from gff3 get gene fasta sequence ,or promoter sequence
#taken from https://www.biostars.org/p/46281/ and modified as needed 10/15/15 use strict; use warnings; use Bio::Seq; use Bio::SeqIO; use Bio::DB::Fasta; #add a help message here #my $num_args=$#ARGV + 1; #if ($num_args != 4) { # print "\nUsage: gff2perl Genome.fasta Annotation.gff OutputPrefix \n\n"; # exit; #} $| = 1; # Flush output my $outfile_cds = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].cds.fasta" ); my $outfile_pep = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].pep.fasta" ); my $outfile_cdna = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].cdna.fasta" ); my $outfile_gene = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].gene.fasta" ); my $outfile_upstream3000 = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].upstream3000.fasta" ); my $outfile_exon = Bio::SeqIO->new( -format => ‘fasta‘, -file => ">$ARGV[2].exon.fasta"); ###### Output type description ###### # cds - translated sequence (starting with ATG and ending with a stop codon included) # cdna - transcribed sequence (devoid of introns, but containing untranslated exons) # protein - cds translated (includes a * as the stop codon) # gene - the entire gene sequence (including UTRs and introns) # upstream3000 - the 3000 upstream region of the gene (likely including the promoter) ### First, index the genome my $file_fasta = $ARGV[0]; my $db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($file_fasta); print ("Genome fasta parsed\n"); ### Second, parse the GFF3 my %CDS; my %CDNA; my %EXON; my $mRNA_name; my $frame; open GFF, "<$ARGV[1]" or die $!; while ( my $line = <GFF> ) { chomp $line; my @array = split( "\t", $line ); my $type = $array[2]; if ($type eq ‘gene‘ || $type eq ‘mt_gene‘ ) { my @attrs = split( ";", $array[8] ); $attrs[0] =~ s/ID=//; my $gene_name = $attrs[0]; my $gene_start = $array[3]; my $gene_end = $array[4]; my $gene_seq = $db->seq( $array[0], $gene_start, $gene_end ); my $output_gene = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $gene_seq, -id => $gene_name, -display_id => $gene_name, -alphabet => ‘dna‘, ); # The upstream 3000 my $upstream_start; my $upstream_end; if($array[6] eq ‘+‘) { $upstream_start=$gene_start-3000; $upstream_end=$gene_start-1; } elsif ($array[6] eq ‘-‘) { $upstream_start=$gene_end+1; $upstream_end=$gene_end+3000; } my $upstream_seq = $db->seq( $array[0], $upstream_start, $upstream_end ); my $output_upstream3000 = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $upstream_seq, -id => $gene_name."_upstream3000", -display_id => $gene_name."_upstream3000", -alphabet => ‘dna‘, ); # Reverse Complement if the frame is minus if($array[6] eq ‘+‘) { } elsif ($array[6] eq ‘-‘) { $output_gene = $output_gene->revcom(); $output_upstream3000 = $output_upstream3000->revcom(); } else { die "Unknown frame! At line $. of the GFF\n"; } #added an if statement for all outputs requiring there to be sequence information before writing to file otherwise the fasta file contains lots of empty fasta headers if (length($gene_seq) != 0) { $outfile_gene->write_seq($output_gene); } if (length($upstream_seq) != 0) { $outfile_upstream3000->write_seq($output_upstream3000); } } #CDS if ( ( $type eq ‘mRNA‘ || $type eq ‘transcript‘ ) and ( $. > 2 ) ) { # CDS: Collect CDSs and extract sequence of the previous mRNA my $mergedCDS_seq; # WARNING we must sort by $cds_coord[1] foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %CDS) { # Ascending numeric sort of the starting coordinate my $coord = $CDS{$key}; my @cds_coord = split( " ", $coord ); my $cds_seq = $db->seq( $cds_coord[0], $cds_coord[1], $cds_coord[2] ); $mergedCDS_seq .= $cds_seq; } my $output_cds = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $mergedCDS_seq, -id => $mRNA_name, -display_id => $mRNA_name, -alphabet => ‘dna‘, ); if ($frame eq ‘-‘) { $output_cds = $output_cds->revcom(); } #translate CDS to peptide for protein sequence my $output_pep = $output_cds->translate(); #write to file if (length($mergedCDS_seq) != 0) { $outfile_cds->write_seq($output_cds); } if (length($mergedCDS_seq) != 0) { $outfile_pep->write_seq($output_pep); } #exons #should be able to add exon output here since exons will be useful in gene models for other organisms can be added in the EVM program my $mergedEXON_seq; foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %EXON) { # Ascending numeric sort of the starting coordinatg my $coord = $EXON{$key}; my @exon_coord = split( " ", $coord ); my $exon_seq = $db->seq( $exon_coord[0], $exon_coord[1], $exon_coord[2] ); $mergedEXON_seq .= $exon_seq; } my $output_exon = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $mergedEXON_seq, -id => $mRNA_name, -display_id => $mRNA_name, -alphabet => ‘dna‘, ); if ($frame eq ‘-‘) { $output_exon = $output_exon->revcom(); } #write to file if (length($mergedEXON_seq) != 0) { $outfile_exon->write_seq($output_exon); } # CDNA: Collect UTRs and CDSs and extract sequence of the previous mRNA my $mergedCDNA_seq; foreach my $key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %CDNA) { # Ascending numeric sort of the starting coordinate my $coord = $CDNA{$key}; my @cds_coord = split( " ", $coord ); my $cds_seq = $db->seq( $cds_coord[0], $cds_coord[1], $cds_coord[2] ); $mergedCDNA_seq .= $cds_seq; } my $output_cdna = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $mergedCDNA_seq, -id => $mRNA_name, -display_id => $mRNA_name, -alphabet => ‘dna‘, ); if ($frame eq ‘-‘) { $output_cdna = $output_cdna->revcom(); } if (length($mergedCDNA_seq) != 0) { $outfile_cdna->write_seq($output_cdna); } # Now initialize the next mRNA my @attrs = split( ";", $array[8] ); $attrs[0] =~ s/ID=//; $mRNA_name = $attrs[0]; $frame=$array[6]; %CDS = (); %CDNA = (); # Empty the chunk arrays %EXON = (); %EXON = (); #Empty the EXON chunk arrays } elsif ( $type eq ‘mRNA‘ ) { # First mRNA my @attrs = split( ";", $array[8] ); $attrs[0] =~ s/ID=//; $mRNA_name = $attrs[0]; $frame=$array[6]; } elsif ( $type eq ‘CDS‘ ) { my $cds_coord = $array[0] . " " . $array[3] . " " . $array[4]; $CDS{$array[3]}=$cds_coord; $CDNA{$array[3]}=$cds_coord; } elsif ($type eq ‘UTR‘ ) { my $utr_coord = $array[0] . " " . $array[3] . " " . $array[4]; $CDNA{$array[3]}=$utr_coord; } elsif ($type eq ‘exon‘ ) { my $exon_coord = $array[0] . " " . $array[3] . " " . $array[4]; $EXON{$array[3]}=$exon_coord; } } close GFF;
from gff3 get gene fasta sequence(2)