1. Efficient Expression
Refer to this post http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicWritingEfficientProductExpression.html, for dense matrix calculation.
But what about sparse matrix product??
What does Eigen do when:
- [Enhancement, unsolved] Sparse matrix product –> Sparse m? dense matrix and vector? Does it make itself dense first?
Is this expression fast when using SpMat? When a_, y_, lambda_*_, is a (dense) vector, penalty_ a scalar?
a_ = - penalty_ * (A_.transpose() * y_)
+ A_.transpose() * lambda_y_
+ Q_.transpose() * lambda_stf_;
or this one better following the post above?
a_ = - penalty_ * (A_.transpose() * y_);
a_.noalias() += A_.transpose() * lambda_y_;
a_.noalias() += Q_.transpose() * lambda_stf_;
- [Enhancement, unsolved] Will it be faster to use sparse vector when do multiplication with sparse matrix, instead of dense one?
- [Bugs, unsolved] When I ran the following I got bugs:
VX dual_res_v = -lambda_stf_.transpose() * (Q_ - Q_new);
dual_res_v.noalias() += - penalty_ * (y_ - y_prev).transpose() * A_;
dual_res_v.noalias() += - (lambda_y_ - lambda_y_prev).transpose() * A_;
dual_res_v.noalias() += penalty_ * x_.transpose() * (Q_ - Q_new).transpose() * Q_;
Where VX is dense vector in Eigen, and lambda_*_, y_* and x_* are dense vector, Q_ and A_ are sparse matrix.
The index is compatible. The following lines work fine in my code:
VX dual_res_v = -lambda_stf_.transpose() * (Q_ - Q_new)
- penalty_ * (y_ - y_prev).transpose() * A_
- (lambda_y_ - lambda_y_prev).transpose() * A_
+ penalty_ * x_.transpose() * (Q_ - Q_new).transpose() * Q_;
But I don’t know what’s wrong with the new one.
[Eigen] Issues when using Eigen