The term byte was coined by Werner Buchholz in July 1956, during the early design phase for the IBM Stretch[7][8] computer, which had addressing to the bit and variable field length (VFL) instructions with a byte size encoded in the instruction. It is a deliberate respelling of bite to avoid accidental mutation to bit.[1]
Early computers used a variety of four-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) representations and the six-bit codes for printable graphic patterns common in the U.S. Army (Fieldata) and Navy. These representations included alphanumeric characters and special graphical symbols. These sets were expanded in 1963 to seven bits of coding, called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) as the Federal Information Processing Standard, which replaced the incompatible teleprinter codes in use by different branches of the U.S. government and universities during the 1960s. ASCII included the distinction of upper- and lowercase alphabets and a set of control characters to facilitate the transmission of written language as well as printing device functions, such as page advance and line feed, and the physical or logical control of data flow over the transmission media. During the early 1960s, while also active in ASCII standardization, IBM simultaneously introduced in its product line of System/360 the eight-bitExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), an expansion of their six-bit binary-coded decimal (BCDIC) representation used in earlier card punches.[9] The prominence of the System/360 led to the ubiquitous adoption of the eight-bit storage size, while in detail the EBCDIC and ASCII encoding schemes are different.
In the early 1960s, AT&T introduced digital telephony first on long-distance trunk lines. These used the eight-bit µ-law encoding. This large investment promised to reduce transmission costs for eight-bit data.
The development of eight-bit microprocessors in the 1970s popularized this storage size. Microprocessors such as the Intel 8008, the direct predecessor of the 8080 and the 8086, used in early personal computers, could also perform a small number of operations on the four-bit pairs in a byte, such as the decimal-add-adjust (DAA) instruction. A four-bit quantity is often called a nibble, also nybble, which is conveniently represented by a single hexadecimal digit.
The term octet is used to unambiguously specify a size of eight bits. It is used extensively in protocol definitions.
Historically, the term octad or octade was used to denote eight bits as well at least in Western Europe;[6][5] however, this usage is no longer common today. The exact origin of the term is unclear, but it can be found in British, Dutch and German sources of the 1960s and 1970s, and throughout the documentation of Philips mainframe computers.
//Syetem/360 8-bit storage size
概念描述 | 举例 | |
字符 | 人们使用的记号,抽象意义上的一个符号。 | ‘1‘, ‘中‘, ‘a‘, ‘$‘, ‘¥‘, …… |
字节 | 计算机中存储数据的单元,一个8位的二进制数,是一个很具体的存储空间。 | 0x01, 0x45, 0xFA, …… |
ANSI 字符串 | 在内存中,如果“字符”是以 ANSI 编码形式存在的,一个字符可能使用一个字节或多个字节来表示,那么我们称这种字符串为 ANSI 字符串或者多字节字符串。 | "中文123" (占7字节) |
UNICODE 字符串 | 在内存中,如果“字符”是以在 UNICODE 中的序号存在的,那么我们称这种字符串为UNICODE 字符串或者宽字节字符串。 | L"中文123" (占10字节) |
由于不同 ANSI 编码所规定的标准是不相同的,因此,对于一个给定的多字节字符串,我们必须知道它采用的是哪一种编码规则,才能够知道它包含了哪些“字符”。而对于 UNICODE 字符串来说,不管在什么环境下,它所代表的“字符”内容总是不变的。
各个国家和地区所制定的不同 ANSI 编码标准中,都只规定了各自语言所需的“字符”。比如:汉字标准(GB2312)中没有规定韩国语字符怎样存储。这些 ANSI 编码标准所规定的内容包含两层含义:
各个国家和地区在制定编码标准的时候,“字符的集合”和“编码”一般都是同时制定的。因此,平常我们所说的“字符集”,比如:GB2312, GBK, JIS 等,除了有“字符的集合”这层含义外,同时也包含了“编码”的含义。
“UNICODE 字符集”包含了各种语言中使用到的所有“字符”。用来给 UNICODE 字符集编码的标准有很多种,比如:UTF-8, UTF-7, UTF-16, UnicodeLittle, UnicodeBig 等。
系统内码 | 说明 | 系统 | |
阶段一 | ASCII | 计算机刚开始只支持英语,其它语言不能够在计算机上存储和显示。 | 英文 DOS |
阶段二 | ANSI编码 (本地化) | 为使计算机支持更多语言,通常使用 0x80~0xFF 范围的 2 个字节来表示 1 个字符。比如:汉字 ‘中‘ 在中文操作系统中,使用 [0xD6,0xD0] 这两个字节存储。 不同的国家和地区制定了不同的标准,由此产生了 GB2312, BIG5, JIS 等各自的编码标准。这些使用 2 个字节来代表一个字符的各种汉字延伸编码方式,称为 ANSI 编码。在简体中文系统下,ANSI 编码代表 GB2312 编码,在日文操作系统下,ANSI 编码代表 JIS 编码。 不同 ANSI 编码之间互不兼容,当信息在国际间交流时,无法将属于两种语言的文字,存储在同一段 ANSI 编码的文本中。 |
中文 DOS,中文 Windows 95/98,日文 Windows 95/98 |
阶段三 | UNICODE (国际化) | 为了使国际间信息交流更加方便,国际组织制定了 UNICODE 字符集,为各种语言中的每一个字符设定了统一并且唯一的数字编号,以满足跨语言、跨平台进行文本转换、处理的要求。 | Windows NT/2000/XP,Linux,Java |
在 ASCII 阶段,单字节字符串使用一个字节存放一个字符(SBCS)。比如,"Bob123" 在内存中为:
42 | 6F | 62 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 00 |
B | o | b | 1 | 2 | 3 | \0 |
在使用 ANSI 编码支持多种语言阶段,每个字符使用一个字节或多个字节来表示(MBCS),因此,这种方式存放的字符也被称作多字节字符。比如,"中文123" 在中文 Windows 95 内存中为7个字节,每个汉字占2个字节,每个英文和数字字符占1个字节:
D6 | D0 | CE | C4 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 00 |
中 | 文 | 1 | 2 | 3 | \0 |
在 UNICODE 被采用之后,计算机存放字符串时,改为存放每个字符在 UNICODE 字符集中的序号。目前计算机一般使用 2 个字节(16 位)来存放一个序号(DBCS),因此,这种方式存放的字符也被称作宽字节字符。比如,字符串 "中文123" 在 Windows 2000 下,内存中实际存放的是 5 个序号:
2D | 4E | 87 | 65 | 31 | 00 | 32 | 00 | 33 | 00 | 00 | 00 | ← 在 x86 CPU 中,低字节在前 |
中 | 文 | 1 | 2 | 3 | \0 |
一共占 10 个字节。