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时间:2016-07-05 14:09:46      阅读:188      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


  1 这个东西让我好生头疼,贴代码吧
  3 // 两秒后模拟点击
  4 setTimeout(function() {
  5 // IE
  6 if(document.all) {
  7 document.getElementById("userQuery").click();
  8 }// 其它浏览器
  9 else {
 10 var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
 11 e.initEvent("click", true, true);
 12 document.getElementById("userQuery").dispatchEvent(e);
 13 }
 14 }, 1000);
 15 $("#userQuery").click(function(){    
 16 var $this = $(this);
 17 var companyCode=GetRequest()[‘companyCode‘];
 18 $("#compAny").val(companyCode);
 19 //将queryStr传到后台,进行获取数据
 20 var queryStr = $this.parents(‘form‘).serialize();
 21 $.ajax({
 22 url: "../../userliebiao/userGraph.do",
 23 data: queryStr,
 24 type: "post",
 25 cache:false,
 26 dataType: "json",
 27 success: function (data) {
 28 var myChart;
 29 myChart = new FusionCharts("../../fusionCharts/Line.swf","myChartId", "1200", "400", "0" );
 30 myChart.setDataXML(data.xml); //调用后台的xml数据
 31 myChart.render("userPic"); //将数据送给div 进行显示},//如果后台有错
 32 error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 33 console.log(XMLHttpRequest.status); //一切正常 200 
 34 alert(XMLHttpRequest.status);
 35 console.log(XMLHttpRequest.readyState); 
 36 //此阶段确认全部数据都已经解析为客户端可用的格式,解析已经完成。值为4表示数据解析完毕,可以通过XMLHttpRequest对象的相应属性取得数据。
 37 alert(XMLHttpRequest.readyState);
 38 console.log(textStatus);
 39 alert("出错了"+textStatus);}}); });
 41 后台方法:
 43 try {
 44 String subcaption = null;
 45 User user=new User();
 46 String type=this.getParam("cycle");
 47 if (type.equals("1")) {
 48 type="1,2";    //1:按天
 49 user.setDmType(type);
 50 }else if(type.equals("2")){
 51 type="4,2";    //1:按月
 52 user.setDmType(type);
 53 }else if(type.equals("3")){
 54 type="8,3";    //1:按年"minZu"
 55 user.setDmType(type);
 56 }
 57 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
 58 String allTime=this.getParam("fcreatetime2");
 59 String compAny=this.getParam("compAny");
 60 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
 61 if (allTime!=null || allTime!="") {
 62 String[] a=allTime.split(" 至 ");    //将时间分割为开始时间~结束时间
 63 String betime=a[0];
 64 String entime=a[1]; 
 65 subcaption=betime+" 至 "+entime;
 66 Date time1 = sdf.parse(betime);
 67 Date time2 = sdf.parse(entime);
 68 if (type!=""||compAny!="") {
 69 user.setDmType(type);
 70 user.setCompanyCode(compAny);
 71 }
 72 map.put("dmType",user.getDmType());    //将数据存到map,作为sql方法的参数
 73 map.put("companycode",user.getCompanyCode());
 74 map.put("beginTime",time1);
 75 map.put("overTime", time2);
 76 }
 77 List<Map> aa = los.userGraph(map);//执行sql语句
 78 Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument();//创建dom节点
 79 //    if(!"3".equals(map.get("querytype").toString())){//如果不是按地区查询
 80 //    String yAxisMaxValue="50000"; //y轴最大值
 81 String xAxisName="注册日期";
 82 String yAxisName="注册人数";
 83 String numberSuffix="人"; //数字的后缀
 84 String xlable;
 86 String title = "登录人次统计";
 87 Element root = XmlDom4jUtils.addElementAndAttribute(document, "chart",
 88 "caption","注册人数统计 ","xAxisName","注册日期 ","yAxisName","注册人数",
 89 "yAxisMinValue","200","showValues","","alternateHGridColor",
 90 "FCB541","alternateHGridAlpha","20","divLineColor","FCB541","divLineAlpha","50",
 91 "canvasBorderColor","666666","baseFontColor","666666","lineColor","FCB541",
 92 "baseFont","Arial","baseFontSize","15","rotateYAxisName","0",
 93 "chartRightMargin","50","showBorder","0",
 94 "canvasBorderThickness ","1","showNames","",
 95 "numDivLines ","4",
 96 "numberSuffix",numberSuffix,
 97 //    "xAxisName",xAxisName,
 98 "subcaption",subcaption+" ",
 99 "showAlternateHGridColor","1",
100 "canvasBorderColor","FFCCCC",
101 "bgColor","FFFFFF,FFFFFF",
102 "anchorRadius","2",//折线节点半径
103 "bgColor","FFFFFF"
104 );
105 String ss;
106 for (Map map2 : aa) {
107 ss=(String) map2.get("CREATEDDATE");
108 boolean a = ss.contains("月");
109 if (a!=true) {
110 if (type.equals("1,2")) {
111 ss+="日";
112 }
113 if (type.equals("4,2")) {
114 ss+="月";
115 }
116 if (type.equals("8,3")) {
117 ss+="年";
118 }
119 }
120 map2.put("CREATEDDATE", ss);
121 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(root,"set","label",""+map2.get("CREATEDDATE")+"","value",""+map2.get("VISITORID")+"");
122 }
124 Element styles = XmlDom4jUtils.addChildren(root, "styles");
125 Element definition = XmlDom4jUtils.addChildren(styles,"definition");
126 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(definition,"style","name","Anim1","type","animation","param","_xscale","start","0","duration","1");
127 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(definition,"style","name","Anim2","type","animation","param","_alpha","start","0","duration","0.6");
128 Element application = XmlDom4jUtils.addChildren(styles,"application");
129 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(application,"apply","toObject","DIVLINES","styles","Anim1");
130 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(application,"apply","toObject","HGRID","styles","Anim2");
131 XmlDom4jUtils.addChildrenAndAttribute(application,"apply","toObject","DATALABELS","styles","DataShadow,Anim2");
133 Map<String, Object> mapp = new HashMap<String, Object>();
134 mapp.put("xml", document.asXML());
135 String json = JsonUtils.mapToJson(mapp);
136 outStringData(json);
137 } catch (ParseException e) {
138 e.printStackTrace();
139 }
141 核心是sql语句:
143 select count(i.createddate) as visitorId,substr(u.createddate,${dmType}) as createddate
144 from ** u,// i
145 where u.userinfoids = i.ids
146 <if test="beginTime !=null and beginTime !=‘‘"> 
147   <![CDATA[
148     and substr(u.createddate,0,10) >= #{beginTime}
149   ]]>
150 </if>
151 <if test="overTime !=null and overTime !=‘‘">  
152   <![CDATA[
153     and substr(u.createddate,0,10) <= #{overTime}
154   ]]>
155 </if>
156 <if test="companycode !=null and companycode !=‘‘">
157 and u.COMPANYCODE = #{companycode}
158 </if>
159 <![CDATA[
160 group by substr(u.createddate, ${dmType})
161 order by substr(u.createddate, ${dmType}) asc
162 ]]>
164 dao代码:
166 //图形统计
167 public List<Map> **(Map<String, Object> map){
168 //    super.sqlSessionTemplate.selectMap("路径", map);
169 return super.sqlSessionTemplate.selectList("路径", map);
171 }





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