标签:append pop net 技术 用户信息 sony back oca local
1. 商品信息- 数量、单价、名称
2. 用户信息- 帐号、密码、余额
3. 用户可充值
4. 购物历史信息
5. 允许用户多次购买,每次可购买多件
6. 余额不足时进行提醒
7. 用户退出时 ,输出档次购物信息
8. 用户下次登陆时可查看购物历史
9. 商品列表分级显示
1 # 用户登录 2 T = True 3 name = input(‘Please enter name:‘) 4 f = open(‘shopping.txt‘,‘r‘) 5 gg = f.read() 6 f.close() 7 ff = gg.split() 8 count = 0 9 for cc in ff: # 检查是否新用户 10 bb = cc.split(‘,‘) # 分成不同列表 11 if bb[0] == name: 12 qq = bb[2] 13 while T: 14 password = input(‘Please enter password:‘) 15 if password == qq: 16 balance = bb[1] 17 print (‘Welome! Your balance is %s‘ % balance) 18 count=+1 19 break 20 else: 21 print(‘Your password was wrong.‘) 22 break 23 else: 24 continue 25 if count == 0: 26 password = input(‘Please enter password:‘) 27 print(‘Welcome to the first! Your balance is 0‘) 28 balance = 0 29 30 # 创造三级菜单 31 shoppingmall = {‘sport‘: {‘clothes‘:{‘coat‘:{20: 80}, ‘shirt‘: {30: 100}, ‘skirt‘: {20: 120}}, 32 ‘tools‘: {‘net‘: {20: 70}, ‘bat‘: {40: 100}, ‘fish pole‘: {20: 90}}, 33 ‘ball‘: {‘basketball‘: {90: 200}, ‘pingpong‘: {10: 20}, ‘football‘: {50: 170}}}, 34 ‘electrical equipment‘: {‘phone‘: {‘Apple‘: {10: 6000}, ‘Xiaomi‘: {15: 2000}, ‘Huawei‘: {5: 3000}}, 35 ‘computer‘: {‘HP‘: {2: 4000}, ‘Lenovo‘: {6: 2200}, ‘Dell‘: {10: 3000}}, 36 ‘TV‘: {‘Sony‘: {60: 5000}, ‘LG‘: {30: 3000}, ‘TCL‘: {40: 2200}}}, 37 ‘book‘: {‘baby‘: {‘Story‘: {50: 37},‘Picture‘: {30: 64},‘Music‘: {60: 93}}, 38 ‘child‘: {‘Exercise‘: {30: 36},‘Earth‘: {20: 55},‘Weather‘: {30: 64}}, 39 ‘adult‘: {‘Leaning‘: {40: 45},‘Cookbook‘: {50: 74},‘Tourism‘: {50: 43}}}} 40 list1=[] 41 list2=[] 42 list3=[] 43 shopping_list=[] 44 item_price={} 45 lse = [] 46 47 # 打印一级菜单 48 while T: 49 50 while T: 51 for key in shoppingmall: 52 print(key) 53 list1.append(key) 54 # 选择一项到下一级菜单或者退出 55 choose = input(‘Please choose thing or q = quit:‘) 56 if choose == ‘q‘: 57 exit(‘Bye!‘) 58 # 进入下一级菜单 59 elif choose in list1: 60 a = shoppingmall.get(choose) 61 while T: 62 for key1 in a: 63 print(key1) 64 list2.append(key1) 65 # 选择一项到下一级菜单或者退出或返回 66 67 choose1 = input(‘Please chose that you want or q = quit or b = back:‘) 68 if choose1 == ‘q‘: 69 exit(‘Bye!‘) 70 elif choose1 == ‘b‘: 71 break 72 elif choose1 in list2: 73 # 进入下一级菜单 74 b = a.get(choose1) 75 while T: 76 for key2 in b: 77 c = b.get(key2) 78 list3.append(key2) 79 for number in c: 80 price = c.get(number) #number剩余数量,price 商品价钱 81 item_price[key2] = price#商品和对应的价钱放入字典中 82 print (‘%s is $%s left %s‘ % (key2, item_price[key2], number)) 83 # 选择退出,返回上一级菜单 或者第一个菜单 84 choose2 = input(‘What do you want to buy? n = quit,b = back.‘) 85 if choose2 == ‘n‘: 86 exit(‘Bye!‘) 87 elif choose2 == ‘b‘: 88 break 89 elif choose2 in list3: 90 quantity = int(input(‘Please choose quantity‘)) 91 if quantity <=number: #检查购买数量是否大于存货量 92 if choose2 in shopping_list: 93 local = shopping_list.index(choose2) 94 quantity = int(quantity) + int(shopping_list[local+2]) 95 goods_price = (quantity * item_price[choose2]) 96 shopping_list.pop(local+1) 97 shopping_list.pop(local+1) 98 shopping_list.insert(local+1, goods_price) 99 shopping_list.insert(local+2, quantity) #物品数量放入购物名单中 100 else: 101 shopping_list.append(choose2) 102 goods_price = (quantity * item_price[choose2]) 103 shopping_list.append(goods_price) 104 shopping_list.append(quantity) # 物品数量放入购物名单中 105 shop_thing = shopping_list[::3] 106 shop_num = shopping_list[2::3] 107 print(‘Shopping list has:‘) 108 ii = len(shop_thing) 109 for item in range(ii): # 输出购买名单 110 print (‘%s has %s‘% (shop_thing[item], shop_num[item])) 111 last = input(‘Goods have been put in shopping_list, what do you want to do? ‘ 112 ‘c = check out, q = quit, o = other thing I want to buy.