标签:站点 条件 测试自动化 ref div ext 文档 path htm
#coding=utf-8 import requests from lxml import etree from suds.client import Client import csv preSoa = r"" soaurl =requests.get(preSoa) detail_html = etree.HTML(soaurl.content) links =detail_html.xpath(ur"//a") hrefs = [preSoa +x.attrib["href"] for x in links if ".config" not in x.text and "bin" not in x.text and "Demo" not in x.text and ".asax" not in x.text ] svclinks =[] def getsvcurl(templink): tempsoaurlcontent = requests.get(templink).content temphtml = etree.HTML(tempsoaurlcontent) temphtmllink =temphtml.xpath(ur"//a/text()") svclink = [templink + x + "?singleWsdl" for x in temphtmllink if ".svc" in x] [svclinks.append(x) for x in svclink] [getsvcurl(x) for x in hrefs] getsvcurl(preSoa) print "svc count:{0}".format(len(svclinks)) client = Client(svclinks[0]) svcfuns =[] def dealsvcmethods(svclink): methods=[x[0] for x in Client(svclink).sd[0].ports[0][1]] [svcfuns.append({"funcname":x,"svc":svclink}) for x in methods] [dealsvcmethods(x) for x in svclinks] with open(ur"E:\主站soa2016-10-25.csv", ‘ab+‘) as csvfile : writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile,fieldnames = ["funcname","svc"]) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(svcfuns)
标签:站点 条件 测试自动化 ref div ext 文档 path htm