标签:exists ticker ext ble 分支 format value 技术 highlight
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists sensitop.equd_json_tmp ( retCode string, retMsg string, data array<struct< secID: string, tradeDate: date, ticker: string, secShortName: string, exchangeCD: string, preClosePrice: double, actPreClosePrice: double, openPrice: double, highestPrice: double, lowestPrice: double, closePrice: double, turnoverVol: double, turnoverValue: double, dealAmount: int, turnoverRate: double, accumAdjFactor: double, negMarketValue: double, marketValue: double, PE: double, PE1: double, PB: double, isOpen: int>>) ROW FORMAT SERDE ‘org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe‘ LOCATION ‘hdfs://hdfs1.wdp:8020/sensitop/finance/equd;
CREATE TABLE if not exists sensitop.equd_h( secID string, ticker string, secShortName string, exchangeCD string, tradeDate date, preClosePrice double, actPreClosePrice double, openPrice double, highestPrice double, lowestPrice double, closePrice double, turnoverVol double, turnoverValue double, dealAmount int, turnoverRate double, accumAdjFactor double, negMarketValue double, marketValue double, PE double, PE1 double, PB double, isOpen int) partitioned by (year string) ROW FORMAT SERDE ‘org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe‘
insert overwrite table sensitop.equd_h partition (year=‘2016‘) select b.dt.secID, b.dt.ticker, b.dt.secShortName, b.dt.exchangeCD, b.dt.tradeDate, b.dt.preClosePrice, b.dt.actPreClosePrice, b.dt.openPrice, b.dt.highestPrice, b.dt.lowestPrice, b.dt.closePrice, b.dt.turnoverVol, b.dt.turnoverValue, b.dt.dealAmount, b.dt.turnoverRate, b.dt.accumAdjFactor, b.dt.negMarketValue, b.dt.marketValue, b.dt.PE, b.dt.PE1, b.dt.PB, b.dt.isOpen from sensitop.equd_json_tmp LATERAL VIEW explode(equd_json_tmp.data) b AS dt where dt.tradedate >= ‘2016-01-01‘ and dt.tradedate <= ‘2016-12-31‘;
这里有二个分支,左边一个是每天20:00更新当年的partion; 右边一个是更新1990 到 2015 年的数据,而且只需要更新一次。
insert overwrite table sensitop.equd_h partition (year=‘${year}‘) select b.dt.secID, b.dt.ticker, b.dt.secShortName, b.dt.exchangeCD, b.dt.tradeDate, b.dt.preClosePrice, b.dt.actPreClosePrice, b.dt.openPrice, b.dt.highestPrice, b.dt.lowestPrice, b.dt.closePrice, b.dt.turnoverVol, b.dt.turnoverValue, b.dt.dealAmount, b.dt.turnoverRate, b.dt.accumAdjFactor, b.dt.negMarketValue, b.dt.marketValue, b.dt.PE, b.dt.PE1, b.dt.PB, b.dt.isOpen from sensitop.equd_json_tmp LATERAL VIEW explode(equd_json_tmp.data) b AS dt where dt.tradedate >= ‘${year}-01-01‘ and dt.tradedate <= ‘${year}-12-31‘
标签:exists ticker ext ble 分支 format value 技术 highlight