一、脚本 1、编写脚本/root/bin/systeminfo.sh,显示当前主机系统信息,包括主机名,IPv4地址,操作系统版本,内核版本,CPU型号,内存大小,硬盘大小。 #!/bin/bash # echo "hostname: `hostname`" echo "IPV4address: `ifconfig |grep ‘inet\>‘ |sed -nr ‘s@.*addr:(.*)Bca.*@\1@gp‘`" echo "system relases: `cat /etc/centos-release`" echo "kernel release: `uname -r`" echo "memory size: `cat meminfo|grep "MemTotal"`" echo "Disk size: `fdisk -l | grep "^Disk /dev/s[a-z]"`" 4、编写脚本/root/bin/links.sh,显示正连接本主机的每个远程主机的IPv4地址和连接数,并按连接数从大到小排序 netstat -tn | awk ‘/^tcp/{print $4,$1}‘ | sort |uniq -c| sort -n 9、写一个脚本/root/bin/hostping.sh,接受一个主机的IPv4地址做为参数,测试是否可连通。如果能ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址可访问”;如果不可ping通,则提示用户“该IP地址不可访问” #!/bin/bash # read -p "please input a IPv4 addr: " addr ping -W 2 -c 2 $addr &>/dev/null && echo "this IPv4addr can be access"|| echo "this ipv4addr can not be access" 10、判断硬盘的每个分区空间和inode的利用率是否大于80,如果是,发邮件通知root磁盘满 #!/bin/bash # for I in `df |grep "^/dev/sd" | cut -c 45-46`;do echo $I if [ $I -ge 80 ] ;then cat /etc/issue|mail -s "warning,please notice you sick" test echo "successful" fi done for I in `df -i|grep "^/dev/sd" | cut -c 41-42`;do echo $I if [ $I -ge 5 ];then cat /etc/fstab|mail -s "warning,please notice you sick" test echo "congratulation" fi done 11、指定文件做为参数,判断文件是否为.sh后缀,如果是,添加x权限 #!/bin/bash # read -p "please input a filename: " filename if [[ $filename =~ .*\.sh ]];then chmod a+x $filename echo "funished" else exit fi 12、判断输入的IP是否为合法IP #!/bin/bash # ipaddr=‘^(\<([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\>\.){3}\<([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-5][1-9]|2([0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))\>$‘ read -p "please input a IPV4 addr: " ipv4 if [[ $ipv4 =~ $ipaddr ]];then echo "a legal IP." else echo "unlegal IP" exit fi 14、输入起始值A和最后值B,计算从A+(A+1)...+(B-1)+B的总和 #!/bin/bash # sum=0 for I in seq $1 $2;do let sum+=$I done echo $sum
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