package com.liaojianya.chapter2; /** * This program demonstrates the use of polymorphisn. * @author LIAO JIANYA * 2016年7月24日 */ public class PersonStudent { public static void main(String[] args) { Person p = new Student("王二", "上海", "female", 44, 100, 53); System.out.println(p.talk()); Person p1 = new Student(55, 66); System.out.println(p1.talk()); Person p2 = new Student(); System.out.println(p2.talk()); } } class Person { String name; String addr; String gender; int age; public Person() { } public Person(String name, String addr, String gender, int age) { this.name = name; this.addr = addr; this.gender = gender; this.age = age; } public String talk() { return "My name is " + name + ", address is " + addr + ", my gender is " + gender + ", I‘m " + age + " years old."; } } class Student extends Person { float Math; float English; public Student(String name, String addr, String gender, int age, float Math, float English) { super(name, addr, gender, age); this.Math = Math; this.English = English; } public Student(float Math, float English) { this.name = "wangyuan"; this.addr = "nanjing"; this.gender = "male"; this.age = 33; this.Math = Math; this.English = English; } public Student() { this.name = "王小元"; this.addr = "南京"; this.gender = "男"; this.age = 23; this.Math = 98.5f; this.English = 56.6f; } public String talk() { return super.talk() + "My Math score is " + Math + ", and my English score is " +English; } }
My name is 王二, address is 上海, my gender is female, I‘m 44 years old.My Math score is 100.0, and my English score is 53.0 My name is wangyuan, address is nanjing, my gender is male, I‘m 33 years old.My Math score is 55.0, and my English score is 66.0 My name is 王小元, address is 南京, my gender is 男, I‘m 23 years old.My Math score is 98.5, and my English score is 56.6
package com.liaojianya.chapter2; /** * 定义一个Instrument乐器类,并定义其公有的方法play(),再分别定义其子类Wind(管乐器) * Percussion(打击乐器),Stringed(弦乐器),覆写play方法,实现每种乐器独有的play方式。 * 最后在测试类中使用多态的方法执行每个子类的play()方法。 * @author LIAO JIANYA * 2016年7月24日 */ public class InstrumentTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Instrument ins; Wind w = new Wind(); ins = w; ins.play(); Percussion p = new Percussion(); ins = p; ins.play(); Stringed s = new Stringed(); ins = s; ins.play(); } } class Instrument { public void play() { System.out.println("乐器演奏!"); } } class Wind extends Instrument { public void play() { System.out.println("管乐器演奏!"); } } class Percussion extends Instrument { public void play() { System.out.println("打击乐器演奏 !"); } } class Stringed extends Instrument { public void play() { System.out.println("弦乐器演奏!"); } }
管乐器演奏! 打击乐器演奏 ! 弦乐器演奏!