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Basic Tutorials of Redis(1) - Install And Configure Redis

时间:2016-09-01 21:18:41      阅读:119      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


  Nowaday, Redis became more and more popular , many projects use it in the cache module and the store module.

There are already many people wrote posts about Redis.And I am vary pleasure to join them to share my learing of Redis.

But I am new in this technology,if you find some mistakes on my post,please point out them and excuse my fault.

  The Environment of my computer is CentOS 7 (Vmware).What we do first is to install the Redis.The installation of Redis

is vary easy.Let‘s start: 

  a) use the cd command to enter the tmp folder

  b) use the wget command to download the redis    

   wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-3.2.3.tar.gz  

  c) use the tar to decompress the file    

    tar xzf redis-3.2.3.tar.gz -C /usr/redis-3.2.3   
  d) enter the redis-3.2.3 folder


  e) use the make command to build it


  f) copy used file to /usr/redis      


  Now,we can use the command  ./redis-server  to start the Redis.


  What a easy thing that everybody can do.  

  We can find that while we use this command to start the redis , we can‘t do anything utill we open another window.

There is a Solution to deal with it.We should stop the redis by  ctrl+c  first.Then use the  vim redis.conf  to modify the configuration.

what we should do is to find out the daemonize and set its value to yes and save it.


  After this step,we start the service again.At this time you can enter commands in current window not another one.

But you will ask this question:Is it running now?Sure!We can use the follow command to prove this question.

   ps aux|grep redis 


  As the above picture shows,the service of redis is running.

  At last,I will tell you how to stop the service.You can use the client to stop it,and you can use the below command.

  ./redis-cli shutdown 

  and use the command ps to prove it.


  The next post of this series is the basic opreation of the Redis , including the redis‘s native commands

and how to use StackExchange.Redis in C#.


Basic Tutorials of Redis(1) - Install And Configure Redis



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