标签:获取 alt stream cpp from 依赖 函数调用 check sign
这里,我们打算对虚幻4 中蓝图虚拟机的实现做一个大概的讲解,如果对其它的脚本语言的实现有比较清楚的认识,理解起来会容易很多,我们先会对相关术语进行一个简单的介绍,然后会对蓝图虚拟机的实现做一个讲解。
程序在执行之前需要一个专门的编译过程,把程序编译成 为机器语言的文件,运行时不需要重新翻译,直接使用编译的结果就行了。程序执行效率高,依赖编译器,跨平台性差些。如C、C++、Delphi等.
虚拟机最初由波佩克[a]与戈德堡定义为有效的、独立的真实机器的副本。当前包括跟任何真实机器无关的虚拟机。虚拟机根据它们的运用和与直接机器的相关性分为两大类。系统虚拟机(如VirtualBox)提供一个可以运行完整操作系统的完整系统平台。相反的,程序虚拟机(如Java JVM)为运行单个计算机程序设计,这意謂它支持单个进程。虚拟机的一个本质特点是运行在虚拟机上的软件被局限在虚拟机提供的资源里——它不能超出虚拟世界。
而这里我们主要关心的是程序虚拟机,VM既然被称为"机器",一般认为输入是满足某种指令集架构(instruction set architecture,ISA)的指令序列,中间转换为目标ISA的指令序列并加以执行,输出为程序的执行结果的,就是VM。源与目标ISA可以是同一种,这是所谓same-ISA VM。
a = b + c;
add a, b, c
那看起来就更像机器指令了,对吧?这种就是所谓"三地址指令"(3-address instruction),一般形式为:
op dest, src1, src2
a += b;
add a, b
op dest, src
它要支持二元操作,就只能把其中一个源同时也作为目标。上面的add a, b在执行过后,就会破坏a原有的值,而b的值保持不变。x86系列的处理器就是二地址形式的。
add 5
sub 3
C代码 收藏代码
acc += 5;
acc -= 3;
Java bytecode代码 收藏代码
零地址意味着源与目标都是隐含参数,其实现依赖于一种常见的数据结构——没错,就是栈。上面的iconst_1、iconst_2两条指令,分别向一个叫做"求值栈"(evaluation stack,也叫做operand stack"操作数栈"或者expression stack"表达式栈")的地方压入整型常量1、2。iadd指令则从求值栈顶弹出2个值,将值相加,然后把结果压回到栈顶。istore_0指令从求值栈顶弹出一个值,并将值保存到局部变量区的第一个位置(slot 0)。
零地址形式的指令集一般就是通过"基于栈的架构"来实现的。请一定要注意,这个栈是指"求值栈",而不是与系统调用栈(system call stack,或者就叫system stack)。千万别弄混了。有些虚拟机把求值栈实现在系统调用栈上,但两者概念上不是一个东西。
mov eax, 1
add eax, 2
1 // 2 3 // Evaluatable expression item types. 4 5 // 6 7 enum EExprToken 8 9 { 10 11 // Variable references. 12 13 EX_LocalVariable = 0x00, // A local variable. 14 15 EX_InstanceVariable = 0x01, // An object variable. 16 17 EX_DefaultVariable = 0x02, // Default variable for a class context. 18 19 // = 0x03, 20 21 EX_Return = 0x04, // Return from function. 22 23 // = 0x05, 24 25 EX_Jump = 0x06, // Goto a local address in code. 26 27 EX_JumpIfNot = 0x07, // Goto if not expression. 28 29 // = 0x08, 30 31 EX_Assert = 0x09, // Assertion. 32 33 // = 0x0A, 34 35 EX_Nothing = 0x0B, // No operation. 36 37 // = 0x0C, 38 39 // = 0x0D, 40 41 // = 0x0E, 42 43 EX_Let = 0x0F, // Assign an arbitrary size value to a variable. 44 45 // = 0x10, 46 47 // = 0x11, 48 49 EX_ClassContext = 0x12, // Class default object context. 50 51 EX_MetaCast = 0x13, // Metaclass cast. 52 53 EX_LetBool = 0x14, // Let boolean variable. 54 55 EX_EndParmValue = 0x15, // end of default value for optional function parameter 56 57 EX_EndFunctionParms = 0x16, // End of function call parameters. 58 59 EX_Self = 0x17, // Self object. 60 61 EX_Skip = 0x18, // Skippable expression. 62 63 EX_Context = 0x19, // Call a function through an object context. 64 65 EX_Context_FailSilent = 0x1A, // Call a function through an object context (can fail silently if the context is NULL; only generated for functions that don‘t have output or return values). 66 67 EX_VirtualFunction = 0x1B, // A function call with parameters. 68 69 EX_FinalFunction = 0x1C, // A prebound function call with parameters. 70 71 EX_IntConst = 0x1D, // Int constant. 72 73 EX_FloatConst = 0x1E, // Floating point constant. 74 75 EX_StringConst = 0x1F, // String constant. 76 77 EX_ObjectConst = 0x20, // An object constant. 78 79 EX_NameConst = 0x21, // A name constant. 80 81 EX_RotationConst = 0x22, // A rotation constant. 