/** * 订单查询(用于订单列表展示用) */ public List<Ord> queryOrd(String ordno, String custno, int startRow, int rowSize, Ord.St... stArr) { Map<String, Object> map = params4queryOrd(ordno, custno, stArr); return getSqlSession().selectList(sqlmapNamespace + "." + "queryOrd", map, new RowBounds(startRow, rowSize)); } public int countOrd(String ordno, String custno, Ord.St... stArr) { Map<String, Object> map = params4queryOrd(ordno, custno, stArr); return getSqlSession().selectOne(sqlmapNamespace + "." + "countOrd", map); } private Map<String, Object> params4queryOrd(String ordno, String custno, Ord.St... stArr) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3); if (ordno != null) map.put("ordno", ordno); if (custno != null) map.put("custno", custno); if (stArr != null && stArr.length > 0) { int[] arr = new int[stArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stArr.length; i++) { arr[i] = stArr[i].key; } map.put("stArr", arr); } return map; }
<!-- 订单查询(用于订单列表展示用) --> <select id="queryOrd" parameterType="map" resultMap="rs_ord"> select * from ord <include refid="sql_queryOrd_where"/> </select> <select id="countOrd" parameterType="map" resultType="int"> select count(1) from ord <include refid="sql_queryOrd_where"/> </select> <sql id="sql_queryOrd_where"> <where> <if test="ordno!=null and ordno!=‘‘">and ordno=#{ordno}</if> <if test="custno!=null and custno!=‘‘">and custno=#{custno}</if> <if test="stArr!=null"> state in <foreach item="st" index="index" collection="stArr" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{st} </foreach> </if> </where> </sql>
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