一 创建用户对象u_vst_search
二 初始化控件 uo_find.uf_init_dw( dw_1 )dw_1.setredraw( true )
forward global type u_vst_search from userobject end type type st_txt from statictext within u_vst_search end type type cb_1 from commandbutton within u_vst_search end type type pb_find from commandbutton within u_vst_search end type type sle_xx from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search end type type ddlb_condition from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search end type type ddlb_col from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search end type end forward global type u_vst_search from userobject integer width = 2318 integer height = 112 long backcolor = 67108864 string text = "none" long tabtextcolor = 33554432 long picturemaskcolor = 536870912 event ue_key pbm_keydown event ue_all ( ) event ue_search ( string as_condition ) st_txt st_txt cb_1 cb_1 pb_find pb_find sle_xx sle_xx ddlb_condition ddlb_condition ddlb_col ddlb_col end type global u_vst_search u_vst_search type variables DataWindow idw_1 String is_CurrentCol = '' string is_title string is_datalist[] string is_condition string is_condtype = 'F' //查询方式:F(DW过滤);Q(SQL查询) end variables forward prototypes public function string uf_explain_condition (string as_condition) public subroutine uf_set_condition (string as_type) public function long uf_check () public function string uf_check_datatype (integer ai_id) public subroutine uf_init (datawindow adw_1) end prototypes event ue_all();//点击“所有”操作,取消查询条件 //parent.event ue_all() end event event ue_search(string as_condition);//点击“查询”操作,as_condtion为查询条件 //parent.event ue_search(as_condition) end event public function string uf_explain_condition (string as_condition);String ls_ret Choose Case as_condition Case '等于' ls_ret = '=' Case '不等于' ls_ret = '<>' Case '大于' ls_ret = '>' Case '大于等于' ls_ret = '>=' Case '小于' ls_ret = '<' Case '小于等于' ls_ret = '<=' Case '类似于' ls_ret = 'like' Case '包含' ls_ret = 'like' Case '不包含' ls_ret = 'not like' Case '在...之间' ls_ret = 'between' Case '并且' ls_ret = 'And' Case '或者' ls_ret = 'Or' End Choose return ls_ret end function public subroutine uf_set_condition (string as_type);ddlb_condition.Reset() Choose Case lower(as_type) Case 'num'//数字型 ddlb_condition.AddItem("等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("不等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于等于") Case 'str'//字符型 ddlb_condition.AddItem("等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("不等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("类似于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("包含") ddlb_condition.AddItem("不包含") Case 'date'//日期型 ddlb_condition.AddItem("等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("不等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("小于等于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于") ddlb_condition.AddItem("大于等于") End Choose end subroutine public function long uf_check ();Int li_id, li_pos,li_posleft,li_posright string ls_data li_id = Integer(Mid(ddlb_col.text, 2, Pos(ddlb_col.Text, ']', 1) - 2)) if li_id = 0 then return 1 end if ls_data = sle_xx.text Choose Case uf_check_datatype(li_id) Case 'num' li_PosLeft = Pos(ls_data, "[") li_PosRight = Pos(ls_data, "]") if li_posright > li_posleft and li_posleft > 0 then ls_data = Mid(ls_data, li_PosLeft + 1, li_PosRight - li_PosLeft - 1) end if If Not IsNumber(ls_data) Then Goto Err End If Case 'date' IF uf_explain_condition(ddlb_condition.Text) = 'between' Then li_pos = Pos(ls_data, ',', 1) If li_pos = 0 Then messagebox("查询", "请输入正确的数据格式,如: 2001-01-01,2003-01-01") Goto Err End If If Not IsDate(Left(ls_data, li_pos - 1)) Or Not IsDate(Right(ls_data, len(ls_data) - li_pos)) Then Goto Err End If Else If Not IsDate(ls_data) Then Goto Err End If End If End Choose Return 1 Err: messagebox("查询", "数据的类型不匹配!") Return -1 end function public function string uf_check_datatype (integer ai_id);String ls_datatype, ls_ret ls_datatype = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(ai_id) + ".ColType") If Pos(ls_datatype, '(', 1) > 0 Then ls_datatype = Mid(ls_datatype, 1, Pos(ls_datatype, "(", 1) - 1) End If Choose Case ls_datatype Case 'numeric', 'decimal', 'int', 'money', 'real', 'smallint', 'smallmoney', 'tinyint','long' ls_ret = 'num' Case 'datetime', 'timestamp' ls_ret = 'date' Case Else ls_ret = 'str' End Choose Return ls_ret end function public subroutine uf_init (datawindow adw_1);idw_1 = adw_1 String ls_ColName, ls_Col, ls_itemName, ls_tag, ls_parent