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quick player运行分析

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1 2 - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification 3 { 4 [self installUncaughtExceptionHandler]; 5 6 //创建player 7 auto player = player::PlayerMac::create(); 8 player->setController(self); 9 10 _isAlwaysOnTop = NO; 11 _debugLogFile = 0; 12 13 _buildTask = nil; 14 _isBuildingFinished = YES; 15 16 // load QUICK_V3_ROOT from ~/.QUICK_V3_ROOT 17 // 从~/.QUICK_V3_ROOT获取quick根目录,我的:Users/staff/Documents/quick-3.3 18 NSMutableString *path = [NSMutableString stringWithString:NSHomeDirectory()]; 19 [path appendString:@"/.QUICK_V3_ROOT"]; 20 NSError *error = nil; 21 NSString *env = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path 22 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding 23 error:&error]; 24 if ([error code] || env.length == 0) 25 { 26 //没有这个配置则报错,提示你执行setup_mac.sh脚本 27 [self showAlertWithoutSheet:@"Please run \"setup_mac.sh\", set Quick-Cocos2dx-Community root path." 28 withTitle:@"quick player error"]; 29 [[NSApplication sharedApplication] terminate:self]; 30 } 31 32 //_project.setQuickCocos2dxRootPath设置qucik根目录 33 env = [env stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]]; 34 _project.setQuickCocos2dxRootPath([env cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); 35 36 //分析命令行参数,设置_project的值,这个后面详细分析 37 [self updateProjectFromCommandLineArgs:&_project]; 38 39 //创建WindowAndGLView,2分析 40 [self createWindowAndGLView]; 41 42 //注册监听事件 43 [self registerEventsHandler]; 44 45 //启动,3分析 46 [self startup]; 47 } 48 49 2 50 - (void) createWindowAndGLView 51 { 52 //设置GLContextAttrs 53 GLContextAttrs glContextAttrs = {8, 8, 8, 8, 24, 8}; 54 GLView::setGLContextAttrs(glContextAttrs); 55 56 float frameScale = _project.getFrameScale(); 57 58 // create opengl view 59 cocos2d::Size frameSize = _project.getFrameSize(); 60 61 //创建GLView,GLViewImpl是针对desktop平台实现的 文件在platform/desktop/CCGLViewImpl-desktop.h 62 const cocos2d::Rect frameRect = cocos2d::Rect(0, 0, frameSize.width, frameSize.height); 63 GLViewImpl *eglView = GLViewImpl::createWithRect("player", frameRect, frameScale, _project.isResizeWindow()); 64 65 auto director = Director::getInstance(); 66 director->setOpenGLView(eglView); 67 68 _window = eglView->getCocoaWindow(); 69 [NSApp setDelegate:self]; 70 [_window center]; 71 72 if (_project.getProjectDir().length()) 73 { 74 [self setZoom:_project.getFrameScale()]; 75 Vec2 pos = _project.getWindowOffset(); 76 if (pos.x != 0 && pos.y != 0) 77 { 78 [_window setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(pos.x, pos.y)]; 79 } 80 } 81 } 82 83 3 84 - (void) startup 85 { 86 FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(false); 87 88 //quick根目录 89 std::string path = _project.getQuickCocos2dxRootPath(); 90 91 //如果设置了项目目录,则把项目目录设置为setDefaultResourceRootPath资源搜索默认目录 92 const string projectDir = _project.getProjectDir(); 93 if (projectDir.length()) 94 { 95 FileUtils::getInstance()->setDefaultResourceRootPath(projectDir.c_str()); 96 //如果设置了log输出文件 97 if (_project.isWriteDebugLogToFile()) 98 { 99 [self writeDebugLogToFile:_project.getDebugLogFilePath()]; 100 } 101 } 102 103 // set framework path 104 // 设置quick框架文件目录加入到搜索目录中_project.getQuickCocos2dxRootPath() + "quick/" 105 if (!_project.isLoadPrecompiledFramework()) 106 { 107 FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath(_project.getQuickCocos2dxRootPath() + "quick/"); 108 } 109 110 //设置可写目录 111 const string writablePath = _project.getWritableRealPath(); 112 if (writablePath.length()) 113 { 114 FileUtils::getInstance()->setWritablePath(writablePath.c_str()); 115 } 116 117 //显示Console,并且输出Configuration配置信息 118 if (_project.isShowConsole()) 119 { 120 [self openConsoleWindow]; 121 CCLOG("%s\n",Configuration::getInstance()->getInfo().c_str()); 122 } 123 124 //加载lua配置 125 [self loadLuaConfig]; 126 [self adjustEditMenuIndex]; 127 if (!_project.isAppMenu()) 128 { 129 NSMenu *mainMenu = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu]; 130 NSArray *menuArray = [mainMenu itemArray]; 131 for (int i = 1; i < [menuArray count]; i++) 132 { 133 id onemenu = [menuArray objectAtIndex:i]; 134 [mainMenu removeItem:onemenu]; 135 } 136 } 137 138 // app 运行app 139 _app = new AppDelegate(); 140 _app->setProjectConfig(_project); 141 Application::getInstance()->run(); 142 // After run, application needs to be terminated immediately. 143 [NSApp terminate: self]; 144 } 145 146 4147 - (void) loadLuaConfig 148 { 149 LuaEngine* pEngine = LuaEngine::getInstance(); 150 ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->setScriptEngine(pEngine); 151 152 luaopen_PlayerLuaCore(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState()); 153 luaopen_PlayerLuaCore_Manual(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState()); 154 155 156 NSMutableString *path = [NSMutableString stringWithString:NSHomeDirectory()]; 157 [path appendString:@"/"]; 158 159 160 // 161 // set user home dir 162 // 163 lua_pushstring(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), path.UTF8String); 164 lua_setglobal(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), "__USER_HOME__"); 165 166 167 // 168 // ugly: Add the opening project to the "Open Recents" list 169 // 170 lua_pushstring(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), _project.getProjectDir().c_str()); 171 lua_setglobal(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), "__PLAYER_OPEN_TITLE__"); 172 173 lua_pushstring(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), _project.makeCommandLine().c_str()); 174 lua_setglobal(pEngine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(), "__PLAYER_OPEN_COMMAND__"); 175 176 // 177 // load player.lua file 178 // 加载player.lua文件 179 // 180 string playerCoreFilePath = _project.getQuickCocos2dxRootPath() + "quick/welcome/src/player.lua"; 181 pEngine->executeScriptFile(playerCoreFilePath.c_str()); 182 }


quick player运行分析



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