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ansible 运维工具简单整理

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标签:人工智能   应用程序   machine   python   fabric   

1. ansible

ansible是新出现的 自动化 运维工具 , 基于Python研发 。 糅合了众多老牌运维工具的优点实现了批量操作系统配置、批量程序的部署、批量运行命令等功能。 仅需在管理工作站上安装 ansible 程序配置被管控主机的 IP 信息,被管控的主机无客户端。ansible 应用程序存在于 epel( 第三方社区 ) 源,依赖于很多 python 组件


    bare metal:pxe, cobbler pxe(预执行环境)
    virtual machine:
    puppet (ruby)
    saltstack (python)
Command and Control:

        在调度器上下线一批主机(标记为维护模式)--> 关闭服务 --> 部署新版本 --> 启动服务 --> 在调度器上启用这一批主机;
    Command and Control
        agent:puppet, func, ...
        agentless(ssh,):ansible, fabric
        基于Python语言实现,由Paramiko, PyYAML和Jinja2三个关键模块;
        epel, ansible
                ansible  HOST-PATTERN  -m MOD_NAME  -a  MOD_ARGS
                ansible-doc -s group
                ssh-keygen -t rsa [-P ‘‘] [-f “/root/.ssh/id_rsa"]

        ansible的常用模块: 注  “=”一般为必须给的参数
                ansible-doc  -l
                ansible all -m ping
                模块省略为command  不支持管道
                ansible all -a "useradd testuser"

                ansible all -m shell -a  ‘echo mageedu |passwd --stdin‘ 
                一般用到管道 输入输出重定向时 使用shell模块
            copy模块: Copies files to remote locations.
                    (1) src=\‘#\‘" /span>
                    (2) content=  dest=
                    owner, group, mode 
                    ansible all -m copy -a "src=\‘#\‘" 600 dest="
                            content=‘hello \n‘
                    ansible all -m copy -a "src=/etc/fstab dest=/tmp/fstab1"
                    ansible all -m copy -a "content=‘hello‘ dest=/tmp/testfile"
            cron 模块:Manage cron.d and crontab entries.
                job=   ‘/sbin/ntpdate > /dev/nuxll‘ name=Synctime
                *name=  必须指明
                    minute=*/5 job=   ‘/sbin/ntpdate > /dev/nuxll‘ name=Synctime state=present
                        ansible all -m cron -a "minute=*/5 job=‘/sbin/ntpdate &> /dev/null‘ name=Synctime"
                        ansible all -m cron -a "state=Sync"

            fetch模块:Fetches a file from remote nodes
                pull 远程  src在远程注意的文件  dest

            file模块: Sets attributes of files
                    (1) 创建链接文件:*path=  src=\‘#\‘" 为 链接后的路径  src= 原文件的路径
                    (2) 修改属性:path=  owner= mode= group= 
                    (3) 创建目录:path=  state=directory
                    src=\‘#\‘" /etc/file.link state=link  
            hostname模块:Manage hostname
                变量 基于循环 多个主机命名 

            pip模块:Manages Python library dependencies.
                    远程主机自动安装 运行python所用到的工具

            yum模块:Manages packages with the `yum‘ package manager
                name=:程序包名称,可以带版本号;  默认最新版本
                    present(最新), latest
                    absent 删除
                    ansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=latest" state=absent
                    name=httpd state=latest
                    安装好 把本地配置好的文件copy到其主机

                enabled=   开机自动启动
             实例:ansible all -m service -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=true"

            user模块:管理用户账号 创建 删除 修改
                groups=  附加组
                comment=    注释信息
                  remove (删除用户的时候同时删除家目录)   move_home  state=absent
                present 创建
             示例:ansible all -m user -a "name=user111 state=present system=yes uid=306"

        YAML:yet another markup language        
                列表 字典:有两个键值对组合而成的就叫做字典(多个kv 对组成)同类的元素:- 可以嵌套(key下 还可以有key)
                    列表     [1,2,3,4] 
                    字典     {1:mon,2:tue}  {1:mon,2:[red,bule,yellow]} 
                    - httpd
                    - php
                    - php-mysql
        Playbook的核心元素: 通过读取yaml格式的文件 playbook就是由一个或多个play组成的列表
            Variables: (自带的,自定义)
            Roles:把hosts剥离出来,playbook 就成了角色
            playbook的基础组件:最基础 hosts tasks user
                Hosts:运行指定任务的目标主机; 一个多个冒号分割
                remo  te_user: 在远程主机上执行任务的用户;
                    定义全局 也可以单任务指定 task
                tasks:任务列表  任务执行 第一个在所有主机运行完,再运行第二个任务 
                        (1) action: module arguments 较新版本
                        (2) module: arguments 通用(建议使用)
                        注意:shell和command模块后面直接跟命令,而非key=value类的参数列表; command: 
                    (1) 某任务的状态在运行后为changed时,可通过“notify”通知给相应的handlers;
                    (2) 任务可以通过"tags“打标签,而后可在ansible-playbook命令上使用-t指定进行调用;可以同时多个标签 中间用空格或,号 试一下
                        ansible-playbook -t instconf web3.yaml
                (1) 测试
                    ansible-playbook  --check
                    ansible-playbook  --list-hosts
                    ansible -m setup
                (2) 运行
                    ansible-playbook first.yaml
                        - hosts: all
                          remote_user: root
                          - name: createuser3
                            user: name=user3 system=yes uid=308
                          - name: createuser4
                            user: name=user4 system=yes uid=309
                        - hosts: websrv
                          remote_user: root
                          - name: install httpd package
                            yum: name=httpd state=present
                          - name: install configure file
                            copy: src=files/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/
                          - name: start httpd service
                            service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true
                          - name: execute ss command
                            shell: ss -tanl |grep :80

