1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 # __author__ = "JieYao" 3 4 from biocluster.agent import Agent 5 from biocluster.tool import Tool 6 import os 7 import string 8 import types 9 import subprocess 10 from biocluster.core.exceptions import OptionError 11 12 class RocAgent(Agent): 13 """ 14 需要calc_roc.pl 15 version v1.1 16 author: JieYao 17 last_modifued:2016.08.22 18 """ 19 20 def __init__(self, parent): 21 super(RocAgent, self).__init__(parent) 22 options = [ 23 {"name": "mode", "type": "int", "default":1}, 24 {"name": "genus_table", "type": "string"}, 25 {"name": "group_table", "type": "string"}, 26 {"name": "method", "type": "string", "default":""}, 27 {"name": "name_table", "type": "string", "default":""}, 28 {"name": "top_n", "type": "int", "default": 20} 29 ] 30 self.add_option(options) 31 self.step.add_steps(‘RocAnalysis‘) 32 self.on(‘start‘, self.step_start) 33 self.on(‘end‘, self.step_end) 34 35 def step_start(self): 36 self.step.RocAnalysis.start() 37 self.step.update() 38 39 def step_end(self): 40 self.step.RocAnalysis.finish() 41 self.step.update() 42 43 def check_options(self): 44 if not os.path.exists(self.option(‘genus_table‘)): 45 raise OptionError("必须提供Genus Table") 46 if not os.path.exists(self.option(‘group_table‘)): 47 raise OptionError("必须提供分组表格") 48 if self.option(‘method‘): 49 if self.option(‘method‘) not in [‘sum‘, ‘average‘, ‘median‘]: 50 raise OptionError("丰度计算方法只能选择sum,average,median之一") 51 if self.option(‘mode‘) == 2: 52 if not os.path.exists(self.option(‘name_table‘)): 53 raise OptionError("Mode 2 模式下必须提供物种名列表文件") 54 os.system(‘cat %s | awk -F "\t" \‘{ print $1 }\‘ > tmp.txt‘ %(self.option(‘genus_table‘))) 55 genus_data = open("tmp.txt", "r").readlines()[1:] 56 os.remove(‘tmp.txt‘) 57 genus_data = map(string.rstrip, genus_data) 58 sample_data = open(self.option(‘genus_table‘), "r").readline().strip().split()[1:] 59 60 group_data = open(self.option(‘group_table‘), "r").readlines()[1:] 61 group_data = map(string.strip, group_data) 62 for s in group_data: 63 if s.split()[0] not in sample_data: 64 raise OptionError("物种%s不在Genus Table中" % s.split()[0]) 65 if s.split()[1] not in [‘0‘,‘1‘]: 66 raise OptionError("物种分组只能有0和1!") 67 68 if self.option(‘mode‘)==2: 69 name_data = open(self.option(‘name_table‘), "r").readlines()[1:] 70 name_data = map(string.strip, name_data) 71 for s in name_data: 72 if s not in genus_data: 73 raise OptionError("物种%s不在Genus Table中" % s) 74 75 if self.option(‘mode‘)==1: 76 if self.option(‘top_n‘)>len(genus_data): 77 raise OptionError("选择丰度前N高物种时,设定的N多于物种总数:%d>%d" %(self.option(‘top_n‘), len(genus_data))) 78 79 return True 80 81 82 def set_resource(self): 83 """ 84 """ 85 self._cpu = 2 86 self._memory = ‘‘ 87 88 def end(self): 89 result_dir = self.add_upload_dir(self.output_dir) 90 result_dir.add_relpath_rules([ 91 [".", "", "ROC分析结果目录"], 92 ["./roc_curve.pdf", "pdf", "ROC受试者工作特征曲线图"], 93 ["./roc_auc.xls", "xls", "ROC受试者工作特征曲线-AUC VALUE"] 94 ]) 95 print self.get_upload_files() 96 super(RocAgent, self).end() 97 98 class RocTool(Tool): 99 def __init__(self, config): 100 super(RocTool, self).__init__(config) 101 self._version = ‘1.0.1‘ 102 103 def run(self): 104 """ 105 运行 106 """ 107 super(RocTool, self).run() 108 self.run_roc_perl() 109 110 def run_roc_perl(self): 111 """ 112 运行calc_roc.perl 113 """ 114 os.system(‘export PATH=/mnt/ilustre/users/sanger-dev/app/gcc/5.1.0/bin:$PATH‘) 115 os.system(‘export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/ilustre/users/sanger-dev/app/gcc/5.1.0/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH‘) 116 cmd = self.config.SOFTWARE_DIR + ‘/program/perl/perls/perl-5.24.0/bin/perl ‘ + self.config.SOFTWARE_DIR + ‘/bioinfo/meta/scripts/plot_roc.pl ‘ 117 cmd += ‘-o %s ‘ %(self.work_dir + ‘/ROC/‘) 118 cmd += ‘-i %s ‘ %(self.option(‘genus_table‘)) 