Int li_ColCount, i, m, li_visible ddlb_col.reset( ) //重置列名 li_ColCount = Integer(idw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Column.Count")) For i = 1 To li_ColCount ls_Col = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(i) + ".Name") ls_ColName = idw_1.Describe(ls_col + "_t.Text") li_visible = Integer(idw_1.Describe(ls_col + ".Visible")) ls_tag = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(i) + ".Tag") If li_visible = 0 Then Continue If ls_ColName = '!' Then Continue If ls_tag = 'NOSEARCH' Then Continue If Pos(ls_Col, "item_no") > 0 Then ls_itemName = ls_ColName m = i End If ddlb_col.AddItem("[" + String(i) + "]:" + ls_ColName) Next If m > 0 Then ddlb_col.Text = "["+ String(m) + "]:" + ls_itemName ddlb_col.TriggerEvent("SelectionChanged") Else If i > 0 Then ddlb_col.SelectItem(1) ddlb_col.Event SelectionChanged(1) End If End If //接窗口增加模糊查询 ls_parent = lower(ClassName(This.GetParent())) if ls_parent = '' then ddlb_col.InsertItem("[0]:模糊查询", 1) ddlb_col.SelectItem(1) ddlb_col.Event SelectionChanged(1) end if end subroutine on u_vst_search.create this.st_txt=create st_txt this.cb_1=create cb_1 this.pb_find=create pb_find this.sle_xx=create sle_xx this.ddlb_condition=create ddlb_condition this.ddlb_col=create ddlb_col this.Control[]={this.st_txt,& this.cb_1,& this.pb_find,& this.sle_xx,& this.ddlb_condition,& this.ddlb_col} end on on u_vst_search.destroy destroy(this.st_txt) destroy(this.cb_1) destroy(this.pb_find) destroy(this.sle_xx) destroy(this.ddlb_condition) destroy(this.ddlb_col) end on type st_txt from statictext within u_vst_search integer x = 14 integer y = 32 integer width = 379 integer height = 52 integer textsize = -10 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = gb2312charset! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! string facename = "宋体" long textcolor = 134217751 long backcolor = 67108864 string text = "精确查询:" alignment alignment = right! boolean focusrectangle = false end type type cb_1 from commandbutton within u_vst_search string tag = "检索出所有数据" integer x = 2075 integer y = 4 integer width = 219 integer height = 96 string text = "所有" end type event clicked;call super::clicked;is_condition = "" event ue_all() end event type pb_find from commandbutton within u_vst_search string tag = "查询" integer x = 1902 integer y = 4 integer width = 165 integer height = 96 string text = "查询" end type event clicked;call super::clicked; String ls_colname,ls_coldbname,ls_data,ls_datatype,ls_condition,ls_where Integer li_pos,li_posleft,li_posright Int li_id,li_ret If Not IsValid(idw_1) Then Return end if If ddlb_col.Text = 'none' Then Return end if If uf_check() = -1 Then Return end if li_id = Integer(Mid(ddlb_col.Text, 2, pos(ddlb_col.text, ']', 1) - 2)) if is_condtype = 'F' then //按DW的列名生成过滤条件 ls_ColName = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(li_id) + ".Name") else //按表的字段名生成SQL查询条件 ls_ColName = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(li_id) + ".dbName") end if ls_datatype = uf_check_datatype(li_id) ls_condition = uf_explain_condition(ddlb_condition.Text) ls_data = Trim(sle_xx.Text) li_PosLeft = Pos(ls_data, "[") li_PosRight = Pos(ls_data, "]") If li_PosLeft > 0 And li_PosRight > 0 And li_PosLeft < li_PosRight Then ls_data = Mid(ls_data, li_PosLeft + 1, li_PosRight - li_PosLeft - 1) End If If IsNull(ls_data) or ls_data = '' then Messagebox("提示","请输入查询条件!") return end if Choose Case ls_datatype Case 'num' ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + ' ' + ls_condition + " " + ls_data + ")" Case 'str' If ls_condition = 'like' Or ls_condition = 'not like' Then If Pos(ddlb_condition.text, "包含") > 0 Then ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + ' ' + ls_condition + " '%" + ls_data + "%')" Else ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + ' ' + ls_condition + " '" + ls_data + "%')" End If Else If ls_condition = 'between' Then li_pos = Pos(ls_data, ",", 1) ls_where = "(" + ls_colName + ' ' + ls_condition + " '" + & Trim(Left(ls_data, li_pos - 1)) + "' and '" + & Trim(Right(ls_data, Len(ls_data) - li_pos)) + "')" Else ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + ' ' + ls_condition + " '" + ls_data + "')" End If End If Case 'date' If ls_condition = '=' Then ls_data = string(date(ls_data), "yyyy-mm-dd") ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + " >= ('" + ls_data +"') and "+ls_colname +" <= ('" + ls_data + " 23:59:59.9'))" Else