1 uses math; 2 var s,t,n,i,j,tot,w,cnt:longint; 3 last,pre,other,flow:array[0..2600000] of longint; 4 l,q:array[0..3000000] of longint; 5 ans:int64; 6 procedure insert(a,b,c,d:longint); 7 begin 8 pre[tot]:=last[a]; 9 last[a]:=tot; 10 other[tot]:=b; 11 flow[tot]:=c; 12 inc(tot); 13 pre[tot]:=last[b]; 14 last[b]:=tot; 15 other[tot]:=a; 16 flow[tot]:=d; 17 inc(tot); 18 end; 19 function bfs:boolean; 20 var s1,t1,u,v,q1:longint; 21 begin 22 fillchar(q,sizeof(q),0); 23 for i:=0 to n do 24 l[i]:=-1; 25 s1:=0; 26 t1:=1; 27 l[s]:=1; 28 q[t1]:=s; 29 while (s1<t1) do 30 begin 31 inc(s1); 32 u:=q[s1]; 33 q1:=last[u]; 34 while (q1>=0) do 35 begin 36 v:=other[q1]; 37 if (flow[q1]>0) and (l[v]=-1) then 38 begin 39 inc(t1); 40 q[t1]:=v; 41 l[v]:=l[u]+1; 42 end; 43 q1:=pre[q1]; 44 end; 45 end; 46 if (l[t]=-1) then exit(false) else exit(true); 47 end; 48 function find(u,int:longint):longint; 49 var w,v,q1,t1:longint; 50 begin 51 if (u=t) then exit(int); 52 w:=0; 53 q1:=last[u]; 54 while (q1>=0) and (w<int) do 55 begin 56 v:=other[q1]; 57 if (l[v]=l[u]+1) then 58 begin 59 t1:=find(v,min(flow[q1],int-w)); 60 flow[q1]:=flow[q1]-t1; 61 flow[q1 xor 1]:=flow[q1 xor 1]+t1; 62 w:=w+t1; 63 end; 64 q1:=pre[q1]; 65 end; 66 if (w>=int) then l[u]:=-1; 67 exit(w); 68 end; 69 function dinic:int64; 70 var e:longint; 71 ans:int64; 72 begin 73 ans:=0; 74 while bfs do 75 begin 76 e:=find(s,maxlongint); 77 ans:=ans+e; 78 end; 79 exit(ans); 80 end; 81 begin 82 readln(n); 83 s:=n*n+n+1; 84 t:=n*n+n+2; 85 tot:=0; 86 for i:=0 to t do 87 last[i]:=-1; 88 cnt:=n; 89 ans:=0; 90 for i:=1 to n do 91 begin 92 for j:=1 to n do 93 begin 94 read(w); 95 inc(cnt); 96 insert(s,cnt,w,0); 97 insert(cnt,i,maxlongint,0); 98 if (i<>j) then insert(cnt,j,maxlongint,0); 99 ans:=ans+w; 100 end; 101 readln; 102 end; 103 for i:=1 to n do 104 begin 105 read(w); 106 insert(i,t,w,0); 107 end; 108 readln; 109 n:=t; 110 writeln(ans-dinic); 111 end. 112
1 var n,i,j,s,ans,max,max1:longint; 2 b:array[0..1000,0..1000] of longint; 3 c,inc:array[0..1000] of longint; 4 begin 5 readln(n); 6 for i:=1 to n do 7 begin 8 for j:=1 to n do 9 read(b[i,j]); 10 readln; 11 end; 12 for i:=1 to n do 13 read(c[i]); 14 readln; 15 fillchar(inc,sizeof(inc),0); 16 s:=0; 17 ans:=0; 18 for i:=1 to n do 19 begin 20 s:=0; 21 for j:=1 to n do 22 s:=s+b[i,j]+b[j,i]; 23 inc[i]:=b[i,i]-s+c[i]; 24 end; 25 for i:=1 to n do 26 for j:=1 to n do 27 ans:=ans+b[i,j]; 28 for i:=1 to n do 29 ans:=ans-c[i]; 30 while true do 31 begin 32 max:=-1; 33 max1:=-1; 34 for i:=1 to n do 35 if (max<inc[i]) then 36 begin 37 max:=inc[i]; 38 max1:=i; 39 end; 40 if (max1=-1) then break; 41 ans:=ans+max; 42 for i:=1 to n do 43 inc[i]:=inc[i]+b[i,max1]+b[max1,i]; 44 inc[max1]:=-1; 45 end; 46 writeln(ans); 47 end. 48
1 var t,l,n,m,i,j:longint; 2 a,f:array[0..1005,0..1005] of int64; 3 begin 4 readln(t); 5 for l:=1 to t do 6 begin 7 readln(n,m); 8 fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); 9 fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); 10 for i:=1 to n do 11 begin 12 for j:=1 to m do 13 read(a[i,j]); 14 readln; 15 end; 16 for i:=1 to n do 17 for j:=m downto 1 do 18 begin 19 f[i,j]:=f[i-1,j+1]+a[i,j]; 20 if (f[i-1,j]>f[i,j]) then f[i,j]:=f[i-1,j]; 21 if (f[i,j+1]>f[i,j]) then f[i,j]:=f[i,j+1]; 22 end; 23 writeln(f[n,1]); 24 end; 25 end.