‘) 113 if last == ‘c‘: 114 #计算总数 115 total_price = 0 116 for h in range(len(shop_thing)): 117 total_price += goods_price 118 print(‘Total price is %s, your balance is %s‘ % (total_price, balance)) 119 while T: 120 if total_price> int(balance): # 检查余额是否足够 121 out = input(‘Balance is not enough,do you want to rechange? y =yes,‘ 122 ‘q = quit‘) 123 if out == ‘y‘: 124 recharge = input(‘How much do you recharge‘) # 余额不足,需要充值 125 if int(recharge) and int(recharge)>0: 126 balance = int(balance) + int(recharge) 127 else: 128 one_more = input(‘Invalid value, any key = please again, q = quit.‘) 129 if one_more == ‘q‘: 130 exit() 131 elif out == ‘q‘: 132 exit() 133 else: 134 balance = int(balance) - total_price # 计算总价,余额,输出购买清单 135 shopping_list[-1] = balance 136 print (‘This you shopping list‘.center(40,‘*‘)) 137 aa = len(shop_thing) 138 for item1 in range(aa): 139 print (‘%s: %s‘% (shop_thing[item1], shop_num[item1])) 140 print (‘Total price is %s, balance is %s‘ % (total_price, balance)) 141 end = ‘Thank you, please come again‘.center(40, ‘*‘) 142 print (end) 143 if count == 0: # 购买的历史信息写入文件 144 f = open(‘shopping.txt‘, ‘a‘) #这次购买物品放入文本中 145 msg = ‘\n%s,%s,%s\n‘ % (name, balance, password) 146 f.write(msg) 147 f.close() 148 exit() 149 else: 150 for cc in ff: 151 bb = cc.split(‘,‘) # 分成不同列表 152 dd = type(bb) 153 if bb[0] == name: 154 bb[1] = str(balance) 155 ee = ‘,‘.join(bb).strip() 156 lse.append(ee) 157 ss = ‘\n‘.join(lse) 158 159 f = open(‘shopping.txt‘, ‘w‘) #这次购买物品放入文本中 160 f.write(ss) 161 f.close() 162 exit() 163 elif last == ‘q‘: 164 exit() 165 elif last == ‘o‘: 166 continue 167 else: 168 print (‘Yout choose is over the choose, please choose again‘) 169 else: 170 print (‘Quantity is over, please choose again‘) 171 else: 172 print (‘Yout choose is over the choose, please choose again‘) 173 else: 174 print(‘Sorry, your choose not in list! Please choose again‘) 175 else: 176 print(‘Sorry, your choose not in list! Please choose again‘)
# 用户登录
T = True
name = input(‘Please enter name:‘)
f = open(‘shopping.txt‘,‘r‘)
gg = f.read()
ff = gg.split()
count = 0
for cc in ff: # 检查是否新用户
bb = cc.split(‘,‘) # 分成不同列表
if bb[0] == name:
qq = bb[2]
while T:
password = input(‘Please enter password:‘)
if password == qq:
balance = bb[1]
print (‘Welome! Your balance is %s‘ % balance)
print(‘Your password was wrong.‘)
if count == 0:
password = input(‘Please enter password:‘)
print(‘Welcome to the first! Your balance is 0‘)
balance = 0
# 创造三级菜单
shoppingmall = {‘sport‘: {‘clothes‘:{‘coat‘:{20: 80}, ‘shirt‘: {30: 100}, ‘skirt‘: {20: 120}},
‘tools‘: {‘net‘: {20: 70}, ‘bat‘: {40: 100}, ‘fish pole‘: {20: 90}},
‘ball‘: {‘basketball‘: {90: 200}, ‘pingpong‘: {10: 20}, ‘football‘: {50: 170}}},
‘electrical equipment‘: {‘phone‘: {‘Apple‘: {10: 6000}, ‘Xiaomi‘: {15: 2000}, ‘Huawei‘: {5: 3000}},
‘computer‘: {‘HP‘: {2: 4000}, ‘Lenovo‘: {6: 2200}, ‘Dell‘: {10: 3000}},
‘TV‘: {‘Sony‘: {60: 5000}, ‘LG‘: {30: 3000}, ‘TCL‘: {40: 2200}}},
‘book‘: {‘baby‘: {‘Story‘: {50: 37},‘Picture‘: {30: 64},‘Music‘: {60: 93}},
