A day is a miniature of eternity.
For a man, the eternity is his lifetime which is measured by years.
A year is constituted by days, day by hours, hour by minitues, minitue by seconds.
Time is always moving on, second by second, minitue by minitue, hour by hour, day by day, year by year.
When we notice it, it may have passed away.
And the lifetime is limited, the only way to make it eternal may be to make every second, every minitue eternal, at least, meaningful.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
All the things we are pursuing need time.
And the results may be decided by what to do with the time is given us.
To become the professional in your field, you must make good use of the time to perfect your work, to improve your skills.
Just look the face in the mirror, you may think there is no difference from what you have seen yesterday.
But how about it after one month, or one year?
Just let our life be dominated by others, or by destiny?
I think your answer is definitely no.
So, spend the time you have on the right things.
July 23rd, Week 30th Saturday, 2016