标签:pat either version net 安装 ref 序列 mapper local
所以,啃文档咯,官方文档Version 2.2.9 http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml
Bowtie2适合将长度50-1000bp的reads比对到长的参考序列上。Bowtie 2 indexes the genome with an FM Index
(based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform or BWT) 。输出结果为SAM格式。已集成在很多软件中,如
TopHat(a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-seq reads),
Cufflinks(transcriptome assembly and isoform quantitiation from RNA-seq reads),
Crossbow( cloud-enabled tool for analyzing reseuqncing data),
Myrna(a cloud-enabled tool for aligning RNA-seq reads and measuring differential gene expression)。
Bowtie1和2的区别:Bowtie 2‘s command-line arguments and genome index format are both different from Bowtie 1‘s.
2,Bowtie 2支持有空位的比对Number of gaps and gap lengths are not restricted, except by way of the configurable scoring scheme.
3,Bowtie 2支持局部比对(local, some chars will be omited/trimmed),也可以全局比对(end-to-end, all char participate)
4,Bowtie 2对最长序列没有要求,但是Bowtie 1最长不能超过1000bp。
5. Bowtie 2 allows alignments to [overlap ambiguous characters] (e.g. `N`s) in the reference. Bowtie 1 does not.
6,Bowtie 2不能比对colorspace reads.
7, Bowtie 2‘s paired-end alignment is more flexible. Try to find unpaired alignments for each mate。
8, Bowtie 2 reports a spectrum of mapping qualities, Bowtie 1 reports either 0 or high。
MUMmer: align 2 very large sequences(eg: 2 genomes)
NUCmer, BLAT/BLAST, Bowtie2: sensitive alignment to short ref seq(eg: a bacterial genome)
安装bowtie2: 直接下载bowtie2-2.2.9-linux-x86_64.zip,解压,修改环境路径即可
Scores: 更高分=更相似
--ma :match bonus
--mp :mismatch penalty
--np :penality for having N in either the read or the ref
--rdg :affine read gap penalty
--rfg :affine ref gap penalty
全局比对栗子:默认,高质量位点的mismatch罚分为-6,长度为2的gap罚分为-11(gap open-5, extension-3),如果在长度为50的read中只有这两个问题,则总分为-17。所以,最好的分数是0,指read和ref完全相同。
default min score threshold:
default min score threshold:
标签:pat either version net 安装 ref 序列 mapper local