标签:ini print blog 实例 init bsp self 运算 return
class Prograner(object):#定义一个类 print("1") def __init__(self,name,age):#构造函数 print("2") self.name=name if isinstance(age,int): self.age=age else: raise Exception("age must be int") def __eq__(self,other): print("3") if isinstance(other,Prograner): if self.age==other.age: return True else: raise Exception("the type of objact must be Prograne") def __add__(self, other): print("4") if isinstance (other,Prograner): return self.age+other.age else: raise Exception("The type fo object ") if __name__==‘__main__‘ print("hello") p1=Prograner("erfei",22)#实例化一个类 p2=Prograner("bill",30) print(p1==p2) print(p1+p2)
标签:ini print blog 实例 init bsp self 运算 return