[root@centos6 scripts]# cat systeminfo.sh #!/bin/bash HostName=`uname -n` Ipv4=`ifconfig |sed -nr ‘2s#.*addr:(.*) Bca.*$#\1#gp‘` Cpu=`lscpu|sed -n ‘13p‘|tr -s ‘ ‘` Mem=`free -hm |grep "Mem"|tr -s ‘ ‘ ‘:‘|cut -d: -f2` Disk=`fdisk -l |grep ‘/dev/sda:‘|sed -r ‘s#.*: (.*),.*$#\1#g‘` echo the hostname is: $HostName echo the server_ip is: $Ipv4 echo the opeartion system is: $(cat /etc/redhat-release) echo the kernel verison is: $(uname -r) echo the cpuinfo is: $Cpu echo the memery size is: $Mem echo the Hardisk size is: $Disk [root@centos6 scripts]# sh systeminfo.sh the hostname is: centos6.localdomain the server_ip is: the opeartion system is: CentOS release 6.8 (Final) the kernel verison is: 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 the cpuinfo is: Model name: AMD A8-4500M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics the memery size is: 980M the Hardisk size is: 128.8 GB [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# cat backup.sh #!/bin/bash backup_dir="/tmp/etc-$(date +%F)" cp -aR /etc/ $backup_dir && echo "the $backup_dir is backup successfull" [root@centos6 scripts]# sh backup.sh the /tmp/etc-2016-08-11 is backup successfull [root@centos6 scripts]# ll /tmp/ 总用量 40 drwxr-xr-x. 122 root root 12288 8月 11 19:03 etc-2016-08-11 [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# cat disk.sh #!/bin/bash MaxUse=`df |grep "/dev/sda"|sed -r ‘s#.* ([0-9]+%).*#\1#g‘|sort -nr|head -1` echo "当前硬盘分区中空间利用率最大的值为:$MaxUse" [root@centos6 scripts]# sh disk.sh 当前硬盘分区中空间利用率最大的值为:22% [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# cat links.sh #!/bin/bash Links=`netstat -tn |grep tcp |tr -s ‘ ‘ ‘:‘|cut -d: -f6|sort -nr|uniq -c` echo -e "主机的每个远程主机的IPv4连接数和地址为:$Links" [root@centos6 scripts]# sh links.sh 主机的每个远程主机的IPv4连接数和地址为: 2 [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# cat sumid.sh #!/bin/bash uuid1=`cat /etc/passwd|sed -n ‘10p‘|cut -d: -f3` uuid2=`cat /etc/passwd|sed -n ‘20p‘|cut -d: -f3` sum=$(($uuid1+$uuid2)) echo "第10个用户和第20用户的ID之和为:$sum" [root@centos6 scripts]# sh sumid.sh 第10个用户和第20用户的ID之和为:180 [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# cat sumspace.sh #!/bin/bash [ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "please input two path:" && exit 1 Args1=`grep "^$" $1 |wc -l` Args2=`grep "^$" $2 |wc -l` let sumspace=$Args1+$Args2 echo "这两个文件中所有空白行之和为:$sumspace" [root@centos6 scripts]# sh sumspace.sh /etc/issue /etc/issue 这两个文件中所有空白行之和为:2 [root@centos6 scripts]# sh sumspace.sh please input two path: [root@centos6 scripts]#
6、写一个脚本/root/bin/sumfile.sh,统计/etc, /var, /usr目录中共有多少个一级子目录和文件
[root@centos6 scripts]# sh sumfile.sh please input at least three dir: [root@centos6 scripts]# sh sumfile.sh /etc /var /usr /etc,/var,/usr共有一级子目录和文件292个 [root@centos6 scripts]# cat sumfile.sh #!/bin/bash [ $# -lt 3 ] && echo "please input at least three dir:" && exit 1 total1=`ls -A $1 |wc -l` total2=`ls -A $2 |wc -l` total3=`ls -A $3 |wc -l` sumfile=$(($total1+$total2+$total3)) echo "$1,$2,$3共有一级子目录和文件$sumfile个" [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# sh argsum.sh at least input one args: [root@centos6 scripts]# sh argsum.sh /etc/issue the args you input has 1 lines space [root@centos6 scripts]# cat argsum.sh #!/bin/bash [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "at least input one args:" && exit 1 || echo "the args you input has `grep "^$" $1|wc -l` lines space" [root@centos6 scripts]#
[root@centos6 scripts]# sh hostping.sh please input one ip address: [root@centos6 scripts]# sh hostping.sh you can access the website! [root@centos6 scripts]# sh hostping.sh the ip is not unreachable [root@centos6 scripts]# cat hostping.sh #!/bin/bash [ $# -lt 1 ] && echo "please input one ip address:" && exit 1 ping -c1 -W1 $1 &>/dev/null && echo "you can access the website!" || echo "the ip is not unreachable" [root@centos6 scripts]#
本文出自 “叫醒你的不是闹钟而是梦想” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://purify.blog.51cto.com/10572011/1837417