public class Starter { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { RPC.Builder build = new RPC.Builder(new Configuration()); build.setBindAddress("localhost").setPort(10000).setProtocol(LoginServiceInterface.class).setInstance(new LoginServiceImpl()); RPC.Server server = build.build(); server.start(); } }
RPC 服务端主要通过NIO来处理客户端发来的请求。
Call :用于存储客户端发来的请求
Listener : 监听类,用于监听客户端发来的请求,同时Listener内部还有一个静态类,Listener.Reader,当监听器监听到用户请求,便让Reader读取用户请求。
Responder :响应RPC请求类,请求处理完毕,由Responder发送给请求客户端。
Connection :连接类,真正的客户端请求读取逻辑在这个类中。
Handler :请求处理类,会循环阻塞读取callQueue中的call对象,并对其进行操作。
/** Starts the service. Must be called before any calls will be handled. */ //该实现在ipc.Server类中 public synchronized void start() { responder.start(); listener.start(); handlers = new Handler[handlerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < handlerCount; i++) { handlers[i] = new Handler(i); handlers[i].start(); } }
Listner初始化,构造函数如下所示,通过Java NIO创建一个ServerSocketChannel监听本地地址和端口,并设置成非阻塞模式,并注册成接听客户端连接事件,并启动多个Reader线程,同时将读客户端请求数据的事件交给Reader实现。
public Listener() throws IOException { address = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddress, port); // Create a new server socket and set to non blocking mode acceptChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); acceptChannel.configureBlocking(false); // Bind the server socket to the local host and port bind(acceptChannel.socket(), address, backlogLength, conf, portRangeConfig); port = acceptChannel.socket().getLocalPort(); //Could be an ephemeral port // create a selector; selector= Selector.open(); readers = new Reader[readThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < readThreads; i++) { Reader reader = new Reader( "Socket Reader #" + (i + 1) + " for port " + port); readers[i] = reader; reader.start(); } // Register accepts on the server socket with the selector. acceptChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); this.setName("IPC Server listener on " + port); this.setDaemon(true); }
public void run() { LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": starting"); SERVER.set(Server.this); connectionManager.startIdleScan(); while (running) { SelectionKey key = null; try { getSelector().select(); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = getSelector().selectedKeys().iterator();//获取连接事件 while (iter.hasNext()) {//遍历连接事件 key = iter.next(); iter.remove(); try { if (key.isValid()) { if (key.isAcceptable())//如果该事件是连接事件 doAccept(key); } } catch (IOException e) { } key = null; } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads // log the event and sleep for a minute and give // some thread(s) a chance to finish LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e); closeCurrentConnection(key, e); connectionManager.closeIdle(true); try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {} } catch (Exception e) { closeCurrentConnection(key, e); } } LOG.info("Stopping " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); synchronized (this) { try { acceptChannel.close(); selector.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } selector= null; acceptChannel= null; // close all connections connectionManager.stopIdleScan(); connectionManager.closeAll(); } }
void doAccept(SelectionKey key) throws InterruptedException, IOException, OutOfMemoryError { ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel(); SocketChannel channel; while ((channel = server.accept()) != null) { channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay); channel.socket().setKeepAlive(true); Reader reader = getReader(); Connection c = connectionManager.register(channel);//把与客户端连接的管道封装成Connection key.attach(c); // so closeCurrentConnection can get the object reader.addConnection(c);//将客户端请求连接的通道加入到Reader,监听用户发来的请求。 } }
public void run() { LOG.info("Starting " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { doRunLoop(); } finally { try { readSelector.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Error closing read selector in " + Thread.currentThread().getName(), ioe); } } } private synchronized void doRunLoop() { while (running) { SelectionKey key = null; try { // consume as many connections as currently queued to avoid // unbridled acceptance of connections that starves the select int size = pendingConnections.size();//在Listner类中通过reader.addConnection(c)加入到该阻塞队列中 for (int i=size; i>0; i--) {//遍历处理用户的连接事件,并监听用户发来的请求 Connection conn = pendingConnections.take(); conn.channel.register(readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, conn); } readSelector.select(); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = readSelector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { key = iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (key.isValid()) { if (key.isReadable()) {//判断该事件是不是读事件,并处理该读事件 doRead(key); } } key = null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (running) { // unexpected -- log it LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " unexpectedly interrupted", e); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Error in Reader", ex); } } }
void doRead(SelectionKey key) throws InterruptedException { int count = 0; Connection c = (Connection)key.attachment();//因为Connection也保存着与客户端的连接,因此这里提取了Connection,把处理细节交给Connection if (c == null) { return; } c.setLastContact(Time.now()); try { count = c.readAndProcess(); } catch (InterruptedException ieo) { LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": readAndProcess caught InterruptedException", ieo); throw ieo; } catch (Exception e) { // a WrappedRpcServerException is an exception that has been sent // to the client, so the stacktrace is unnecessary; any other // exceptions are unexpected internal server errors and thus the // stacktrace should be logged LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": readAndProcess from client " + c.getHostAddress() + " threw exception [" + e + "]", (e instanceof WrappedRpcServerException) ? null : e); count = -1; //so that the (count < 0) block is executed } if (count < 0) { closeConnection(c); c = null; } else { c.setLastContact(Time.now()); } }
Connection类中通过channelRead(channel, data)读取客户端发送的数据,并将读取的数据通过processOneRpc(data.array())方法处理逻辑过程,
processOneRpc通过调用processRpcRequest(RpcRequestHeaderProto header,DataInputStream dis)方法,
