标签:utf-8 编码 ram after utf-8 run pie 编码 can highlight
1 #_*_ coding: utf-8 _*_ #表示的是在脚本中使用unicode utf-8 编码 2 print ("hello world!") 3 print ("hello again") 4 print ("this is fun") 5 print ("yay! printing") 6 print ("i‘d much rather you ‘not‘") 7 print (‘i "said" do not touch this.‘)
1 """# A comment,this is so you can read your program later 2 # anything after the # is ignored by python 3 4 print ("i could have code like this.") # and the commment after is ignored""" 5 6 # you can also use a comment to "disable" or comment out a piece od code: 7 #print "this won‘t run" 8 9 print ("this will run") 10 print ("hi # here")
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 """print ("i will now count chickens:") 3 4 print ("hens",25+30/6) 5 print ("roosters",100-25*3%4) 6 7 print ("now i will count the eggs:") 8 9 print (3+2+1-5+4%-1/4+6) 10 11 print ("is it true that 3+2<5-7?") 12 13 print (3 + 2 < 5 - 7) 14 15 print ("what is 3 + 2?", 3+2) 16 17 print ("what is 5 - 7?",5-7) 18 19 print ("oh,that‘s why it‘s false") 20 21 print ("how about some more.") 22 23 print ("is it great?", 5 > -2) 24 print ("is it greater or equal?" ,5 >= -2) 25 print ("IS it less or equal ?", 5 <= -2)"""
标签:utf-8 编码 ram after utf-8 run pie 编码 can highlight