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New Major Features in 14.1
What‘s New in VCL Products 14.1
Breaking Changes
To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:
Breaking Changes in 14.1.3 (VCL Product Line)
Known Issues
To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:
Known Issues in 14.1.3 (VCL Product Line)
The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress
VCL 14.1.3. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren‘t
mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for
compatibility, but have not been updated.
Enhancements and Updates
New Features/Updates
ExpressBars Suite
- T129846 - Remove the trailing comma in the parameter list of the UpdateCaptionButtons method call located in the dxBar unit
- T116591 - Ribbon - Add the capability to hide the Minimize button that switches the Ribbon control‘s minimized state
- T120801 - Add the capability to connect online map providers using a proxy server
ExpressPrinting System
- T127590 - SpreadSheet Report Link - Add the capability to print container objects (images, shapes, etc.)
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- T132796 - Layout View - Add the capability to restore View settings stored with previous Builds
- T129676 - Extend the TdxSpreadSheetTableViewSelection class with the capability to access/specify the currently focused cell
Resolved Issues
ExpressBars Suite
- T128115 - Ribbon - Certain UI elements of the Customization Form cannot be localized
- T126011
- Ribbon - Customization Form - Certain actions result in an AV if the
Ribbon contains one or more tab groups with an unassigned ToolBar
- T126006 - Ribbon - Customization Form - Repositioned tab groups flicker as float objects when applying changes made to the Ribbon
- T130768 - Ribbon - Customization Form - Context captions are illegible when certain skins are applied
- T121368
- Ribbon - In the Ribbon Customization form invoked for the minimized
Ribbon, the Customize the Ribbon list displays groups only for a
currently active tab
- T120796 - Ribbon - The right and left offsets in the in-Ribbon gallery mismatch
- T129503
- Ribbon Form - Form borders produce painting artifacts in Windows 7/8
if the form‘s DisableAero property is set to True and the application is
run in compatibility mode for Windows XP or earlier
- T123489
- TcxBarEditItem - TcxExtLookupComboBox - The editor with assigned
Properties and RepositoryItem properties does not fire the repository
item‘s Properties.OnCloseUp event
- T103748
- TdxBarControlContainerItem whose Align property is set to iaClient is
incorrectly sized with its parent toolbar if the toolbar‘s WholeRow,
UseRestSpace, and BorderStyle properties are set to True, True, and
bbsNone respectively
- T125584 - Circular Scale - An AV occurs when accessing the Font property settings
- T128576 - Digital Scale - Decreasing the control‘s size causes digit segments to overlap each other
- T124560 - Digital Scale - The Width property cannot be set to 0 and, as a result, the WidthFactor property value is ignored
ExpressLayout Control
- T128474 - An AV occurs when switching tabs if the OnTabChanged event handler performs layout recalculation
- T126908 - Components located in a frame get negative Left and Top property settings
- T129202 - Customization Form - Initiating drag and drop scrolls down the content of both the Layout Tree View and Available Items panes
- T126822 - Dragging a layout item resets its CaptionOptions.Visible property setting
- T125608 - Group caption partially overlaps the left border if the Office2013~ or Metropolis~ skin is applied
- T125936 - Adding map items at runtime does not update the map area
- T125174 - An incorrect degree symbol is used to format map point coordinates (latitude and longitude) in the navigation panel
- T125913
- Certain regional settings cause the "‘NNN,NNN‘ is not a valid
floating point number" error when reading cached data if a map
provider‘s CacheOptions.DiskFolder property is specified
- T125926
- The "Invalid operation in GDI+ (code: 2)" exception occurs when
painting a map path that includes a segment formed by exactly two
geographical points
- T127122 - Connection lines are not shown if the Antialiasing property is set to True
- T125180 - TcxPageControl - A page cannot be activated by clicking its tab at design time if the DragMode property is set to dmAutomatic
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- T137122
- OLAP mode - The "Query Parser: The Syntax is incorrect" exception
occurs when filtering by Column or Row values containing quote
ExpressPrinting System
- T123036
- List box and check list box links - The DrawMode property setting
specified via the report link designer at design time is not stored to a
DFM file
- T135274 - Memory leaks when saving a report to a file
- T135360 - SpreadSheet Report Link - The last row and column are not printed
- T123829 - TdxComponentPrinter doesn‘t raise the OnGenerateReportProgress event when building a report for certain report links
- T132055 - The overload bar is not printed in cxProgressBar controls
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- T134628 - Banded Table View - In-place Edit Form - Certain field editors cannot be edited
- T131635 - In-place Edit Form - Field editor captions are not skinned by a skin controller located in a data module
- T126520
- Inserting a new record in a View that displays the New Item Row
causes the "List index out of bounds (-1)" error if the View‘s
OptionsBehavior.EditMode property is set to a value other than emInplace
- T126599
- Layout View - A data item cannot be dragged if the DragMode and
OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor properties of the View are set to
dmAutomatic and False, respectively
- T134287 - Layout View - Data item captions are painted twice
- T134841
- Removing a record being edited using the Ctrl+D key combination
causes unexpected behavior if the record‘s cell value failed validation
- T128626
