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图像储存容器Mat[OpenCV 笔记11]

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IplImage 与 Mat


IplImage* img = cvLoadImage("imagename.jpg",1);



Mat由矩阵头和一个指向存储图像矩阵的指针组成。为应该尽量避免图像的复制,加快程序运行速度,Mat的拷贝构造函数只复制信息头和矩阵指针,不复制矩阵。因此通过任何一个对象所做的改变也会影响其他对象。如果想要创建一个感兴趣的区域(Region of Interest (ROI))只需要创建包含边界信息的信息头:

Mat ROI1(matrix, Rect(x,y,width,height)); // use rectangle to set the boundary
Mat ROI2 = matrix(Range:all(), Range(1,3)); // use rows and cols 


Mat duplicate1 = matrix.clone();
Mat duplicate2;



Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar & s)
  • rows:矩阵行数
  • cols:矩阵列数
  • type:规定存储元素的数据类型和每个矩阵点的通道数
    • CV_[the number of bits per item: 8/16/32/64] [Signed, Unsigned, or Float: S/U/F] C [The channel number: 1/2/3/4]
    • CV_8UC3:三通道8位的unsigned char型
  • s:可以省去,Scalar是short型的向量,用来初始化矩阵  
Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar & s)
  • size: 二位矩阵尺寸,Size(cols, rows),注意维数尺寸跟前面的构造函数是相反的
  • type和s:同上
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, type, const Scalar & s)
  • ndims: 第二个参数,size矩阵,的维数
  • sizes: 整型矩阵,规定Mat的尺寸
  • type和s:同上
Mat (const Mat &m)
Mat (const Mat &m, const Range &rowRange, const Range &colRange=Range::all())
Mat (const Mat &m, const Rect &roi)
Mat (const Mat &m, const Range *ranges)
  • m: 赋值矩阵,它的部分或者全部值将以指针传递给构造出的矩阵,注意数据不会被拷贝给新矩阵
  • 其他参数:规定赋值部分的范围
Mat (int rows, int cols, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
Mat (Size size, int type, void *data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
Mat (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type, void *data, const size_t *steps=0)
  • data:指向用户数据的指针,构造的矩阵将指向这些用户数据,没有进行数据拷贝
  • step:矩阵更新到下一行需要跨过的字节数,如果矩阵每行的尾部包含无用的填充数据,需要把这部分计算进去,自动计算时设为cols*elemSize()
  • 其他参数:设置矩阵的大小和类型 
Mat::Mat(const IplImage* img, bool copyData=false)
  • img: IplImage类型的图,利用它来创建信息头
  Mat (const std::vector< _Tp > &vec, bool copyData=false)
  • vec:STL vector,矩阵行数等于vec的元素数,矩阵的数据类型与vec相同,因此vec必须为单一类型的数据结构。默认情况下,不会进行数据拷贝,这种情况下在矩阵被释放之前,不能再向vec内加入新数据(这样会造成存储空间重新分配,之前的指针可能会失效)或进行其他可能改变vec内存空间的操作。


其他构造函数可以参见OpenCV Documentation: 




void    create (int rows, int cols, int type)
void    create (Size size, int type)
void    create (int ndims, const int *sizes, int type)


  • 如果现在矩阵的形状数据类型与目标相同,直接返回。否则释放原来的内存空间。
  • 初始化新矩阵头
  • 分配total()*elemSize()字节内存
  • 设置新的对象计数值,并设为1
static MatExpr eye (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr  eye (Size size, int type)
static MatExpr  ones (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr  ones (Size size, int type)
static MatExpr  ones (int ndims, const int *sz, int type)
static MatExpr  zeros (int rows, int cols, int type)
static MatExpr  zeros (Size size, int type)
static MatExpr  zeros (int ndims, const int *sz, int type)

Matlab形式的初始化方式。MatExpr是Matrix expression representation,可以进行各种矩阵运算操作。用法如下,

Mat E = Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64F);
Mat O = Mat::ones(2,2,CV_32F)*0.1;


Mat C = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0,-1,0, -1,5,-1, 0,-1,0);
Mat     clone () const
void    copyTo (OutputArray m) const
void    copyTo (OutputArray m, InputArray mask) const


