefault = imregister(moving, fixed, ‘affine‘, optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredDefault, fixed); title(‘A: Default registration‘); |
disp(‘optimizer‘); disp(‘metric‘); |
optimizer.InitialRadius = optimizer.InitialRadius/3.5; movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius = imregister(moving, fixed, ‘affine‘, optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius, fixed); title(‘Adjusted InitialRadius‘); |
optimizer.MaximumIterations = 300; movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300 = imregister(moving, fixed, ‘affine‘, optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300, fixed); title(‘B: Adjusted InitialRadius, MaximumIterations = 300, Adjusted InitialRadius.‘); |
tformSimilarity = imregtform(moving,fixed,‘similarity‘,optimizer,metric); |
tformSimilarity = imregtform(moving,fixed,‘similarity‘,optimizer,metric); |
Rfixed = imref2d(size(fixed)); |
movingRegisteredRigid = imwarp(moving,tformSimilarity,‘OutputView‘,Rfixed); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredRigid, fixed); title(‘C: Registration based on similarity transformation model.‘); |
movingRegisteredAffineWithIC = imregister(moving,fixed,‘affine‘,optimizer,metric,... ‘InitialTransformation‘,tformSimilarity); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAffineWithIC,fixed); title(‘D: Registration from affine model based on similarity initial condition.‘); |
figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredDefault, fixed) title(‘A - Default settings.‘); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius, fixed) title(‘B - Adjusted InitialRadius, 100 Iterations.‘); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300, fixed) title(‘C - Adjusted InitialRadius, 300 Iterations.‘); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAffineWithIC, fixed) title(‘D - Registration from affine model based on similarity initial condition.‘); |
%% Registering Multimodal MRI Images % This example shows how you can use |imregister| to automatically % align two magnetic resonance images (MRI) to a common coordinate % system using intensity-based image registration. Unlike some other % techniques, it does not find features or use control points. % Intensity-based registration is often well-suited for medical and % remotely sensed imagery. % Copyright 2011-2013 The MathWorks, Inc. %% Step 1: Load Images % This example uses two magnetic resonance (MRI) images of a knee. % The fixed image is a spin echo image, while the moving image is a % spin echo image with inversion recovery. The two sagittal slices % were acquired at the same time but are slightly out of alignment. fixed = dicomread('knee1.dcm'); moving = dicomread('knee2.dcm'); %% % The |imshowpair| function is a useful function for visualizing % images during every part of the registration process. Use it to see % the two images individually in a montage fashion or display them % stacked to show the amount of misregistration. figure, imshowpair(moving, fixed, 'montage') title('Unregistered') %% % In the overlapping image from |imshowpair|, gray areas correspond to % areas that have similar intensities, while magenta and green areas % show places where one image is brighter than the other. In some % image pairs, green and magenta areas don't always indicate % misregistration, but in this example it's easy to use the color % information to see where they do. figure, imshowpair(moving, fixed) title('Unregistered') %% Step 2: Set up the Initial Registration % The |imregconfig| function makes it easy to pick the correct % optimizer and metric configuration to use with |imregister|. These % two images have different intensity distributions, which suggests a % multimodal configuration. [optimizer,metric] = imregconfig('multimodal'); %% % The distortion between the two images includes scaling, rotation, % and (possibly) shear. Use an affine transformation to register the % images. % % It's very, very rare that |imregister| will align images perfectly % with the default settings. Nevertheless, using them is a useful way % to decide which properties to tune first. movingRegisteredDefault = imregister(moving, fixed, 'affine', optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredDefault, fixed) title('A: Default registration') %% Step 3: Improve the Registration % The initial registration is not very good. There are still significant % regions of poor alignment, particularly along the right edge. Try to % improve the registration by adjusting the optimizer and metric % configuration properties. % % The optimizer and metric variables are objects whose properties % control the registration. disp(optimizer) disp(metric) %% % The InitialRadius property of the optimizer controls the initial step % size used in parameter space to refine the geometric transformation. When % multi-modal registration problems do not converge with the default % parameters, the InitialRadius is a good first parameter to adjust. Start % by reducing the default value of InitialRadius by a scale factor of 3. optimizer.InitialRadius = optimizer.InitialRadius/3.5; movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius = imregister(moving, fixed, 'affine', optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius, fixed) title('Adjusted InitialRadius') %% % Adjusting the InitialRadius had a positive impact. There is a noticeable % improvement in the alignment of the images