When there are some property contents we want to keep, usually, we can use Property table to keep them.
CREATE TABLE properties_bvoip3 (identifier VARCHAR2 (4000), value VARCHAR2 (4000)) ;
2.Insert data to property table
merge into properties_bvoip3 p using (select ‘one_key‘ identifier, ‘one_value‘ value from dual) s on (p.identifier = s.identifier) when matched then update set p.value = s.value when not matched then insert (identifier,value) values (s.identifier, s.value);
3.Get the value of one key from property table
1).Create one function to get value
create or replace function get_property_bvoip3( p_key Varchar2(4000)) return varchar2 as l_tmp varchar2(4000); begin select value into l_tmp from properties_bvoip3 where p_key=identifier; return l_tmp; exception when others then return null; end; /
2).Get value
l_value := get_property_bvoip3(‘one_key‘);
Merge Into ----using table to keep properties contents