public Writable call(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.Server server, String protocolName, Writable rpcRequest, long receivedTime) throws IOException, RPC.VersionMismatch { Invocation call = (Invocation)rpcRequest; if (server.verbose) log("Call: " + call); // Verify writable rpc version if (call.getRpcVersion() != writableRpcVersion) { // Client is using a different version of WritableRpc throw new RpcServerException( "WritableRpc version mismatch, client side version=" + call.getRpcVersion() + ", server side version=" + writableRpcVersion); } long clientVersion = call.getProtocolVersion(); final String protoName; ProtoClassProtoImpl protocolImpl; if (call.declaringClassProtocolName.equals(VersionedProtocol.class.getName())) { // VersionProtocol methods are often used by client to figure out // which version of protocol to use. // // Versioned protocol methods should go the protocolName protocol // rather than the declaring class of the method since the // the declaring class is VersionedProtocol which is not // registered directly. // Send the call to the highest protocol version VerProtocolImpl highest = server.getHighestSupportedProtocol( RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE, protocolName); if (highest == null) { throw new RpcServerException("Unknown protocol: " + protocolName); } protocolImpl = highest.protocolTarget; } else { protoName = call.declaringClassProtocolName; // Find the right impl for the protocol based on client version. ProtoNameVer pv = new ProtoNameVer(call.declaringClassProtocolName, clientVersion); protocolImpl = server.getProtocolImplMap(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE).get(pv); if (protocolImpl == null) { // no match for Protocol AND Version VerProtocolImpl highest = server.getHighestSupportedProtocol(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE, protoName); if (highest == null) { throw new RpcServerException("Unknown protocol: " + protoName); } else { // protocol supported but not the version that client wants throw new RPC.VersionMismatch(protoName, clientVersion, highest.version); } } } // Invoke the protocol method long startTime = Time.now(); int qTime = (int) (startTime-receivedTime); Exception exception = null; try { Method method = protocolImpl.protocolClass.getMethod(call.getMethodName(), call.getParameterClasses()); method.setAccessible(true); server.rpcDetailedMetrics.init(protocolImpl.protocolClass); Object value = method.invoke(protocolImpl.protocolImpl, call.getParameters()); if (server.verbose) log("Return: "+value); return new ObjectWritable(method.getReturnType(), value); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable target = e.getTargetException(); if (target instanceof IOException) { exception = (IOException)target; throw (IOException)target; } else { IOException ioe = new IOException(target.toString()); ioe.setStackTrace(target.getStackTrace()); exception = ioe; throw ioe; } } catch (Throwable e) { if (!(e instanceof IOException)) { LOG.error("Unexpected throwable object ", e); } IOException ioe = new IOException(e.toString()); ioe.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); exception = ioe; throw ioe; } finally { int processingTime = (int) (Time.now() - startTime); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String msg = "Served: " + call.getMethodName() + " queueTime= " + qTime + " procesingTime= " + processingTime; if (exception != null) { msg += " exception= " + exception.getClass().getSimpleName(); } LOG.debug(msg); } String detailedMetricsName = (exception == null) ? call.getMethodName() : exception.getClass().getSimpleName(); server.rpcMetrics.addRpcQueueTime(qTime); server.rpcMetrics.addRpcProcessingTime(processingTime); server.rpcDetailedMetrics.addProcessingTime(detailedMetricsName, processingTime); } }
CurCall.set(null);//处理完call请求,故将当前处理call表示标志为Null synchronized (call.connection.responseQueue) { // setupResponse() needs to be sync‘ed together with // responder.doResponse() since setupResponse may use // SASL to encrypt response data and SASL enforces // its own message ordering. setupResponse(buf, call, returnStatus, detailedErr, value, errorClass, error);//将返回值封装到输出流中 // Discard the large buf and reset it back to smaller size // to free up heap if (buf.size() > maxRespSize) { LOG.warn("Large response size " + buf.size() + " for call " + call.toString()); buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(INITIAL_RESP_BUF_SIZE); } responder.doRespond(call);//将返回请求call加入队列中,然后在Responder类中一一处理。
void doRespond(Call call) throws IOException { synchronized (call.connection.responseQueue) { call.connection.responseQueue.addLast(call); if (call.connection.responseQueue.size() == 1) { processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, true); } } }
channel.register(writeSelector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, call);
public void run() { LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": starting"); SERVER.set(Server.this); try { doRunLoop(); } finally { LOG.info("Stopping " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); try { writeSelector.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Couldn‘t close write selector in " + Thread.currentThread().getName(), ioe); } } } private void doRunLoop() { long lastPurgeTime = 0; // last check for old calls. while (running) { try { waitPending(); // If a channel is being registered, wait. writeSelector.select(PURGE_INTERVAL); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = writeSelector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = iter.next(); iter.remove(); try { if (key.isValid() && key.isWritable()) { doAsyncWrite(key); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": doAsyncWrite threw exception " + e); } } long now = Time.now(); if (now < lastPurgeTime + PURGE_INTERVAL) { continue; } lastPurgeTime = now; // // If there were some calls that have not been sent out for a // long time, discard them. // if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Checking for old call responses."); } ArrayList<Call> calls; // get the list of channels from list of keys. synchronized (writeSelector.keys()) { calls = new ArrayList<Call>(writeSelector.keys().size()); iter = writeSelector.keys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = iter.next(); Call call = (Call)key.attachment(); if (call != null && key.channel() == call.connection.channel) { calls.add(call); } } } for(Call call : calls) { doPurge(call, now); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads // log the event and sleep for a minute and give // some thread(s) a chance to finish // LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e); try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {} } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception in Responder", e); } } }