119 cmd += ‘-mode %d ‘ %(self.option(‘mode‘)) 120 cmd += ‘-group %s ‘ %(self.option(‘group_table‘)) 121 if self.option(‘mode‘)==2: 122 cmd += ‘-name %s ‘ %(self.option(‘name_table‘)) 123 if self.option(‘method‘): 124 cmd += ‘-method %s ‘ %(self.option(‘method‘)) 125 if self.option(‘mode‘)==1: 126 cmd += ‘-n %d ‘ %(self.option(‘top_n‘)) 127 cmd += ‘-labels F ‘ 128 self.logger.info(‘开始运行calc_roc.pl计算ROC相关数据‘) 129 130 try: 131 subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) 132 self.logger.info(‘生成 roc.cmd.r 成功‘) 133 except subprocess.CalledProcessError: 134 self.logger.info(‘生成 roc.cmd.r 失败‘) 135 self.set_error(‘无法生成 roc.cmd.r 文件‘) 136 try: 137 subprocess.check_output(self.config.SOFTWARE_DIR + 138 ‘/program/R-3.3.1/bin/R --restore --no-save < %s/roc.cmd.r‘ % (self.work_dir + ‘/ROC‘), shell=True) 139 self.logger.info(‘ROC计算成功‘) 140 except subprocess.CalledProcessError: 141 self.logger.info(‘ROC计算失败‘) 142 self.set_error(‘R运行计算ROC失败‘) 143 raise "运行R脚本计算ROC相关数据失败" 144 self.logger.info(‘运行calc_roc.pl程序进行ROC计算完成‘) 145 allfiles = self.get_roc_filesname() 146 self.linkfile(self.work_dir + ‘/ROC/‘ + allfiles[0], ‘roc_curve.pdf‘) 147 self.linkfile(self.work_dir + ‘/ROC/‘ + allfiles[1], ‘roc_auc.xls‘) 148 self.end() 149 150 def linkfile(self, oldfile, newname): 151 newpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, newname) 152 if os.path.exists(newpath): 153 os.remove(newpath) 154 os.link(oldfile, newpath) 155 156 def get_roc_filesname(self): 157 filelist = os.listdir(self.work_dir + ‘/ROC‘) 158 roc_curve = None 159 roc_auc = None 160 for name in filelist: 161 if ‘roc_curve.pdf‘ in name: 162 roc_curve = name 163 elif ‘roc_aucvalue.xls‘ in name: 164 roc_auc = name 165 if (roc_curve and roc_auc): 166 return [roc_curve, roc_auc] 167 else: 168 self.set_error("未知原因,ROC计算结果丢失") 169
1 #!/usr/bin/perl 2 3 use strict; 4 use warnings; 5 use Getopt::Long; 6 my %opts; 7 my $VERSION = "v1.20160817"; 8 9 GetOptions( \%opts,"mode=s","i=s","group=s","o=s","n=s","method=s","name=s","ncuts=i","labels=s","labelsize=s","rocci=s","siglevel=f","w=f","h=f","facet_wrap=s","theme=s"); 10 my $usage = <<"USAGE"; 11 Program : $0 12 Discription: 13 Version : $VERSION 14 Usage :perl $0 [options] 15 -mode *1 or 2 or 3; The Receiver:1)The relative abundance of the top n Bacteria(could analysis with more than one group) 16 2)The relative abundance of special bacteria(one or more) 17 3)The receiver is any other factors 18 -i *Input genus table file(or other Taxonomic level) or any other factors(mode_3). 19 -group *Group name in mapping file . 20 -o *Output dir 21 -n (*mode_1)Top n genus or other taxonomic level(relative abundance) 22 -method (*mode_1)If you choose the mode_2 to analyze, you can also choose the analysis "methed". If you don‘t have a choice, you will make a separate analysis of them. Follow method are available:sum, average, median 23 -name (*mode_2)the name of Bacteria 24 -ncuts Number of cutpoints to display along each curve.Default:20 25 -labels Logical, display cutoff text labels:Default:F 26 -labelsize Size of cutoff text labels.Default:3 27 -rocci Confidence regions for the ROC curve.Default:F 28 -siglevel Significance level for the confidence regions.Default:0.05 29 -w default:6 30 -h default:5 31 -facet_wrap Logical,display group in different panel.Default:F 32 -theme themes for display roc.Follow themes are available:theme_bw,theme_classic,theme_dark,theme_gray,theme_light.Default:theme_bw 33 Example:$0 -mode 1 -i genus.xls -group group.txt -o output_dir -n 30 -labels F -method sum 34 $0 -mode 2 -i genus.xls -group group_1.txt -o output_dir -name name.txt -labels F -w 7.8 35 $0 -mode 2 -i genus.xls -group group_1.txt -o output_dir -name name.txt -labels F -method sum 36 $0 -mode 3 -i factor.txt -group group.txt -o output_dir -labels F -w 7.8 37 38 USAGE 39 40 die $usage if(!