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事件2 (标准 EventHandler)

时间:2016-09-10 00:03:28      阅读:233      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


  • EventHandler: 能提供一个对于所有事件和事件处理器都通用的签名,只允许两个参数,(而不是各自都有不同签名)
    • Object sender , //用来保存除非时间的对象引用,由于为object类型的,所以可以匹配任何类型的参数
    • EventArgs e , //用来保存状态信息,(或用户传递数据,需继承该类)

      namespace System


      // Summary:

      // Represents the method that will handle an event.


      // Parameters:

      // sender:

      // The source of the event.


      // e:

      // An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.


      // Type parameters:

      // TEventArgs:

      // The type of the event data generated by the event.


      public delegate void EventHandler<TEventArgs>(object sender, TEventArgs e); //注意这个是模板


      ? ? ?

    • EventArgs

      namespace System


      // Summary:

      // System.EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.



      public class EventArgs


      // Summary:

      // Represents an event with no event data.

      public static readonly EventArgs Empty;

      ? ? ?

      // Summary:

      // Initializes a new instance of the System.EventArgs class.

      public EventArgs();



    • 扩展EventArgs来传递数据


      ? ? ?


    • 示例:

      public class IncrementerEventArgs : EventArgs // Custom class derived from EventArgs


      public int IterationCount { get; set; } // Stores an integer


      ? ? ?

      class Incrementer


      public event EventHandler<IncrementerEventArgs> CountedADozen;

      ? ? ?

      public void DoCount()


      IncrementerEventArgs args = new IncrementerEventArgs();

      for ( int i=1; i < 100; i++ )

      if ( i % 12 == 0 && CountedADozen != null )


      args.IterationCount = i;

      CountedADozen( this, args );




      ? ? ?

      class Dozens


      public int DozensCount { get; private set; }

      ? ? ?

      public Dozens( Incrementer incrementer )


      DozensCount = 0;

      incrementer.CountedADozen += IncrementDozensCount;


      ? ? ?

      void IncrementDozensCount( object source, IncrementerEventArgs e )


      Console.WriteLine( "Incremented at iteration: {0} in {1}",

      e.IterationCount, source.ToString() );




      ? ? ?

      class Program


      static void Main()


      Incrementer incrementer = new Incrementer();

      Dozens dozensCounter = new Dozens( incrementer );

      ? ? ?


      Console.WriteLine( "Number of dozens = {0}",

      dozensCounter.DozensCount );



    • ?

事件2 (标准 EventHandler)



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