                        - hosts: websrv
                          remote_user: root
                          - name: install httpd package
                            yum: name=httpd state=present
                          - name: install configure file
                            copy: src=files/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/
                            notify: restart httpd
                          - name: start httpd service
                            service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true
                        #  - name: execute ss command 
                        #    shell: ss -tanl |grep :80
                          - name: restart httpd
                            service: name=httpd state=restarted

                (1) facts:可直接调用;setup模块提供的:
                (2) ansible-playbook命令的命令行中的自定义变量:{{pname}}调用变量
                    -e VARS, --extra-vars=VARS
                (3) 通过roles传递变量;
                (4) Host Inventory (hosts中定义 实现不同主机拥有不同变量)
                    (a) 向不同的主机传递不同的变量;
                        IP/HOSTNAME  varaiable=value var2=value2   hname=www2
                    实例: (1)[websrv]

                          (2)ansible websrv -m hostname -a "name={{ hname }}"
                    (b) 向组中的主机传递相同的变量;
                        variable=value    http_port=8080
                        在 ansible 中 hosts
                            ansbile_sudo_pass  **
    OS Provision:pxe, cobbler, 
    Configuration: puppet, saltstack, chef, cfengine, ...
    Command and Control:fabric, func
    灰度升级 lvs 权重为weight=0 nginx upstreem server  down(注意是否为长连接,查看老的会话是否已经断开连接;keepalive时间超时) 
ansible: agentless, ssh 
        sudo user 注意
    模块:command, shell, cron, copy, file, ping, yum, service, user, setup, hostname, group, script
        remote_user 以哪个用户的身份运行

        -a "/PATH/TO/SCRIPT_FILE"
    将本地的某个脚本传递到远程主机时执行:ansible websrv -m script -a "/.."    
        ansible facts
        ansible-playbook  -e "var=value" (varname=value)
        host variable: host iventory
        group variable 主机组
           在vars 目录下:usrname: daemon
                使用时在 templates 调用即可
        调用:{{ variable }}
            insible-playbook -t instconf -e"username=adm" --check nginx.xml
        - var1: value1
        - var2: value2
            Jinja2(python 的模板编程语言):
                    列表:[item1, item2, ...] 可变的
                    元组:(item1, item2, ...) 不可变
                    字典:{key1:value1, key2:value2, ...} key不一般为字符串 “keys”
                    +, -, *, /, //(除完只留商), %, **(次方)
                    ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=
                    and, or, not 
            - hosts: websrvs
            remote_user: root
                - name: install nginx
                yum: name=nginx state=present
                - name: install conf file
                template: src=files/nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
                notify: restart nginx
                tags: instconf
                - name: start nginx service
                service: name=nginx state=started
                - name: restart nginx
                service: name=nginx state=restarted                    
                模板配置文件 :nginx.conf.j2
                worker_processes {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }};
                listen {{ http_port }};
            - name: install conf file to centos7
              template: src=files/nginx.conf.c7.j2
              when: ansible_distribution_major_version ==     "7"
            - name: install conf file to centos6
              template: src=files/nginx.conf.c6.j2
              when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "6"                
                字典:key value
        - name: install some packages
          yum: name={{ item }} state=present
          - nginx
          - memcached
          - php-fpm
        - name: add some groups
          group: name={{ item }} state=present
          - group11
          - group12
          - group13
        - name: add some users
          user: name={{ item.name }} group={{ item.group }} state=present
          - { name: ‘user11‘, group: ‘group11‘ }
          - { name: ‘user12‘, group: ‘group12‘ }
          - { name: ‘user13‘, group: ‘group13‘ }
        roles/ 角色名就是目录名
    每个角色,以特定的层级目录结构进行组织: 角色是与主机分离的,谁用谁调用,只代表一种功能
            files/ :存放由copy或script模块等调用的文件;
        - hosts: websrvs
          remote_user: root
          - mysql
          - memcached
          - nginx
        - hosts: 
          - { role: nginx, username: nginx }
        - { role: nginx, when: "ansible_distribution_major_version == ‘7‘ " }


本文出自 “一路向北” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://centos7.blog.51cto.com/7764677/1835460

ansible 运维工具简单整理

标签:人工智能   应用程序   machine   python   fabric   


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