- Server Mode data sources - Error messages with incorrect parameter
values are passed as the AMessage parameter to OnInconsistentCache and
OnFatalError event handlers
- T128081 - Server Mode Table View - The OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth property setting is ignored
- T126135
- The "H2443 Inline function XXX has not been expanded because unit XXX
is not specified in USES list" compilation hint is displayed
- T120332
- The grid unexpectedly continues to scroll its content after the mouse
pointer is moved away and then returned back to hover the scrollbar‘s
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- T107058 - A typo in the TcxTreeListStyles.GetLookAndFeel private function‘s name (cxTL unit)
- T129417 - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when selecting any child node of a collapsed node
ExpressSkins Library
- T129164 - Modifying a skin element‘s settings doesn‘t update skin information cached by this skin element
- T130508 - Ribbon - Double right border is painted in the in-Ribbon gallery if the Office2013~ skin is applied
- T135368 - Ribbon - The Ribbon Mini Toolbar‘s background is not skinned
- T133954 - "List index out of bounds" exception occurs when loading XLS file in 64 bit version
- T133690 - A formula that includes the ISERROR function, values, and references is incorrectly imported from an XLS file
- T126286 - AV when loading an XLS file containing #REF! errors in formulas
- T124406
- Cell background is always skinned instead of applying the window
color and window text color as the default formatting settings
- T133591 - Entering an number that is greater than or equal to 1e19 causes the "Invalid floating point operation" error
- T127350 - ExpressSpreadSheet Features Demo - Selecting the No Border option hides cell gridlines
- T133732 - References to sheets containing no pairs of parentheses or brackets in their captions cannot be resolved
- T124537 - Rotated images are painted without antialiasing and ignore the OptionsView.Antialiasing property setting
- T128524 - Spreadsheet merges cells that are already merged
- T125237 - TdxSpreadSheetMessageType enumeration values clash with the standard VCL Dialogs.TMsgDlgType enumeration values
- T134215 - The "Invalid floating point operation" exception occurs when applying a format other than General to large numbers
- T127191 - The default sheet name, certain function names, and menu item captions cannot be localized
- T128518 - The MATCH function returns an error value in certain cases
- T128845 - The spreadsheet doesn‘t provide the equivalent event to the OnActiveCellChanging event available in the deprecated version
- T128017 - The STDEV and STDEVP functions return incorrect values in RAD Studio XE or later
- T134213 - The system‘s regional settings are ignored when formatting cell values
- T126616 - The TdxSpreadSheetCell.IsMerged and TdxSpreadSheetMergedCellList.CheckCell functions return incorrect values
- T125019
- The vertical scrollbar produces painting artifacts when the
OptionsView.HorizontalScrollBar property is set to False at design time
ExpressSpreadsheet (Deprecated)
- T124092 - An AV occurs when loading an XLS file containing some strings with zero length
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- T129710 - Navigation through MultiEditor row editors using the Tab key fails
ExpressWizard Control
- B253124 - An empty string assigned to a wizard page Header.Description or Header.Title property is not stored to a DFM file
- B254081 - Clicking the Back or Next button that appears disabled on the first/last page raises the OnButtonClick event
- Q574985 - Design-time changes to a wizard page‘s PageIndex property made on an inherited form are not saved
- T117471 - Pressing the Enter key while the Next button advances two pages instead of one if this button is enabled on the next page
Installation (VCL)
- B254499
- Documentation - Incomplete list of class members and their visibility
levels in pme (Properties, Methods, and Events) topics about TcxControl
- T106496 - Setup cannot compile ExpressMemData packages when installing the ExpressDBTree Suite only
Common Libraries
- T122465 - Server Mode - Changing the View‘s DataController.Filter.MaxValueListCount property has no effect
ExpressEditors Library
- T125232
- cxColorComboBox - The focused editor does not fill the color box with
the selected color if Properties.CustomColors contains at least one
element, and Properties.PrepareList and Properties.NamingConvention are
set to cxplNone and cxncNone, respectively
- T129306
- cxDateEdit - The editor displays the validation mask specified by the
Properties.EditFormat property if the Properties.InputKind property is
set to ikMask
- T127611
- cxLookupComboBox - The drop-down window shrinks being displayed near
the vertical screen edge if the Properties.DropDownAutoSize property is
set to True
- T130125
- In-place editors - The EditAutoHeight property setting is not ignored
and the editor is not switched to a single-line scrollable text field
if the Properties.EchoMode property is set to eemPassword
- T118725
- TcxLookupComboBox - Columns displayed in the drop-down window are too
narrow to display their content if the Properties.DropDownAutoSize
property is set to True
- B253569 - TcxSplitter - At runtime the splitter always aligns with its bound control, even if they were not aligned at design time
- B253568
- TcxSplitter - Binding to a control whose Align property is set to
alLeft, alTop, alRight, or alBottom doesn‘t set the splitter‘s
AlignSplitter property to the corresponding setting
- T126639 - dxFader - Fading animation produces white frames if the rmUp rounding mode is set via the Math.SetRoundMode function
- T134681
- The "H2443 Inline function XXX has not been expanded because unit XXX
is not specified in USES list" compilation hint is displayed
Devexpress VCL Build v2013 vol 14.1.3 发布,布布扣,bubuko.com
Devexpress VCL Build v2013 vol 14.1.3 发布
标签:des style http color os io strong for