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Yii2 本身提供了不错分页选项供用户设置,但是实际项目中我们往往需要复杂一些的分页样式,例如下图所示的效果,上下翻页可用和不可用均用图标来替换。
1 , 查看项目分页组件,一般位于项目\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\widgets\LinkPager.php位置,
1)生成first prev next last四个链接 根据是否可点击(disabled)来加载不同的图片
<?php namespace yii\widgets; use Yii; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\base\Widget; use yii\data\Pagination; class tLinkPager extends LinkPager{ public $firstPageLabel= ‘<img src="/web/image/first.png">‘; public $lastPageLabel= ‘<img src="/web/image/last.png">‘; public $nextPageLabel= ‘<img src="/web/image/next.png">‘; public $prevPageLabel=‘<img src="/web/image/pre.png">‘; public $firstPageLabel1= ‘<img src="/web/image/first1.png">‘; public $lastPageLabel1= ‘<img src="/web/image/last1.png">‘; public $nextPageLabel1= ‘<img src="/web/image/next1.png">‘; public $prevPageLabel1=‘<img src="/web/image/pre1.png">‘; public $maxButtonCount = 5; public $options = [‘class‘ => ‘m_pagination‘]; /** * Renders the page buttons. * 生成按钮列表,用自定义图片进行替换 * @return string the rendering result */ protected function renderPageButtons() { $pageCount = $this->pagination->getPageCount(); if ($pageCount < 2 && $this->hideOnSinglePage) { return ‘‘; } $buttons = []; $currentPage = $this->pagination->getPage(); //生成first prev next last四个链接 根据是否可点击(disabled)来加载不同的图片 // first page if ($this->firstPageLabel !== false) { $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton(($currentPage <= 0)?$this->firstPageLabel1:$this->firstPageLabel, 0, $this->firstPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false); } // prev page if ($this->prevPageLabel !== false) { if (($page = $currentPage - 1) < 0) { $page = 0; } $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton(($currentPage <= 0)?$this->prevPageLabel1:$this->prevPageLabel, $page, $this->prevPageCssClass, $currentPage <= 0, false); } // internal pages list($beginPage, $endPage) = $this->getPageRange(); for ($i = $beginPage; $i <= $endPage; ++$i) { $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton($i + 1, $i, null, false, $i == $currentPage); } // next page if ($this->nextPageLabel !== false) { if (($page = $currentPage + 1) >= $pageCount - 1) { $page = $pageCount - 1; } $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton(($currentPage >= $pageCount - 1)?$this->nextPageLabel1:$this->nextPageLabel, $page, $this->nextPageCssClass, $currentPage >= $pageCount - 1, false); } // last page if ($this->lastPageLabel !== false) { $buttons[] = $this->renderPageButton(($currentPage >= $pageCount - 1)?$this->lastPageLabel1:$this->lastPageLabel, $pageCount - 1, $this->lastPageCssClass, $currentPage >= $pageCount - 1, false); } //添加文字 add by 16/10/24 //获取每页数量 $pagesize = $this->pagination->getPageSize(); $label=$currentPage*$pagesize."-".($currentPage+1)*$pagesize." "."共".$this->pagination->totalCount."条"; //添加总条数和当前显示条数label $buttons[]=Html::tag(‘li‘, Html::tag(‘span‘, $label)); return Html::tag(‘ul‘, implode("\n", $buttons), $this->options); } }
3 在视图中引用,首先在引用该组件 use yii\widgets\vodLinkPager;
其次使用时直接输出<?php echo vodLinkPager::widget([ ‘pagination‘ =>$pagination, ]);?>即可
4 listview 或girdview 如何引用 ,首先在引用该组件 use yii\widgets\vodLinkPager;
其次输出时添加选项‘pager‘=>[‘class‘=>vodLinkPager::className(),],即可 示例如下
<?php ListView::begin([ ‘dataProvider‘=>$dataProvider, ‘viewParams‘=>[‘clist‘=>$clist], ‘itemView‘=>‘vitem‘, ‘layout‘=>‘{items}<div class="t-m-pager">{pager}</div>‘, //添加下面这句即可 ‘pager‘=>[‘class‘=>vodLinkPager::className(),], ]); ListView::end(); ?>
5 部分CSS 如下:
.m_pagination{ display: inline-block; padding-left: 0; margin: 20px 0; border-radius: 4px; width: 100%; } .m_pagination li{ display: inline; } .m_pagination > li > a, .m_pagination > li > span { position: relative; margin-left: -1px; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #1d1d1d; text-decoration: none; background-color: #fff; } .m_pagination > li > a{ padding: 0px 5px; } .m_pagination > li.next a, .m_pagination > li.last a,.m_pagination > li.first a, .m_pagination > li.prev a{ padding: 0px; } .m_pagination > li.active a{ color: var(--niceblue); } .m_pagination > li:nth-last-child(1) span{ float: right; margin-right: 5px; font-size: 13px; position: absolute; right: 5px; } .t-m-pager { right: 0px; position: relative; text-align: center; color: var(--niceblue); }
标签:abs classname hud php tmp bak dpx vbo vdc