($opts{mode}&&$opts{i}&&$opts{group}&&$opts{o})); 41 #die $usage if(!(($opts{mode}==F)&&$opts{i}&&$opts{group}&&$opts{o}&&$opts{name})); 42 43 44 $opts{n}=defined $opts{n}?$opts{n}:"20"; 45 $opts{method}=defined $opts{method}?$opts{method}:"chengchen.ye"; 46 $opts{name}=defined $opts{name}?$opts{name}:"NULL"; 47 $opts{ncuts}=defined $opts{ncuts}?$opts{ncuts}:20; 48 $opts{labels}=defined $opts{labels}?$opts{labels}:"F"; 49 $opts{labelsize}=defined $opts{labelsize}?$opts{labelsize}:"3"; 50 $opts{w}=defined $opts{w}?$opts{w}:6; 51 $opts{h}=defined $opts{h}?$opts{h}:5; 52 $opts{facet_wrap}=defined $opts{facet_wrap}?$opts{facet_wrap}:"F"; 53 $opts{theme}=defined $opts{theme}?$opts{theme}:""; 54 $opts{rocci}=defined $opts{rocci}?$opts{rocci}:"F"; 55 $opts{siglevel}=defined $opts{siglevel}?$opts{siglevel}:"0.05"; 56 57 if(! -e $opts{o}){ 58 `mkdir $opts{o}`; 59 } 60 61 62 open CMD,">$opts{o}/roc.cmd.r"; 63 64 print CMD " 65 library(plotROC) 66 67 68 group <- read.table(\"$opts{group}\",header=T,check.names=F,comment.char=\"\") 69 otu_table <-read.table(\"$opts{i}\",sep=\"\t\",head=T,check.names = F,row.names=1) 70 y<-length(otu_table[1,]) 71 72 73 74 75 ###The Receiver:A)The relative abundance of the Bacteria 76 if($opts{mode}==1){ 77 group<-as.data.frame(group) 78 x<-length(group[1,]) 79 ###D 80 D<-group[,2] 81 82 ####M 83 otu_table<-cbind(otu_table,rowsum=rowSums(otu_table)) 84 otu_table<- otu_table[order(otu_table[,y+1],decreasing=T),] 85 otu_table_top20<- otu_table[1:$opts{n},] 86 ####sum 87 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"sum\" ){ 88 v<-y+1 89 m<-data.frame(colSums(otu_table_top20))[-v,] 90 } 91 92 93 ####average 94 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"average\"){ 95 v<-y+1 96 m<-data.frame(colSums(otu_table_top20)/$opts{n})[-v,] 97 } 98 99 ####median 100 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"median\"){ 101 top20<-otu_table_top20[,1:y] 102 m<-as.matrix(as.matrix(top20[ceiling($opts{n}/2),])[1,]) 103 } 104 105 ###Z 106 Z<-c(rep(\"group1\",y)) 107 i<-2 108 109 while (i <= x-1) { 110 ###D 111 D<-c(D,group[,i+1]) 112 ###M 113 m<-c(m,m) 114 ###Z 115 w<-paste(\"group\",i,sep=\"\") 116 Z<-c(Z,rep(w,y)) 117 i <- i +1 118 } 119 # 120 M <- scale(m, center=T,scale=T) #标准化 121 if(x!=2){ 122 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M, group = Z) 123 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis ,color=group)) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 124 125 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 126 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 127 } 128 129 if($opts{facet_wrap}==T){ 130 p <- p + facet_wrap(~ group) + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 4)) 131 } 132 133 } 134 135 if(x==2){ 136 137 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M) 138 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis )) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 139 140 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 141 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 142 } 143 144 145 } 146 x<-x-1 147 } 148 149 ###The Receiver:2)The relative abundance of special bacteria. 150 if($opts{mode}==2){ 151 152 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"chengchen.ye\"){ 153 name <- read.table(\"$opts{name}\",header=T,check.names=F,comment.char=\"\") 154 name<-as.data.frame(name) 155 x<-length(name[,1]) 156 a<-as.character(name[1,1]) 157 D<-group[,2] 158 m<-as.matrix(as.matrix(otu_table)[a,]) 159 160 Z<-c(rep(a,y)) 161 i<-2 162 while (i <= x) { 163 D<-c(D,group[,2]) 164 a<-as.character(name[i,1]) 165 m<-c(m,as.matrix(as.matrix(otu_table)[a,])) 166 a<-as.character(name[i,1]) 167 Z<-c(Z,rep(a,y)) 168 i <- i +1 169 } 170 171 172 M <- scale(m, center=T,scale=T) #标准化 173 if(x!