  • mask:非零数据代表了需要拷贝的数据,如果传递了这个参数那么分配完内存空间后,矩阵先被初始化为0,mask是CV_8U类型可以包含一个或多个通道


5种输出风格:OpenCV默认,Python,逗号分隔,Numpy, C语言风格。事例程序和运行结果如下:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
// main
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    cv::Mat r = cv::Mat(10,3,CV_8UC3);
    cv::randu(r, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(255));
    // [1] OpenCV default style
    std::cout << "r (OpenCV default style) = \n" << r << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // [2] Python style
    // OpenCV2
    // std::cout << "r (Python style) = " << format(r,"python") << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // OpenCV3
    std::cout << "r (Python style) = \n" << format(r,cv::Formatter::FMT_PYTHON) << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // [3] Comma separated values (CSV)
    // OpenCV2
    // std::cout << "r (CSV style) = " << format(r,"csv") << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // OpenCV3
    std::cout << "r (CSV style) = \n" << format(r,cv::Formatter::FMT_CSV) << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // [4] Numpy style
    // OpenCV2
    // std::cout << "r (Numpy style) = " << format(r,"numpy") << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // OpenCV3
    std::cout << "r (Numpy style) = \n" << format(r,cv::Formatter::FMT_NUMPY) << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // [3] C style
    // OpenCV2
    // std::cout << "r (C style) = " << format(r,"C") << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    // OpenCV3
    std::cout << "r (C style) = \n" << format(r,cv::Formatter::FMT_C) << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;
    return 0;
r (OpenCV default style) = 
[ 91,   2,  79, 179,  52, 205, 236,   8, 181;
 239,  26, 248, 207, 218,  45, 183, 158, 101;
 102,  18, 118,  68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211;
 181, 162, 197, 191, 196,  40,   7, 243, 230;
  45,   6,  48, 173, 242, 125, 175,  90,  63;
  90,  22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123;
 214,  35, 229,   6, 143, 138,  98,  81, 118;
 187, 167, 140, 218, 178,  23,  43, 133, 154;
 150,  76, 101,   8,  38, 238,  84,  47,   7;
 117, 246, 163, 237,  69, 129,  60, 101,  41];

r (Python style) = 
[[[ 91,   2,  79], [179,  52, 205], [236,   8, 181]],
 [[239,  26, 248], [207, 218,  45], [183, 158, 101]],
 [[102,  18, 118], [ 68, 210, 139], [198, 207, 211]],
 [[181, 162, 197], [191, 196,  40], [  7, 243, 230]],
 [[ 45,   6,  48], [173, 242, 125], [175,  90,  63]],
 [[ 90,  22, 112], [221, 167, 224], [113, 208, 123]],
 [[214,  35, 229], [  6, 143, 138], [ 98,  81, 118]],
 [[187, 167, 140], [218, 178,  23], [ 43, 133, 154]],
 [[150,  76, 101], [  8,  38, 238], [ 84,  47,   7]],
 [[117, 246, 163], [237,  69, 129], [ 60, 101,  41]]];

r (CSV style) = 
 91,   2,  79, 179,  52, 205, 236,   8, 181
239,  26, 248, 207, 218,  45, 183, 158, 101
102,  18, 118,  68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211
181, 162, 197, 191, 196,  40,   7, 243, 230
 45,   6,  48, 173, 242, 125, 175,  90,  63
 90,  22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123
214,  35, 229,   6, 143, 138,  98,  81, 118
187, 167, 140, 218, 178,  23,  43, 133, 154
150,  76, 101,   8,  38, 238,  84,  47,   7
117, 246, 163, 237,  69, 129,  60, 101,  41

r (Numpy style) = 
array([[[ 91,   2,  79], [179,  52, 205], [236,   8, 181]],
       [[239,  26, 248], [207, 218,  45], [183, 158, 101]],
       [[102,  18, 118], [ 68, 210, 139], [198, 207, 211]],
       [[181, 162, 197], [191, 196,  40], [  7, 243, 230]],
       [[ 45,   6,  48], [173, 242, 125], [175,  90,  63]],
       [[ 90,  22, 112], [221, 167, 224], [113, 208, 123]],
       [[214,  35, 229], [  6, 143, 138], [ 98,  81, 118]],
       [[187, 167, 140], [218, 178,  23], [ 43, 133, 154]],
       [[150,  76, 101], [  8,  38, 238], [ 84,  47,   7]],
       [[117, 246, 163], [237,  69, 129], [ 60, 101,  41]]], dtype=uint8);

r (C style) = 
{ 91,   2,  79, 179,  52, 205, 236,   8, 181,
 239,  26, 248, 207, 218,  45, 183, 158, 101,
 102,  18, 118,  68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211,
 181, 162, 197, 191, 196,  40,   7, 243, 230,
  45,   6,  48, 173, 242, 125, 175,  90,  63,
  90,  22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123,
 214,  35, 229,   6, 143, 138,  98,  81, 118,
 187, 167, 140, 218, 178,  23,  43, 133, 154,
 150,  76, 101,   8,  38, 238,  84,  47,   7,
 117, 246, 163, 237,  69, 129,  60, 101,  41};


图像储存容器Mat[OpenCV 笔记11]



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