Given string A representative a positive integer which has N digits, remove any k digits of the number, the remaining digits are arranged according to the original order to become a new positive integer.
Find the smallest integer after remove k digits.
N <= 240 and k <= N,
Given an integer A = "178542"
, k = 4
return a string "12"
When take current number n from string A, we need to compare the last digit we have in the new string, if n is greater than the last number in the new string, we do nothing. However, if n is less than the last digit in the new string, should we replace it? we can if we have
newString.length() + A.length() - p > A.length() - k.
1 public class Solution { 2 /** 3 *@param A: A positive integer which has N digits, A is a string. 4 *@param k: Remove k digits. 5 *@return: A string 6 */ 7 public String DeleteDigits(String A, int k) { 8 9 if (A == null || A.length() == 0 || k <= 0) return A; 10 if (A.length() == k) return ""; 11 12 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 13 sb.append(A.charAt(0)); 14 15 for (int p = 1; p < A.length(); p++) { 16 //这题关键的部分是如果当前这个数比前一个数小,我们就一定要把当前这个数替换掉前一个数。因为这样我们得到的数就一定更小。 17 // 但是也不是可以无限替换,我们得保证A后面部分的substring长度+当前sb的长度 >= A.length() - k 18 while (sb.length() >= 1 && A.charAt(p) < sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) && sb.length() > p - k) { 19 sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); 20 } 21 if (sb.length() < A.length() - k) { 22 sb.append(A.charAt(p)); 23 } 24 } 25 int i = 0; 26 // remove the extra 0 at the beginning 27 while(sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(0) == ‘0‘) { 28 sb.deleteCharAt(0); 29 } 30 31 return sb.toString() + ""; 32 } 33 }