=1){ 174 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M, Bacteria = Z) 175 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis ,color=Bacteria)) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 176 177 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 178 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 179 } 180 181 if($opts{facet_wrap}==T){ 182 p <- p + facet_wrap(~ group) + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 4)) 183 } 184 185 } 186 187 if(x==1){ 188 189 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M) 190 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis )) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 191 192 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 193 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 194 } 195 } 196 } 197 ######choose method 198 if(\"$opts{method}\"!=\"chengchen.ye\"){ 199 name <- read.table(\"name.txt\",header=T,check.names=F,comment.char=\"\") 200 otu_table<-as.data.frame(otu_table) 201 nu<-length(name[,1]) 202 203 genus<-otu_table[as.character(name[1,1]),] 204 i<-2 205 while (i <= nu) { 206 genus<-rbind(genus,otu_table[as.character(name[i,1]),]) 207 i<-i+1 208 } 209 genus 210 group<-as.data.frame(group) 211 x<-length(group[1,]) 212 ###D 213 D<-group[,2] 214 215 ####M 216 genus<-cbind(genus,rowsum=rowSums(genus)) 217 genus<- genus[order(genus[,y+1],decreasing=T),] 218 219 220 221 ####sum 222 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"sum\" ){ 223 hh<-y+1 224 m<-data.frame(colSums(genus))[-hh,] 225 } 226 227 228 ####average 229 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"average\"){ 230 hh<-y+1 231 m<-data.frame(colSums(genus)/nu)[-hh,] 232 } 233 234 ####median 235 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"median\"){ 236 genus_order<-genus[,1:y] 237 m<-as.matrix(as.matrix(genus_order[ceiling(nu/2),])[1,]) 238 } 239 ###Z 240 Z<-c(rep(\"group1\",y)) 241 i<-2 242 243 while (i <= x-1) { 244 ###D 245 D<-c(D,group[,i+1]) 246 ###M 247 m<-c(m,m) 248 ###Z 249 w<-paste(\"group\",i,sep=\"\") 250 Z<-c(Z,rep(w,y)) 251 i <- i +1 252 } 253 # 254 M <- scale(m, center=T,scale=T) #标准化 255 if(x!=2){ 256 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M, group = Z) 257 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis ,color=group)) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 258 259 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 260 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 261 } 262 263 if($opts{facet_wrap}==T){ 264 p <- p + facet_wrap(~ group) + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 4)) 265 } 266 267 } 268 269 if(x==2){ 270 271 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M) 272 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis )) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 273 274 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 275 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 276 } 277 278 279 } 280 281 282 283 284 x<-x-1 285 286 287 288 } 289 } 290 291 292 293 294 ###The Receiver:3)The receiver is any other factors 295 if($opts{mode}==3){ 296 297 factor <-read.table(\"$opts{i}\",sep=\"\t\",head=T,check.names = F,row.names=1) 298 x<-length(factor[1,]) 299 300 D<-group[,2] 301 302 m<-factor[,1] 303 ####Z 304 factor_name <-read.table(\"$opts{i}\",sep=\"\t\",check.names = F,row.names=1) 305 name<-as.character(factor_name[1,1]) 306 len<-length(factor[,1]) 307 Z<-c(rep(name,len)) 308 i<-2 309 while (i <= x) { 310 D<-c(D,D) 311 m<-c(m,factor[,i]) 312 name<-as.character(factor_name[1,i]) 313 Z<-c(Z,rep(name,len)) 314 i <- i +1 315 } 316 M <- scale(m, center=T,scale=T) 317 318 if(x!