标签:man 1.0 ret inline 多个 lower tags 方法 线性
You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight.
We will ask you to perform the following operation:
In the first line there are two integers N and M.(N,M<=100000)
In the second line there are N integers.The ith integer denotes the weight of the ith node.
In the next N-1 lines,each line contains two integers u v,which describes an edge (u,v).
In the next M lines,each line contains three integers u v k,which means an operation asking for the kth minimum weight on the path from node u to node v.
For each operation,print its result.
8 5 105 2 9 3 8 5 7 7 1 2 1 3 1 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 4 8
2 5 1
2 5 2
2 5 3
2 5 4
7 8 2
Output: 2
题目链接:SPOJ 10628
即: $cnt_{u-v}=cnt[u]+cnt[v]-cnt[LCA(u,v)]-cnt[F_LCA(u,v)]$,但是这条式子却不是写起来这么简单,为了这个debug了一个早上,最后发现是传入的F_LCA有问题,试想我们的root是根据不同的左右孩子编号进行识别的,显然跟LCA的点没有关系,但father数组是根据点来映射父亲的,因此不能在递归的时候传原树中LCA的父亲,这样从第二层开始就是错的,应该用LCA的父亲所在的root编号进行传递,这样一来从头到尾用的都是主席树里的节点了…………,最后记得离散化回去,不然答案很奇怪
#include <stdio.h> #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define CLR(arr,val) memset(arr,val,sizeof(arr)) #define LC(x) (x<<1) #define RC(x) ((x<<1)+1) #define MID(x,y) ((x+y)>>1) typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef long long LL; const double PI=acos(-1.0); const int N=100010; struct edge { int to; int nxt; }; struct query { int to; int nxt; int id; }; struct info { int l,r,lca,k; }; struct seg { int lson,rson; int cnt; }; seg T[N*40]; info q[N]; query Q[N<<1]; edge E[N<<1]; int head[N],rhead[N],tot,rtot; int vis[N],pre[N],ances[N]; int order,arr[N],father[N],root[N],rt_cnt,n; vector<int>vec; void init() { CLR(head,-1); CLR(rhead,-1); tot=0; rtot=0; CLR(vis,0); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { pre[i]=i; T[i].cnt=T[i].lson=T[i].rson=0; } CLR(ances,0); CLR(father,0); order=0; CLR(root,0); rt_cnt=0; vec.clear(); } inline void add(int s,int t) { E[tot].to=t; E[tot].nxt=head[s]; head[s]=tot++; } inline void addQ(int s,int t,int id) { Q[rtot].id=id; Q[rtot].to=t; Q[rtot].nxt=rhead[s]; rhead[s]=rtot++; } int Find(int n) { if(pre[n]==n) return n; return pre[n]=Find(pre[n]); } void update(int &cur,int ori,int l,int r,int pos) { cur=++rt_cnt; T[cur]=T[ori]; ++T[cur].cnt; if(l==r) return ; int mid=MID(l,r); if(pos<=mid) update(T[cur].lson, T[ori].lson, l, mid, pos); else update(T[cur].rson, T[ori].rson, mid+1, r, pos); } int query(int U,int V,int LCA,int F_LCA,int l,int r,int k,int c) { if(l==r) return l; int mid=MID(l,r); int cnt=T[T[U].lson].cnt+T[T[V].lson].cnt-T[T[LCA].lson].cnt-T[T[F_LCA].lson].cnt; if(k<=cnt) return query(T[U].lson,T[V].lson,T[LCA].lson,T[F_LCA].lson,l,mid,k,c); else return query(T[U].rson,T[V].rson,T[LCA].rson,T[F_LCA].rson,mid+1,r,k-cnt,c); } void Tarjan(int u) { vis[u]=1; ances[u]=u; int i,v; for (i=head[u]; ~i; i = E[i].nxt) { v = E[i].to; if(!vis[v]) { Tarjan(v); pre[v]=u; ances[Find(u)]=u; } } for (i=rhead[u]; ~i; i = Q[i].nxt) { v = Q[i].to; if(vis[v]) q[Q[i].id].lca=ances[Find(v)]; } } void dfs_build(int u,int fa) { update(root[u],root[fa],1,n,arr[u]); father[u]=fa; for (int i=head[u]; ~i; i = E[i].nxt) { int v=E[i].to; if(v!=fa) dfs_build(v,u); } } int main(void) { int m,a,b,i; while (~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)) { init(); for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) { scanf("%d",&arr[i]); vec.push_back(arr[i]); } sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); vec.erase(unique(vec.begin(),vec.end()),vec.end()); for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) arr[i]=lower_bound(vec.begin(),vec.end(),arr[i])-vec.begin()+1; for (i=0; i<n-1; ++i) { scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); add(a,b); add(b,a); } for (i=0; i<m; ++i) { scanf("%d%d%d",&q[i].l,&q[i].r,&q[i].k); q[i].lca=0; addQ(q[i].l,q[i].r,i); addQ(q[i].r,q[i].l,i); } Tarjan(1); dfs_build(1,0); for (i=0; i<m; ++i) { int indx=query(root[q[i].l],root[q[i].r],root[q[i].lca],root[father[q[i].lca]],1,n,q[i].k,arr[q[i].lca]); printf("%d\n",vec[indx-1]);//vec里下标从是0开始的,而我把arr还是设为从1开始,因此要减一 } } return 0; }
SPOJ 10628 Count on a tree(Tarjan离线LCA+主席树求树上第K小)
标签:man 1.0 ret inline 多个 lower tags 方法 线性