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Replicate Partitioned Tables and Indexes

时间:2016-07-31 00:01:47      阅读:335      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


在初始化subscriber时,Replication能够将分区table 和 分区index的Partition function 和 Partition schema 复制到 subscriber中,这样,table 和 Index 以相同的Partition schema创建。但是,replication 不会将 Partition function 和 Partition schema的更新同步到subscriber,即只在初始subscriber时,复制一次 Partition function 和 Partition schema。



引用《Replicate Partitioned Tables and Indexes》:

Replication supports partitioning by providing a set of properties that specify how partitioned tables and indexes should be treated.

The first set of properties related to partitioning are the article schema options that determine whether partitioning objects should be copied to the Subscriber.  In the Article Properties page of the New Publication Wizard or the Publication Properties dialog box. To copy the objects listed in the previous table, specify a value of true for the properties Copy table partitioning schemes and Copy index partitioning schemes.

Replication copies objects to the Subscriber during the initial synchronization. If the partition scheme uses filegroups other than the PRIMARY filegroup, those filegroups must exist on the Subscriber before the initial synchronization.

After the Subscriber is initialized, data changes are propagated to the Subscriber and applied to the appropriate partitions. However, changes to the partition scheme are not supported. Transactional and merge replication do not support the following commands: ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION, ALTER PARTITION SCHEME, or the REBUILD WITH PARTITION statement of ALTER INDEX. Merge replication does not support the SWITCH PARTITION command of ALTER TABLE, but transactional replication does, as described in the following section.

Replicate Partitioned Tables and Indexes



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