标签:list and call for div print column rename sort
1 data a; 2 input name $ a b ; 3 cards; 4 x 2 4 5 x 3 2 6 x 4 4 7 y 5 1 8 y 6 2 9 y 7 1 10 ; 11 run; 12 %macro transpose; 13 proc sql noprint ; 14 select count (distinct name) into:name_n from a; 15 select distinct name into: name_ separated by"|" from a; 16 quit; 17 %do i = 1 %to &name_n; 18 %let _name = %scan("&name_",&i,"|"); 19 proc sql noprint; 20 select count(a) into: na from a where name="&_name" ; 21 select name into:name_x from a where name="&_name"; 22 select a into: aa separated by "|" from a where name="&_name"; 23 select count(b) into: nb from a where name="&_name"; 24 select name into:name_x from a where name="&_name"; 25 select b into: bb separated by "|" from a where name="&_name"; 26 quit; 27 data tmp; 28 set a(drop=name); 29 run; 30 proc sql noprint; 31 select name into:varlist separated by "|" from dictionary.columns 32 where libname="WORK" and memname="TMP"; 33 quit; 34 data _null_ ; 35 nvar=count("&varlist","|")+1; 36 call symput("nvar",nvar); 37 run; 38 %do j=1 %to &nvar; 39 %let _var=%scan(%bquote(&varlist),&j,"|"); 40 data b&i.&j.(keep=name _name_ col: ); 41 name="&_name"; 42 _name_="&_var"; 43 array _a[&na] ; 44 array _b[&nb] ; 45 do i = 1 to &na; 46 _a[i]=scan("&aa",i,"|"); 47 end; 48 do j = 1 to &nb; 49 _b[j]=scan("&bb",j,"|"); 50 end; 51 %do p= 1 %to &&n&_var; 52 rename _&_var.&p=col&p; 53 %end; 54 proc sort nodupkey;by name col:; 55 run; 56 %end; 57 %end; 58 data wanted ; 59 set b:; 60 run; 61 %mend transpose; 62 %transpose
Just for fun.
标签:list and call for div print column rename sort