标签:begin ted start exp src nbsp tar lock 最大
var n,m,x,i,ans:longint; l,r,heap,pos,a:array[0..200001]of longint; procedure down(i:longint); var t,j:longint; begin while (i<<1<=n) do begin if (i<<1=n)or(a[heap[i<<1]]>a[heap[i<<1 or 1]]) then j:=i<<1 else j:=i<<1 or 1; if a[heap[i]]<a[heap[j]] then begin t:=heap[i];heap[i]:=heap[j];heap[j]:=t; t:=pos[heap[i]];pos[heap[i]]:=pos[heap[j]];pos[heap[j]]:=t; i:=j; end else exit; end; end; procedure up(i:longint); var t:longint; begin while i>1 do begin if a[heap[i]]>a[heap[i>>1]] then begin t:=heap[i];heap[i]:=heap[i>>1];heap[i>>1]:=t; t:=pos[heap[i]];pos[heap[i]]:=pos[heap[i>>1]];pos[heap[i>>1]]:=t; i:=i>>1; end else exit; end; end; begin readln(n,m); if (m>n>>1) then writeln(‘Error!‘) else begin for i:=1 to n do begin read(a[i]); l[i]:=i-1;r[i]:=i+1;heap[i]:=i;pos[i]:=i;up(i); end; l[1]:=n;r[n]:=1; for i:=1 to m do begin x:=heap[1];inc(ans,a[x]); a[x]:=a[l[x]]+a[r[x]]-a[x];down(pos[x]); a[l[x]]:=-maxlongint;down(pos[l[x]]);l[x]:=l[l[x]]; a[r[x]]:=-maxlongint;down(pos[r[x]]);r[x]:=r[r[x]]; l[r[x]]:=x;r[l[x]]:=x; end; writeln(ans); end; end.
标签:begin ted start exp src nbsp tar lock 最大