=1){ 319 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M, factor = Z) 320 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis ,color=factor)) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 321 322 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 323 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 324 } 325 326 if($opts{facet_wrap}==T){ 327 p <- p + facet_wrap(~ group) + theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 4)) 328 } 329 330 } 331 332 if(x==1){ 333 334 rocdata<- data.frame(diagnosis = D, measure = M) 335 p <- ggplot(rocdata, aes(m = measure , d = diagnosis )) + geom_roc(labels=$opts{labels},labelsize=$opts{labelsize},n.cuts=$opts{ncuts}) + style_roc(major.breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), theme=$opts{theme},xlab=\"1-Specificity\",ylab=\"Sensitivity\") 336 337 if($opts{rocci}==T){ 338 p <- p + geom_rocci(sig.level=$opts{siglevel}) 339 } 340 341 } 342 343 344 } 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 ### Caculate the Area under the ROC curve 354 p.auc <- calc_auc(p) 355 write.table(p.auc,\"$opts{o}/roc_aucvalue.xls\",col.names=T,row.names=F,sep=\"\t\",quote=F) 356 357 358 if($opts{mode}==1){ 359 360 361 ###paste AUC to graph 362 if(x==1){ 363 364 test_auc<-paste(\"AUC=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 365 366 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.1,label=test_auc,size=4) 367 368 369 } 370 371 372 373 if(x==2){ 374 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_group1=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 375 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_group2=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 376 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.21,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 377 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.15,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 378 379 } 380 381 382 if(x==3){ 383 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_group1=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 384 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_group2=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 385 test_auc3<-paste(\"AUC_group3=\",round(p.auc[3,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 386 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.18,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 387 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.12,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 388 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.06,label=test_auc3,size=4,colour=\"black\") 389 } 390 391 } 392 393 if($opts{mode}==2){ 394 395 if(\"$opts{method}\"==\"chengchen.ye\"){ 396 397 ###auc_name 398 auc_name<-as.data.frame(sort(name[,1],decreasing=F)) 399 400 ###paste AUC to graph 401 if(x==1){ 402 403 test_auc<-paste(\"AUC=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 404 405 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.1,label=test_auc,size=4) 406 407 408 } 409 410 411 412 if(x==2){ 413 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC\(\",as.character(auc_name[1,1]),\"\)=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 414 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC\(\",as.character(auc_name[2,1]),\"\)=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 415 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.2,vjust=-4,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 416 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.2,vjust=-2,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 417 418 } 419 420 421 if(x==3){ 422 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC\(\",as.character(auc_name[1,1]),\"\)=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 423 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC\(\",as.character(auc_name[2,1]),\"\)=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 424 test_auc3<-paste(\"AUC\(\",as.character(auc_name[3,1]),\"\)=\",round(p.auc[3,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 425 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.1,vjust=-6,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 426 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.1,vjust=-4,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 427 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.1,vjust=-2,label=test_auc3,size=4,colour=\"black\") 428 } 429 430 431 } 432 433 if(\"$opts{method}\"!