82 83 EX_VectorConst = 0x23, // A vector constant. 84 85 EX_ByteConst = 0x24, // A byte constant. 86 87 EX_IntZero = 0x25, // Zero. 88 89 EX_IntOne = 0x26, // One. 90 91 EX_True = 0x27, // Bool True. 92 93 EX_False = 0x28, // Bool False. 94 95 EX_TextConst = 0x29, // FText constant 96 97 EX_NoObject = 0x2A, // NoObject. 98 99 EX_TransformConst = 0x2B, // A transform constant 100 101 EX_IntConstByte = 0x2C, // Int constant that requires 1 byte. 102 103 EX_NoInterface = 0x2D, // A null interface (similar to EX_NoObject, but for interfaces) 104 105 EX_DynamicCast = 0x2E, // Safe dynamic class casting. 106 107 EX_StructConst = 0x2F, // An arbitrary UStruct constant 108 109 EX_EndStructConst = 0x30, // End of UStruct constant 110 111 EX_SetArray = 0x31, // Set the value of arbitrary array 112 113 EX_EndArray = 0x32, 114 115 // = 0x33, 116 117 EX_UnicodeStringConst = 0x34, // Unicode string constant. 118 119 EX_Int64Const = 0x35, // 64-bit integer constant. 120 121 EX_UInt64Const = 0x36, // 64-bit unsigned integer constant. 122 123 // = 0x37, 124 125 EX_PrimitiveCast = 0x38, // A casting operator for primitives which reads the type as the subsequent byte 126 127 // = 0x39, 128 129 // = 0x3A, 130 131 // = 0x3B, 132 133 // = 0x3C, 134 135 // = 0x3D, 136 137 // = 0x3E, 138 139 // = 0x3F, 140 141 // = 0x40, 142 143 // = 0x41, 144 145 EX_StructMemberContext = 0x42, // Context expression to address a property within a struct 146 147 EX_LetMulticastDelegate = 0x43, // Assignment to a multi-cast delegate 148 149 EX_LetDelegate = 0x44, // Assignment to a delegate 150 151 // = 0x45, 152 153 // = 0x46, // CST_ObjectToInterface 154 155 // = 0x47, // CST_ObjectToBool 156 157 EX_LocalOutVariable = 0x48, // local out (pass by reference) function parameter 158 159 // = 0x49, // CST_InterfaceToBool 160 161 EX_DeprecatedOp4A = 0x4A, 162 163 EX_InstanceDelegate = 0x4B, // const reference to a delegate or normal function object 164 165 EX_PushExecutionFlow = 0x4C, // push an address on to the execution flow stack for future execution when a EX_PopExecutionFlow is executed. Execution continues on normally and doesn‘t change to the pushed address. 166 167 EX_PopExecutionFlow = 0x4D, // continue execution at the last address previously pushed onto the execution flow stack. 168 169 EX_ComputedJump = 0x4E, // Goto a local address in code, specified by an integer value. 170 171 EX_PopExecutionFlowIfNot = 0x4F, // continue execution at the last address previously pushed onto the execution flow stack, if the condition is not true. 172 173 EX_Breakpoint = 0x50, // Breakpoint. Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing. 174 175 EX_InterfaceContext = 0x51, // Call a function through a native interface variable 176 177 EX_ObjToInterfaceCast = 0x52, // Converting an object reference to native interface variable 178 179 EX_EndOfScript = 0x53, // Last byte in script code 180 181 EX_CrossInterfaceCast = 0x54, // Converting an interface variable reference to native interface variable 182 183 EX_InterfaceToObjCast = 0x55, // Converting an interface variable reference to an object 184 185 // = 0x56, 186 187 // = 0x57, 188 189 // = 0x58, 190 191 // = 0x59, 192 193 EX_WireTracepoint = 0x5A, // Trace point. Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing. 194 195 EX_SkipOffsetConst = 0x5B, // A CodeSizeSkipOffset constant 196 197 EX_AddMulticastDelegate = 0x5C, // Adds a delegate to a multicast delegate‘s targets 198 199 EX_ClearMulticastDelegate = 0x5D, // Clears all delegates in a multicast target 200 201 EX_Tracepoint = 0x5E, // Trace point. Only observed in the editor, otherwise it behaves like EX_Nothing. 202 203 EX_LetObj = 0x5F, // assign to any object ref pointer 204 205 EX_LetWeakObjPtr = 0x60, // assign to a weak object pointer 206 207 EX_BindDelegate = 0x61, // bind object and name to delegate 208 209 EX_RemoveMulticastDelegate = 0x62, // Remove a delegate from a multicast delegate‘s targets 210 211 EX_CallMulticastDelegate = 0x63, // Call multicast delegate 212 213 EX_LetValueOnPersistentFrame = 0x64, 214 215 EX_ArrayConst = 0x65, 216 217 EX_EndArrayConst = 0x66, 218 219 EX_AssetConst = 0x67, 220 221 EX_CallMath = 0x68, // static pure function from on local call space 222 223 EX_SwitchValue = 0x69, 224 225 EX_InstrumentationEvent = 0x6A, // Instrumentation event 226 227 EX_ArrayGetByRef = 0x6B, 228 229 EX_Max = 0x100, 230 231 };
1 // Variables. 2 3 UFunction* Node; 4 5 UObject* Object; 6 7 uint8* Code; 8 9 uint8* Locals; 10 11 12 13 UProperty* MostRecentProperty; 14 15 uint8* MostRecentPropertyAddress; 16 17 18 19 /** The execution flow stack for compiled Kismet code */ 20 21 FlowStackType FlowStack; 22 23 24 25 /** Previous frame on the stack */ 26 27 FFrame* PreviousFrame; 28 29 30 31 /** contains information on any out parameters */ 32 33 FOutParmRec* OutParms; 34 35 36 37 /** If a class is compiled in then this is set to the property chain for compiled-in functions. In that case, we follow the links to setup the args instead of executing by code. */ 38 39 UField* PropertyChainForCompiledIn; 40 41 42 43 /** Currently executed native function */ 44 45 UFunction* CurrentNativeFunction; 46 47 48 49 bool bArrayContextFailed;
1 uint8 * SaveCode = Stack.Code; 2 3 // Call function 4 5 …. 6 7 Stack.Code = SaveCode
1 // Functions. 2 3 COREUOBJECT_API void Step( UObject* Context, RESULT_DECL ); 4 5 6 7 /** Replacement for Step that uses an explicitly specified property to unpack arguments **/ 8 9 COREUOBJECT_API void StepExplicitProperty(void*const Result, UProperty* Property); 10 11 12 13 /** Replacement for Step that checks the for byte code, and if none exists, then PropertyChainForCompiledIn is used. Also, makes an effort to verify that the params are in the correct order and the types are compatible. **/ 14 15 template<class TProperty> 16 17 FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE void StepCompiledIn(void*const Result); 18 19 20 21 /** Replacement for Step that checks the for byte code, and if none exists, then PropertyChainForCompiledIn is used. Also, makes an effort to verify that the params are in the correct order and the types are compatible. **/ 22 23 template<class TProperty, typename TNativeType> 24 25 FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE