module (name [, ···])
Creates a module. If there is a table in
, this table is the module. Otherwise, if there is a global tablet
with the given name, this table is the module. Otherwise creates a new tablet
and sets it as the value of the globalname
and the value ofpackage.loaded[name]
. This function also initializest._NAME
with the given name,t._M
with the module (t
itself), andt._PACKAGE
with the package name (the full module name minus last component; see below). Finally,module
as the new environment of the current function and the new value ofpackage.loaded[name]
, so thatrequire
module “mymodule”
local modname = “mymodule” – 定义模块名
local M = {} -- 定义用于返回的模块表
_G[modname] = M -- 将模块表加入到全局变量中
package.loaded[modname] = M -- 将模块表加入到package.loaded中,防止多次加载
setfenv(1,M) -- 将模块表设置为函数的环境表,这使得模块中的所有操作是以在模块表中的,这样定义函数就直接定义在模块表中
return M
整个module文件, 可以看做是一个函数,详见lua chunk解释:
2.4.1 – Chunks
The unit of execution of Lua is called a chunk. A chunk is simply a sequence of statements, which are executed sequentially. Each statement can be optionally followed by a semicolon:
chunk ::= {stat [`;′]}There are no empty statements and thus ‘
‘ is not legal.Lua handles a chunk as the body of an anonymous function with a variable number of arguments (see §2.5.9). As such, chunks can define local variables, receive arguments, and return values.
从上可以看出, module改变了匿名函数的行为, 返回的是 module构造的局部表(env), 此表在module文件中定义, 然后在module声明之后的语句执行前, 被设置为整个匿名函数的环境, 待module声明之后的语句全部执行完毕, (非local的一些变量, 则会在运行环境env中记录下来, 这个变量相对local来说是开放的,开放到环境中, local变量则生存在匿名函数中, 函数运行结束, 则local消失, 但是env中记录的非local变量得以保存)。
在module文件中, 由于其运行环境是隐式的, 代码中无法直接同名字面量来引用到这个环境, 那么对于一种特殊情况, 需要在环境中记录一些key-value对, 但是key是来自于变量, 如何实现?
由于整个文件是一个chunk, 即匿名函数, 故可以借助getfenv,来获取运行环境。
local strkey = "vartwo"
-- 本模块环境
local env = getfenv(1)env[strkey] = 2
既然module文件是一个chunk对应一个一名函数, 则可以通过getfenv(2), 来获取此函数的调用者,
即谁require此文件的函数, 这个函数运行的环境, 即为调用者环境。
-- 调用此模块的环境
local env_caller = getfenv(2)env["env_caller"] = env_caller
module(..., package.seeall)
varone = 1local strkey = "vartwo"
-- 本模块环境
local env = getfenv(1)env[strkey] = 2
-- 调用此模块的环境
local env_caller = getfenv(2)env["env_caller"] = env_caller
local testmodule = require("module_test")var_caller = 55
print("testmodule.vartwo=" .. testmodule.vartwo)
local function printTable(tbl)for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
print("kay="..tostring(k) .. " value="..tostring(v))
print("----------- testmodule ------------------")printTable(testmodule)
print("----------- testmodule.env_caller ------------------")
>lua -e "io.stdout:setvbuf ‘no‘" "main.lua"
----------- testmodule ------------------
kay=_NAME value=module_test
kay=_PACKAGE value=
kay=varone value=1
kay=_M value=table: 005F9410
kay=vartwo value=2
kay=env_caller value=table: 005F2650
----------- testmodule.env_caller ------------------
kay=string value=table: 005F9398
kay=xpcall value=function: 005F6CE8
kay=module_test value=table: 005F9410
kay=package value=table: 005F7160
kay=tostring value=function: 005F6CC8
kay=print value=function: 005F6808
kay=os value=table: 005F95A0
kay=unpack value=function: 005F6AE8
kay=require value=function: 005F8078
kay=getfenv value=function: 005F6788
kay=setmetatable value=function: 005F6C48
kay=next value=function: 005F66E8
kay=assert value=function: 005F68A8
kay=tonumber value=function: 005F6CA8
kay=io value=table: 005F94D8
kay=rawequal value=function: 005F6828
kay=collectgarbage value=function: 005F6668
kay=arg value=table: 005F92D0
kay=getmetatable value=function: 005F6688
kay=module value=function: 005F7FD8
kay=rawset value=function: 005F6A28
kay=var_caller value=55
kay=math value=table: 005F9348
kay=debug value=table: 005F90F0
kay=pcall value=function: 005F6988
kay=table value=table: 005F72C8
kay=newproxy value=function: 005F0568
kay=type value=function: 005F6D08
kay=coroutine value=table: 005F70C0
kay=_G value=table: 005F2650
kay=select value=function: 005F6708
kay=gcinfo value=function: 005F69E8
kay=pairs value=function: 005F0538
kay=rawget value=function: 005F6908
kay=loadstring value=function: 005F67C8
kay=ipairs value=function: 005F2BD0
kay=_VERSION value=Lua 5.1
kay=dofile value=function: 005F67A8
kay=setfenv value=function: 005F6A08
kay=load value=function: 005F6888
kay=error value=function: 005F6768
kay=loadfile value=function: 005F6848
>Exit code: 0