=\"chengchen.ye\"){ 434 435 ###paste AUC to graph 436 if(x==1){ 437 438 test_auc<-paste(\"AUC=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 439 440 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.1,label=test_auc,size=4) 441 442 443 } 444 445 446 447 if(x==2){ 448 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_group1=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 449 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_group2=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 450 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.3,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 451 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.25,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 452 453 } 454 455 456 if(x==3){ 457 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_group1=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 458 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_group2=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 459 test_auc3<-paste(\"AUC_group3=\",round(p.auc[3,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 460 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.22,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 461 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.16,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 462 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.1,label=test_auc3,size=4,colour=\"black\") 463 } 464 } 465 } 466 467 468 469 if($opts{mode}==3){ 470 471 472 ###auc_name 473 474 auc_name<-as.data.frame(sort(factor_name[1,],decreasing=F)) 475 476 477 ###paste AUC to graph 478 if(x==1){ 479 480 test_auc<-paste(\"AUC=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 481 482 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.1,label=test_auc,size=4) 483 484 485 } 486 487 488 489 if(x==2){ 490 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_\",as.character(auc_name[1,1]),\"=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 491 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_\",as.character(auc_name[1,2]),\"=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 492 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.2,vjust=-4,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 493 p<-p + geom_text(x=Inf,y=-Inf,hjust=1.2,vjust=-2,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 494 495 } 496 497 498 if(x==3){ 499 test_auc1<-paste(\"AUC_\",as.character(auc_name[1,1]),\"=\",round(p.auc[1,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 500 test_auc2<-paste(\"AUC_\",as.character(auc_name[1,2]),\"=\",round(p.auc[2,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 501 test_auc3<-paste(\"AUC_\",as.character(auc_name[1,3]),\"=\",round(p.auc[3,3] * 100, 2),\"%\",sep = \"\") 502 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.18,label=test_auc1,size=4,colour=\"black\") 503 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.12,label=test_auc2,size=4,colour=\"black\") 504 p<-p + geom_text(x=0.8,y=0.06,label=test_auc3,size=4,colour=\"black\") 505 } 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 } 515 516 517 pdf(\"$opts{o}/roc_curve.pdf\",width=$opts{w},height=$opts{h}) 518 p 519 dev.off() 520 521 522 "; 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 `R --restore --no-save < $opts{o}/roc.cmd.r`;