TNativeType& StepCompiledInRef(void*const TemporaryBuffer); 26 27 28 29 COREUOBJECT_API virtual void Serialize( const TCHAR* V, ELogVerbosity::Type Verbosity, const class FName& Category ) override; 30 31 32 33 COREUOBJECT_API static void KismetExecutionMessage(const TCHAR* Message, ELogVerbosity::Type Verbosity, FName WarningId = FName()); 34 35 36 37 /** Returns the current script op code */ 38 39 const uint8 PeekCode() const { return *Code; } 40 41 42 43 /** Skips over the number of op codes specified by NumOps */ 44 45 void SkipCode(const int32 NumOps) { Code += NumOps; } 46 47 48 49 template<typename TNumericType> 50 51 TNumericType ReadInt(); 52 53 float ReadFloat(); 54 55 FName ReadName(); 56 57 UObject* ReadObject(); 58 59 int32 ReadWord(); 60 61 UProperty* ReadProperty(); 62 63 64 65 /** May return null */ 66 67 UProperty* ReadPropertyUnchecked(); 68 69 70 71 /** 72 73 * Reads a value from the bytestream, which represents the number of bytes to advance 74 75 * the code pointer for certain expressions. 76 77 * 78 79 * @param ExpressionField receives a pointer to the field representing the expression; used by various execs 80 81 * to drive VM logic 82 83 */ 84 85 CodeSkipSizeType ReadCodeSkipCount(); 86 87 88 89 /** 90 91 * Reads a value from the bytestream which represents the number of bytes that should be zero‘d out if a NULL context 92 93 * is encountered 94 95 * 96 97 * @param ExpressionField receives a pointer to the field representing the expression; used by various execs 98 99 * to drive VM logic 100 101 */ 102 103 VariableSizeType ReadVariableSize(UProperty** ExpressionField);
1 void FFrame::Step(UObject *Context, RESULT_DECL) 2 3 { 4 5 int32 B = *Code++; 6 7 (Context->*GNatives[B])(*this,RESULT_PARAM); 8 9 }
1 /** The type of a native function callable by script */ 2 3 typedef void (UObject::*Native)( FFrame& TheStack, RESULT_DECL ); 4 5 Native GCasts[]; 6 7 Native GNatives[EX_Max];
1 #define IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION(cls,func) 2 3 static FNativeFunctionRegistrar cls##func##Registar(cls::StaticClass(),#func,(Native)&cls::func); 4 5 6 7 #define IMPLEMENT_CAST_FUNCTION(cls, CastIndex, func) 8 9 IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION(cls, func); 10 11 static uint8 cls##func##CastTemp = GRegisterCast( CastIndex, (Native)&cls::func ); 12 13 14 15 #define IMPLEMENT_VM_FUNCTION(BytecodeIndex, func) 16 17 IMPLEMENT_FUNCTION(UObject, func) 18 19 static uint8 UObject##func##BytecodeTemp = GRegisterNative( BytecodeIndex, (Native)&UObject::func );
1 UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "AReflectionStudyGameMode") 2 3 void ImplementableFuncTest(); 4 5 6 7 void AReflectionStudyGameMode::ImplementableFuncTest() 8 9 { 10 11 ProcessEvent(FindFunctionChecked(REFLECTIONSTUDY_ImplementableFuncTest),NULL); 12 13 }
1 UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AReflectionStudyGameMode") 2 3 void CallableFuncTest(); 4 5 6 7 DECLARE_FUNCTION(execCallableFuncTest) 8 9 { 10 11 P_FINISH; 12 13 P_NATIVE_BEGIN; 14 15 this->CallableFuncTest(); 16 17 P_NATIVE_END; 18 19 }
标签:获取 alt stream cpp from 依赖 函数调用 check sign