at the top and right edges. %% % The MaximumIterations property of the optimizer controls the maximum % number of iterations that the optimizer will be allowed to take. % Increasing the MaximumIterations allows the registration search to run % longer and potentially find better registration results. Does the % registration continue to improve if the InitialRadius from the last step % is used with a large number of interations? optimizer.MaximumIterations = 300; movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300 = imregister(moving, fixed, 'affine', optimizer, metric); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300, fixed) title('B: Adjusted InitialRadius, MaximumIterations = 300, Adjusted InitialRadius.') %% % Further improvement in registration were achieved by reusing the % InitialRadius optimizer setting from the previous registration and % allowing the optimizer to take a large number of iterations. %% Step 4: Use Initial Conditions to Improve Registration % Optimization based registration works best when a good initial condition % can be given for the registration that relates the moving and fixed % images. A useful technique for getting improved registration results is % to start with more simple transformation types like 'rigid', and then use % the resulting transformation as an initial condition for more complicated % transformation types like 'affine'. % % The function |imregtform| uses the same algorithm as imregister, but % returns a geometric transformation object as output instead of a % registered output image. Use |imregtform| to get an initial % transformation estimate based on a 'similarity' model % (translation,rotation, and scale). % % The previous registration results showed in improvement after modifying % the MaximumIterations and InitialRadius properties of the optimizer. % Keep these optimizer settings while using initial conditions while % attempting to refine the registration further. tformSimilarity = imregtform(moving,fixed,'similarity',optimizer,metric); %% % Because the registration is being solved in the default MATLAB coordinate % system, also known as the intrinsic coordinate system, obtain the default % spatial referencing object that defines the location and resolution of % the fixed image. Rfixed = imref2d(size(fixed)); %% % Use |imwarp| to apply the geometric transformation output from % |imregtform| to the moving image to align it with the fixed image. Use % the 'OutputView' option in |imwarp| to specify the world limits and % resolution of the output resampled image. Specifying Rfixed as the % 'OutputView' forces the resampled moving image to have the same % resolution and world limits as the fixed image. movingRegisteredRigid = imwarp(moving,tformSimilarity,'OutputView',Rfixed); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredRigid, fixed); title('C: Registration based on similarity transformation model.'); %% % The "T" property of the output geometric transformation defines the % transformation matrix that maps points in moving to corresponding % points in fixed. tformSimilarity.T %% % Use the 'InitialTransformation' Name/Value in imregister to refine this % registration by using an 'affine' transformation model with the 'similarity' % results used as an initial condition for the geometric transformation. % This refined estimate for the registration includes the possibility of % shear. movingRegisteredAffineWithIC = imregister(moving,fixed,'affine',optimizer,metric,... 'InitialTransformation',tformSimilarity); figure, imshowpair(movingRegisteredAffineWithIC,fixed); title('D: Registration from affine model based on similarity initial condition.'); %% % Using the 'InitialTransformation' to refine the 'similarity' result of % |imregtform| with a full affine model has also yielded a nice % registration result. %% Step 5: Deciding When Enough is Enough % Comparing the results of running |imregister| with different % configurations and initial conditions, it becomes apparent that there are % a large number of input parameters that can be varied in imregister, each % of which may lead to different registration results. figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredDefault, fixed) title('A - Default settings.'); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius, fixed) title('B - Adjusted InitialRadius, 100 Iterations.'); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAdjustedInitialRadius300, fixed) title('C - Adjusted InitialRadius, 300 Iterations.'); figure imshowpair(movingRegisteredAffineWithIC, fixed) title('D - Registration from affine model based on similarity initial condition.'); %% % It can be difficult to quantitatively compare registration results % because there is no one quality metric that accurately describes the % alignment of two images. Often, registration results must be judged % qualitatively by visualizing the results. In The results above, the % registration results in C) and D) are both very good and are difficult to % tell apart visually. %% Step 6: Alternate Visualizations % Often as the quality of multimodal registrations improve it becomes more % difficult to judge the quality of registration visually. This is because % the intensity differences can obscure areas of misalignment. Sometimes % switching to a different display mode for |imshowpair| exposes hidden % details. (This is not always the case.) displayEndOfDemoMessage(mfilename)