If Then Else
Sub judge(x) If x = 0 Then MsgBox "the num is 0" ElseIf x = 1 Then MsgBox "the num is 1" ElseIf x = 2 Then MsgBox "the num is 2" Else MsgBox "the num is other" End If End Sub judge(0)
2.Select case
Sub sel(x) Select case x case 1 MsgBox "the num is 1" case 2 MsgBox "the num is 2" case 3 MsgBox "the num is 3" case 4 MsgBox "the num is 4" End Select End Sub sel(3)
3.当条件满足为true时执行,循环do loop,先判断再做
Sub loo(i) do while i < 5 MsgBox i i=i+1 loop End Sub
4.当条件满足为true时执行,循环do loop,先做一次在判断
Sub loo(i) do MsgBox i i=i+1 loop while i < 5 End Sub loo(6)
Sub loo(i) do until i > 5 MsgBox i i=i+1 loop End Sub loo(0)
do MsgBox i i=i+1 loop until i > 5 End Sub loo(6)
7.exit do可以终止循环
do until i > 5 MsgBox i i=i+1 exit do loop End Sub loo(0)
8.while wend 不建议使用,用do loop
9.for next
for i=0 to UBound(Remark) --- next
10.强行终止for,使用end for
for i = 0 to 10 MsgBox i if i>5 Then exit for End If next
11.在不知道数组长度的时候使用for each
dim names(2) names(0) = "George" names(1) = "John" names(2) = "Thomas" for each x in names MsgBox x next
也可以使用exit for强行终止