标签:style blog color os io 文件 for ar
用于获取MP3内部信息,包括歌曲名,歌手名等…… namespace FileBatchRemaer.domain { /// <summary> /// Mp3信息结构 /// </summary> public struct Mp3Info { public string identify; //TAG,三个字节 public string Title; //歌曲名,30个字节 public string Artist; //歌手名,30个字节 public string Album; //所属唱片,30个字节 public string Year; //年,4个字符 public string Comment; //注释,28个字节 public char reserved1; //保留位,一个字节 public char reserved2; //保留位,一个字节 public char reserved3; //保留位,一个字节 } /// <summary> /// Mp3文件信息类 /// </summary> public class Mp3FileInfo { Mp3Info info; /// <summary> /// 构造函数,输入文件名即得到信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="mp3FilePos"></param> public Mp3FileInfo(String mp3FilePos) { info = getMp3Info(getLast128(mp3FilePos)); } /// <summary> /// 获取整理后的Mp3文件名,这里以标题和艺术家名定文件名 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public String GetOriginalName() { return formatString(info.Title.Trim()) + "-" + formatString(info.Artist.Trim()); } /// <summary> /// 去除\0字符 /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <returns></returns> private String formatString(String str) { return str.Replace("\0", ""); } /// <summary> /// 获取MP3文件最后128个字节 /// </summary> /// <param name="FileName">文件名</param> /// <returns>返回字节数组</returns> private byte[] getLast128(string FileName) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Stream stream = fs; stream.Seek(-128, SeekOrigin.End); const int seekPos = 128; int rl = 0; byte[] Info = new byte[seekPos]; rl = stream.Read(Info, 0, seekPos); fs.Close(); stream.Close(); return Info; } /// <summary> /// 获取MP3歌曲的相关信息 /// </summary> /// <param name = "Info">从MP3文件中截取的二进制信息</param> /// <returns>返回一个Mp3Info结构</returns> private Mp3Info getMp3Info(byte[] Info) { Mp3Info mp3Info = new Mp3Info(); string str = null; int i; int position = 0;//循环的起始值 int currentIndex = 0;//Info的当前索引值 //获取TAG标识 for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 3; i++) { str = str + (char)Info[i]; position++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.identify = str; //获取歌名 str = null; byte[] bytTitle = new byte[30];//将歌名部分读到一个单独的数组中 int j = 0; for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++) { bytTitle[j] = Info[i]; position++; j++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.Title = this.byteToString(bytTitle); //获取歌手名 str = null; j = 0; byte[] bytArtist = new byte[30];//将歌手名部分读到一个单独的数组中 for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++) { bytArtist[j] = Info[i]; position++; j++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.Artist = this.byteToString(bytArtist); //获取唱片名 str = null; j = 0; byte[] bytAlbum = new byte[30];//将唱片名部分读到一个单独的数组中 for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 30; i++) { bytAlbum[j] = Info[i]; position++; j++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.Album = this.byteToString(bytAlbum); //获取年 str = null; j = 0; byte[] bytYear = new byte[4];//将年部分读到一个单独的数组中 for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 4; i++) { bytYear[j] = Info[i]; position++; j++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.Year = this.byteToString(bytYear); //获取注释 str = null; j = 0; byte[] bytComment = new byte[28];//将注释部分读到一个单独的数组中 for (i = currentIndex; i < currentIndex + 25; i++) { bytComment[j] = Info[i]; position++; j++; } currentIndex = position; mp3Info.Comment = this.byteToString(bytComment); //以下获取保留位 mp3Info.reserved1 = (char)Info[++position]; mp3Info.reserved2 = (char)Info[++position]; mp3Info.reserved3 = (char)Info[++position]; return mp3Info; } /// <summary> /// 将字节数组转换成字符串 /// </summary> /// <param name = "b">字节数组</param> /// <returns>返回转换后的字符串</returns> private string byteToString(byte[] b) { Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); string str = enc.GetString(b); str = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf("#CONTENT#") >= 0 ? str.IndexOf("#CONTENT#") : str.Length);//去掉无用字符 return str; } } } wma:利用shell32获取信息:首先在项目中添加shell32.dll,在windows\system32\下面 1 public string[] getSongInfoFromWma(string FileName) 2 { 3 string[] wmaFileStruct = new string[3]; 4 MP3File mp3=new MP3File(); 5 //create shell instance 6 Shell32.Shell shell = new Shell32.ShellClass(); 7 //set the namespace to file path 8 Shell32.Folder folder = shell.NameSpace(FileName.Substring(0,FileName.LastIndexOf("\\"))); 9 //get ahandle to the file 10 Shell32.FolderItem folderItem = folder.ParseName(FileName.Substring(FileName.LastIndexOf("\\")+1)); 11 //did we get a handle ? 12 13 14 wmaFileStruct[0] = folder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem,10); //歌曲名称 15 wmaFileStruct[1] = folder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem,9); //歌手名称 16 wmaFileStruct[2] = folder.GetDetailsOf(folderItem,21); //播放时间 17 18 return wmaFileStruct; 19 } 20
标签:style blog color os io 文件 for ar