ls_where = "(" + ls_ColName + ' ' + ls_condition + " '" + ls_data + "')" End If End Choose is_condition = ls_where event ue_search(ls_where) end event type sle_xx from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search event key pbm_keydown integer x = 1339 integer y = 8 integer width = 553 integer height = 544 integer taborder = 10 integer textsize = -9 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" long textcolor = 33554432 boolean allowedit = true boolean autohscroll = true boolean sorted = false boolean hscrollbar = true boolean vscrollbar = true borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered! end type event key;if key = KeyEnter! then IF Len ( This.Text ) > 0 THEN pb_find.TriggerEvent ( Clicked! ) This.SelectText ( 1, Len ( This.Text ) ) END IF end if end event event modified;string ls_data integer li_i ls_data =this.text //处理下拉模糊查询 if sle_xx.totalitems( ) > 0 then if sle_xx.finditem(ls_data,0) < 0 then for li_i = 1 to upperbound(is_datalist) if pos(is_datalist[li_i],ls_data) > 0 then sle_xx.selectitem( li_i ) exit end if next end if end if if keydown(keyenter!) then IF Len ( This.Text ) > 0 THEN pb_find.TriggerEvent ( Clicked! ) This.SelectText ( 1, Len ( This.Text ) ) END IF end if end event type ddlb_condition from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search integer x = 942 integer y = 8 integer width = 393 integer height = 512 integer textsize = -9 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" long textcolor = 33554432 string text = "none" boolean sorted = false boolean vscrollbar = true borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered! end type type ddlb_col from dropdownlistbox within u_vst_search integer x = 398 integer y = 8 integer width = 539 integer height = 676 integer textsize = -9 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Arial" long textcolor = 33554432 string text = "none" boolean sorted = false boolean vscrollbar = true borderstyle borderstyle = stylelowered! end type event selectionchanged;String ls_datatype, ls_ColName Integer li_id,li_i string ls_empty[] for li_i = sle_xx.totalitems( ) to 1 step -1 sle_xx.deleteitem( li_i ) next is_datalist = ls_empty li_id = Integer(Mid(This.Text, 2, Pos(This.Text, ']', 1) - 2)) if li_id = 0 then ddlb_condition.Reset() ddlb_condition.AddItem("包含") ddlb_condition.SelectItem("包含", 1) return end if ls_ColName = idw_1.Describe("#" + String(li_id) + ".Name") is_CurrentCol = ls_ColName ls_datatype = uf_check_datatype(li_id) Choose Case ls_datatype Case 'num' If Not IsNumber(sle_xx.text) Then sle_xx.text = '' End If Case 'date' If Not IsDate(sle_xx.text) Then sle_xx.text = '' End If End Choose Parent.uf_set_condition(ls_datatype) ddlb_condition.text = '等于' String ls_DisplayCol, ls_DataCol String ls_values, ls_work, ls_pData, ls_dData, ls_data Long ll_pId, ll_dId, Row, n //具有DDDW的列的处理 DataWindowChild ldwc_1 If idw_1.GetChild(ls_ColName, ldwc_1) <> -1 Then If ldwc_1.RowCount() > 0 Then DataStore lds_1 lds_1 = Create DataStore lds_1.DataObject = idw_1.Describe(ls_ColName + ".DDDW.Name") ldwc_1.RowsCopy(1, ldwc_1.RowCount(), Primary!, lds_1, 1, Primary!) ls_DisplayCol = Trim(idw_1.Describe(ls_ColName + ".DDDW.DisplayColumn")) ls_DataCol = Trim(idw_1.Describe(ls_ColName + ".DDDW.DataColumn")) ll_pId = Long(ldwc_1.Describe(ls_DisplayCol + ".Id")) ll_dId = Long(ldwc_1.Describe(ls_DataCol + ".Id")) For Row = 1 To ldwc_1.RowCount() ls_pData = String(lds_1.Object.Data.Primary.Current[Row, ll_pId]) ls_dData = String(lds_1.Object.Data.Primary.Current[Row, ll_dId]) If ls_PData <> "新增..." Then choose case ls_datatype case 'num' ls_data = "[" + string(ls_dData) + "]" + ls_pData case else ls_data = "[" + ls_dData + "]" + ls_pData end choose sle_xx.AddItem(ls_data) is_datalist[upperbound(is_datalist) + 1] = ls_data End If Next End If End If //具有ddlb的列的处理 n = 1 ls_values = Trim(idw_1.Describe(ls_ColName + ".values")) If ls_values = "?" Then Return ls_work = gf_string_xsub(ls_values, "/", 1) Do While Len(ls_work) > 0 If Pos(ls_work, "~t", 1) > 0 Then ls_PData = gf_string_xsub(ls_work, "~t", 1) ls_dData = gf_string_xsub(ls_work, "~t", 2) If ls_PData <> "新增..." Then choose case ls_datatype case 'num' ls_data = "[" + string(ls_dData) + "]" + ls_pData case else ls_data = "[" + ls_dData + "]" + ls_pData end choose sle_xx.AddItem(ls_data) is_datalist[upperbound(is_datalist) + 1] = ls_data End If End If n++ ls_work = gf_string_xsub(ls_values, "/", n) Loop end event