标签:des style blog http color os io 文件
模块sound 文件buffer.h -- 声音资源缓存
/** * PAP Engine ( -- ) * $Id buffer.h * @link -- for the canonical source repository * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( viticm@126.com ) * @license * @user viticm<viticm@126.com/viticm.ti@gmail.com> * @date 2014-3-19 20:14:03 * @uses vengine sound buffer class */ #ifndef VENGINE_SOUND_BUFFER_H_ #define VENGINE_SOUND_BUFFER_H_ #include "vengine/config.h" namespace vengine_sound { class VENGINE_API Buffer { public: virtual bool read_wavbuffer(const STRING& name) = 0; //从文件中读取buffer virtual void release() = 0; //释放 virtual int32_t get_reference() const = 0; //获得引用资源 }; }; //namespace vengine_sound #endif //VENGINE_SOUND_BUFFER_H_
模块sound 文件source.h --声音资源类
/** * PAP Engine ( -- ) * $Id source.h * @link -- for the canonical source repository * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( viticm@126.com ) * @license * @user viticm<viticm@126.com/viticm.ti@gmail.com> * @date 2014-3-20 11:41:14 * @uses vengine sound source class */ #ifndef VENGINE_SOUND_SOURCE_H_ #define VENGINE_SOUND_SOURCE_H_ #include "vengine/config.h" #include "vengine/sound/buffer.h" #include "vengine/math/base.h" namespace vengine_sound { class VENGINE_API Source { public: typedef enum { kTypeBackground, //背景音乐 kTypeSkill, //技能 kTypeEnvironment, //环境音乐 kTypeUI //UI特效 } type_enum; public: virtual int32_t getid() const = 0; //播放中不立即生效,需要stop后重新play virtual void setbuffer(Buffer* buffer) = 0; virtual Buffer* getbuffer() = 0; //循环播放 virtual void setlooping(bool flag) = 0; virtual bool islooping() const = 0; virtual void play() = 0; virtual void stop() = 0; virtual bool isplaying() const = 0; virtual bool isstoped() const = 0; virtual void setposition( const vengine_math::base::threefloat_vector_t& position) = 0; virtual const vengine_math::base::threefloat_vector_t& getposition() = 0; virtual void updatevolume() = 0; }; }; //namespace vengine_sound #endif //VENGINE_SOUND_SOURCE_H_
模块sound 文件system.h
/** * PAP Engine ( -- ) * $Id system.h * @link -- for the canonical source repository * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( viticm@126.com ) * @license * @user viticm<viticm@126.com/viticm.ti@gmail.com> * @date 2014-3-20 15:03:13 * @uses vengine sound system module */ #ifndef VENGINE_SOUND_SYSTEM_H_ #define VENGINE_SOUND_SYSTEM_H_ #include "vengine/config.h" #include "vengine/kernel/node.h" #include "vengine/sound/buffer.h" #include "vengine/sound/source.h" namespace vengine_sound { //外提供的声音播放接口,返回声音源HANDLE typedef int32_t (__stdcall* function_play) (const char* soundfile, float* position, bool loop); //外提供声音的停止接口 typedef void (__stdcall* function_stop)(int32_t id); class VENGINE_API System : public vengine_kernel::Node { VENGINE_KERNEL_DECLARE_DYNAMIC(vengine_sound_System); public: virtual Buffer* createbuffer(int32_t id) = 0; //创建一个声音资源 virtual Buffer* createbuffer(const char* filename) = 0; //创建一个声音资源 //创建/删除播放源 //3D模式 - 音量会随着位置变化 //自动删除模式 - 只播放一遍,然后自动释放 virtual Source* createsource(Source::type_enum type, bool is3d, bool autodestroy) = 0; virtual Source* createsource(Source::type_enum type, bool is3d, bool autodestroy, Source** reference) = 0; virtual void destroysource(Source* source) = 0; virtual void destroysource(int32_t id) = 0; virtual void play_UIsound(int32_t id) = 0; //收听者 virtual void set_listenerposition( vengine_math::base::threefloat_vector_t& position) = 0; virtual vengine_math::base::threefloat_vector_t& get_listenerposition() = 0; virtual function_play get_playfunction() = 0; virtual function_stop get_stopfunction() = 0; }; }; //namespace vengine_sound #endif //VENGINE_SOUND_SYSTEM_H_
MMORGP大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part11 of vegine),布布扣,bubuko.com
MMORGP大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part11 of vegine)
标签:des style blog http color os io 文件