标签:pre property 创建表 plain 交互 location app load data comment
load、insert、update、delete、import/export、explain plan
1. 关于数据库
->创建数据库 CREATE (DATABASE|SCHEMA) [IF NOT EXISTS] database_name [COMMENT database_comment] [LOCATION hdfs_path] [WITH DBPROPERTIES (property_name=property_value, ...)]; ->使用某个数据库 USE DBname ->删除数据库 DROP (DATABASE|SCHEMA) [IF EXISTS] database_name [RESTRICT|CASCADE];
2. 关于表
->列出表 show tables; show tables ‘.*s‘; ->创建一张表 例: hive> create table if not exists student( > num int, > name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘; 指定数据库位置 create database if not exists db01 location ‘/locate‘; use db01; create table if not exists tb01( name string ) row format dilimited field terminated by ‘\t‘; dfs -ls /locate ->修改表 hive> ALTER TABLE student ADD COLUMNS (new_col INT); hive> ALTER TABLE student ADD COLUMNS (new_col2 INT COMMENT ‘a comment‘); hive> ALTER TABLE events RENAME TO 3koobecaf; ->加载数据 本地 ->load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/studen.txt‘ into table student; ->查询数据 select * from student; ->查看描述表 desc student; desc extends student; desc formatted student; ->删除表 drop table [if exists] student; ->清空表 truncate table student [PARTITION partition_spec];
3. 关于方法
->查看方法 show functions; ->查看方法描述 desc function upper; desc function extended upper; desc function formatted upper;
4. 更换log日志配置
conf下复制一份log4j 配置:hive.log.dir=/home/liuwl/opt/modules/hive-0.13.1-bin/logs 重启hive查看
5. 配置客户端Cli显示数据库名及表名
-->hive.cli.print.header--true -->hive.cli.print.current.db--true
6. hive的基本参数用法
--> bin/hive -help 或 bin/hive -H --> --database dbname # bin/hive --database hadoop09 --> -e "sql语句" # bin/hive -database hadoop09 -e "select * from student;" --> -f sqlfile # bin/hive -f sql.txt --> --hiveconf <property=value> Use value for given property --hivevar <key=value> Variable subsitution to apply to hive 启动时修改配置属性(临时性) 例: bin/hive --hiveconf hive.cli.print.current.db=false 或 hive>set hive.cli.print.current.db=true;
7. hive交互式命令操作
->quit/exit ->set key=value ->set ->! 访问本地文件系统 !ls / ->dfs 访问hdfs dfs -ls /
8. 创建表的三种方式
1> 普通创建 -> create tabele if not exists student( num int, name string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘; stored as textfile; load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/student.txt‘ into table student; 2> as select 子查询方式 -> create table if not exists t_student_1 as select name from t_student; 3> like 方式(仅复制表结构) -> create table if not exists t_student_2 like t_student;
9. 表的类型
创建一个新的数据库 create database if not exists workdb; use workdb; 创建职员表 create table if not exists emp( empno int, ename string, job string, mgr int, hiredate string, sal double, comm double, deptno int) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘; 创建部门表 create table if not exists dept( deptno int, dname string, loc string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘; 分别加载表数据 load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/emp.txt‘ [overwtite] into table emp; load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/dept.txt‘ [overwtite] into table dept; 外部表(External)举例:多个分析组(pv,uv)共同分析一张表出现的问题: -> hive不能多窗口登录使用mysql替换解决 -> 多个分析人员分以一张表 -> 方案1:采用链接已存在表,如下 create table if not exists empl( empno int, ename string, job string, hiredate string, sal double, comm double, deptno int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘ location ‘/user/hive/warehouse/workdb/emp‘; 出现的问题:当该分析人员使用完该表,将其删除,原来关联的元数据与真实表一并被删除 -> 方案2:采用建立外部表(EXTERNAL)f方式 create external table if not exists empl( empno int, ename string, job string, hiredate string, sal double, comm double, deptno int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘ location ‘/user/hive/warehouse/workdb/emp‘; 查看表类型:desc formatted empl; 进行删除测试,删除了该表的元数据,并没有删掉真实表,解决问题 分区表(Patitioned) 随着时间的增长,积累的分析文件也会增加,导致分析的表也会增多,如果都放在一个目录中 查询时或多或少影响执行效率,但如果根据时间或其他进行分区(单独建立分区),当我们指定 去分析某些表时并不是全表加载而是指定加载想要数据,执行效率也会很明显 创建分区表(示例) # date字段是逻辑的,虚拟的 -> create table if not exists emp_part( empno int, ename string, job string, hiredate string, sal double, comm double, deptno int ) partitioned by (date string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘ load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/emp.txt‘ into table emp_part partition (date = "20161027"); load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/emp.txt‘ into table emp_part partition (date = "20161028"); load data local inpath ‘/home/liuwl/opt/datas/emp.txt‘ into table emp_part partition (date = "20161029");
标签:pre property 创建表 plain 交互 location app load data comment