‘child‘: {‘Exercise‘: {30: 36},‘Earth‘: {20: 55},‘Weather‘: {30: 64}},
‘adult‘: {‘Leaning‘: {40: 45},‘Cookbook‘: {50: 74},‘Tourism‘: {50: 43}}}}
lse = []
# 打印一级菜单
while T:
while T:
for key in shoppingmall:
# 选择一项到下一级菜单或者退出
choose = input(‘Please choose thing or q = quit:‘)
if choose == ‘q‘:
# 进入下一级菜单
elif choose in list1:
a = shoppingmall.get(choose)
while T:
for key1 in a:
# 选择一项到下一级菜单或者退出或返回
choose1 = input(‘Please chose that you want or q = quit or b = back:‘)
if choose1 == ‘q‘:
elif choose1 == ‘b‘:
elif choose1 in list2:
# 进入下一级菜单
b = a.get(choose1)
while T:
for key2 in b:
c = b.get(key2)
for number in c:
price = c.get(number) #number剩余数量,price 商品价钱
item_price[key2] = price#商品和对应的价钱放入字典中
print (‘%s is $%s left %s‘ % (key2, item_price[key2], number))
# 选择退出,返回上一级菜单 或者第一个菜单
choose2 = input(‘What do you want to buy? n = quit,b = back.‘)
if choose2 == ‘n‘:
elif choose2 == ‘b‘:
elif choose2 in list3:
quantity = int(input(‘Please choose quantity‘))
if quantity <=number: #检查购买数量是否大于存货量
if choose2 in shopping_list:
local = shopping_list.index(choose2)
quantity = int(quantity) + int(shopping_list[local+2])
goods_price = (quantity * item_price[choose2])
shopping_list.insert(local+1, goods_price)
shopping_list.insert(local+2, quantity) #物品数量放入购物名单中
goods_price = (quantity * item_price[choose2])
shopping_list.append(quantity) # 物品数量放入购物名单中
shop_thing = shopping_list[::3]
shop_num = shopping_list[2::3]
print(‘Shopping list has:‘)
ii = len(shop_thing)
for item in range(ii): # 输出购买名单
print (‘%s has %s‘% (shop_thing[item], shop_num[item]))
last = input(‘Goods have been put in shopping_list, what do you want to do? ‘
‘c = check out, q = quit, o = other thing I want to buy.‘)
if last == ‘c‘:
total_price = 0
for h in range(len(shop_thing)):
total_price += goods_price
print(‘Total price is %s, your balance is %s‘ % (total_price, balance))
while T:
if total_price> int(balance): # 检查余额是否足够
out = input(‘Balance is not enough,do you want to rechange? y =yes,‘
‘q = quit‘)
if out == ‘y‘:
recharge = input(‘How much do you recharge‘) # 余额不足,需要充值
if int(recharge) and int(recharge)>0:
balance = int(balance) + int(recharge)
one_more = input(‘Invalid value, any key = please again, q = quit.‘)
if one_more == ‘q‘:
elif out == ‘q‘:
balance = int(balance) - total_price # 计算总价,余额,输出购买清单
shopping_list[-1] = balance
print (‘This you shopping list‘.center(40,‘*‘))
aa = len(shop_thing)
for item1 in range(aa):
print (‘%s: %s‘% (shop_thing[item1], shop_num[item1]))
print (‘Total price is %s, balance is %s‘ % (total_price, balance))
end = ‘Thank you, please come again‘.center(40, ‘*‘)
print (end)
if count == 0: # 购买的历史信息写入文件
f = open(‘shopping.txt‘, ‘a‘) #这次购买物品放入文本中
msg = ‘\n%s,%s,%s\n‘ % (name, balance, password)
for cc in ff:
bb = cc.split(‘,‘) # 分成不同列表
dd = type(bb)
if bb[0] == name:
bb[1] = str(balance)
ee = ‘,‘.join(bb).strip()
ss = ‘\n‘.join(lse)
f = open(‘shopping.txt‘, ‘w‘) #这次购买物品放入文本中
elif last == ‘q‘:
elif last == ‘o‘:
print (‘Yout choose is over the choose, please choose again‘)
print (‘Quantity is over, please choose again‘)
print (‘Yout choose is over the choose, please choose again‘)
print(‘Sorry, your choose not in list! Please choose again‘)
print(‘Sorry, your choose not in list! Please choose again‘)
标签:append pop net 技术 用户信息 sony back oca local